

The Research and Actualization of Soft-Switch Network Expansion for Henan Mobile Communication

【作者】 卢绍端

【导师】 朱其亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国移动通信网络规模的不断扩大和通信技术的不断成熟,我国的移动通信用户发展极为迅速,国内通信市场的竞争也越来越激烈。人们已经把需求从简单的话音业务逐步提升到了快速、多样、可视等多媒体业务。以现有TDM组网的移动通信技术已经不适应业务的飞速发展和市场需要,而以软交换为代表的新通信技术逐步成为移动通信运营商新的网络建设目标。本文在对软交换网络背景进行分析的基础上,结合河南移动通信软交换网的实际应用情况,提出了河南软交换网络扩容的建设方案,给出了具体的设计与实现。论文研究的内容主要包括:1.软交换技术在移动通信GSM网络的应用分析;2.给出在现有网络基础上软交换扩容的实施方案,并进行分析;3.给出河南移动软交换网络的总体设计、整体框架、软硬件结构;4.提出河南移动软交换网络的扩容建设方案和具体实施措施。目前该系统已经在河南移动通信公司中得到正式的商业应用,截至2006年8月,河南软交换网络已经投产,服务河南的移动用户已达到1960万,系统运行稳定、可靠,在为河南移动带来利润的同时,也产生了巨大的社会效益。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of mobile telecom network and the progress of the mobile technology, the quantity of mobile phone users in our country has rised very rapidly, and the competition in the telecom market has becomed more and more intense. Offering high-quality service for users and meeting their various kinds of need have becomed the important task of telecom companies. The elder Mobile telecom technology based on TDM in existence hasn’t met these requirements, and Soft-Switch - representation of the new telecom technology is becoming the new choice of Mobile telecom operator.This thesis analyses the background of which the Soft-Switch network comes into being, and offers visualized design and practice in combination with the practical situation of Henan mobile network. The contents are as following:1.Analyzing how to apply the Soft-Switch Technology to Mobile Telecom of GSM Network;2.Drafting how to realize the platform expansion plan of the Soft-Switch network on the existent network, and indicating its advantages and disadvantages.3.Discussing how to design the Soft-Switch network in Henan Mobile as a whole and how to build up its software and hardware structure.4.Analyzing the platform expansion plan of the Soft-Switch network service operated by Henan Mobile, and giving the method to realize the communications between two task modules.At present, the Soft-Switch network service has been formally applied on business in Henan. Till March 2006, the quantity of the Soft-Switch network consumer has reached 8.6 million. Owing to its stability and reliability, the Soft-Switch network system not only makes benefits for the service provider, but also creates great social effect.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【下载频次】54