

Research and Practice of Cooperative Learning in Guiding the Chemistry Revision for Senior High Students

【作者】 韦湘

【导师】 苏桂发; 钱哨;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 面对经济全球化,市场国际化的大趋势,国际竞争日趋激烈。但科学技术的迅速发展,促使时代需要合作,社会更需要合作。在学习过程中引入合作,便是培养学生合作意识的切入点之一。合作学习作为一种新的教学理念,是近十几年来最有效的教学策略,在国外尤其是美国、加拿大、以色列等国家被广泛应用,也是目前我国新课程改革所倡导的教学策略之一。近年来国内在化学学科的合作学习研究,大都是探讨在新授课中合作学习的活动设计、实施策略及合作学习策略对培养学生的化学素养及合作能力的作用,较少涉及合作学习在化学高考总复习中的应用。参加高考是目前我国绝大多数高中生升入高一级学校的唯一途径,高考成绩的高低牵动全国上下亿万父母的心,如何提高复习效率,提升学生考试成绩,这是所有高三教师的工作重点。但在我国,相当多的教师依然使用“老师讲,学生听”的“满堂灌”的传统复习方式,大搞“题海”战术,通过大量的模拟考试来强化学生对知识的掌握。现实说明这些教法已不能适应新课程改革形势下的考试要求,寻找新的复习方式势在必行。笔者在本课题研究中,希望在中外合作学习理论的指导下,从化学作为一门以实验为基础的自然学科的基本特点出发,探讨出一套有效的合作学习复习模式,达到既能提高学生复习效果又有较好的可操作性的研究目的。本论文分为三大部分。第一部分为合作学习的概述。主要阐述知名学者对合作学习的界定、合作学习的基本特点和基本要素、合作学习倡导的教学理念、各种学习方法和理论基础以及国内外研究合作学习的历史和现状。结合本学科合作学习的研究现状,笔者提出了自己的研究课题。论文的第二部分着重介绍课题研究的具体实施过程。本着对合作学习要进行分层次研究与实验的原则,在前人研究的基础上,笔者自2005年9月起,选取广西壮族自治区河池宜州市一中2003级高三169、173两个班为样本,做等组对比实验,探讨互助―合作模式、建构―合作模式、自主―合作―探究模式在高中化学总复习中的具体实施。实验分为培养、训练、实施三个步骤。培养和训练阶段主要是在策略真正实施前的课堂教学中进行。在这两个阶段中,笔者有意识地向学生介绍有关合作学习的基本内容、方法和合作技巧,阐明合作学习的重要性;有计划地从合作学习的角度设计各类问题,让学生分组讨论,培养学生的问题意识和参与意识,初步树立合作学习的理念,为下一步实施小组合作学习打下良好的基础。在运用互助―合作模式、建构―合作模式、自主―合作―探究模式进行高中化学总复习的具体实施过程中,笔者通过三个具体案例介绍了这三个复习模式所适用的学科学习内容,操作流程及注意事项,同时采用调查法、观察法、实验研究法、行动研究法,分析实施过程中出现的问题并探究了解决的策略。本人认为,一个有效的合作学习课堂,需要特别关注学生对合作技巧的掌握程度、教师对合作规则的合理应用和活动过程的合理设计与调控等方面的问题。论文的第三部分总结了上述三个复习模式的应用对高中化学总复习所起的作用。通过实践研究和利用SPSS软件科学分析表明,合作学习复习模式能够促进学生知识和能力的自主建构,大面积提高学生的学业成绩,同时培养了学生的合作意识,提高了学生的心理素质,尤其在改善学生的复习环境,减缓学习焦虑方面有良好的促进作用。但笔者在实验过程中发现,现行的评价体系和考试制度下,合作学习复习模式不适宜化学学科的全部内容的复习。如某些基本概念和基本理论部分,内容抽象,采用合作复习方式复习耗时多,效果不够理想。由此可见,在新课程改革形势下如何采用合适的教学策略进行教学活动,还有很多内容需要教育工作者继续探讨。

【Abstract】 Under the great trend of economic globalization and market integration, the international competition is increasingly intensifying. In this era, cooperation is urgently needed especially with the rapid development of science and technology. For the students, the method of cooperative learning will be one of the ways to cultivate their cooperation awareness during their study process.As a new teaching concept , cooperative learning is one of the most effective methods in teaching .It has been widely used in many countries ,such as United States, Canada and Israel ,etc ,which is also one of the teaching methods recommended in the new curriculum reform in China. In recent years, most researches on cooperative learning in and out China have focused on the activities concerned and the strategies of implementation as well as its effect on cultivating students’cooperative learning awareness . Few of them involved the application of cooperative learning to guide the revision of chemistry for senior high school students.Taking part in the college entrance examination is the only way for most students to further study .To this extent, the students’performance in the exam has become the major concern for parents. Under this situation, how to improve the efficiency of revision and evaluate students’academic performance is the focus for the teachers in senior high school. However, in China, a large proportion of teachers still take the traditional ways to aid the students’revision, among which are sheer listening to the teachers in class without any interaction and taking numerous model tests before the exam .These methods are turned out to be out-dated and new ones are urgently needed.Based on the characteristics of chemistry, under the guidance of theories concerning cooperative learning inside and outside China, I hope to find an effective and practical method to help the students make preparation for the college entrance exam on this research. The theory is divided into three parts. The first part is the summary of cooperative learning, covering the definition of it raised by the authorized scholars, its characteristics and components, all kinds of learning strategies and their theoretical bases as well as the history and current situation of cooperative learning. Combining these findings with the present of chemistry, I came to set the topic of my research.The second part lays emphasis on the implementation of the research. Complying with the principles of research and experiment, based on the prior researches, I took two classes in the first middle school in Yi Zhou, (a city in GungXi province) as samples to do the comparative experiment. I implemented three modes in it, such as the mutual help---cooperation mode, construction-cooperation mode, and independence ---cooperation---learning mode. These modes aim to help the students review the chemistry course.The experiment was taken in three steps: cultivation, training and implementation. The first two steps were mainly carried out in teaching sessions before implementing. In these two stages, I introduced the major contents and strategies concerned of cooperative learning and classify the importance of this method. Meanwhile, I designed questions in light of cooperative learning for the students to discuss in groups, which enable them to cultivate awareness to question and interact.In implementing the three modes mentioned, I gave the students clear idea of the scope to apply these models to revision and the ways to use them as well as the dos and dons during operation. Meanwhile, I analyzed the problems existing in practice and studied the solutions by a series of methods, such as research, observation, experiment and action research .To effectively apply the method of cooperative learning to the classes, I believed teachers should pay close attention to the students’ability to master the skills concerned .What is more, teachers are supposed to set clear procedures for the practice, design and control the concerning activities properly.The third part is a conclusion of the effect on students’revision for chemistry by applying the three modes mentioned above. The experiment and the scientific analysis made by the SPSS software showed that the revision modes in cooperative learning can help the students setting a framework for their knowledge and can greatly enhance their academic performance. Besides, it can also cultivate students’cooperative awareness and elevate their ability to cope with stress.By doing the research, I found that the modes of cooperative learning can not be applied to the revision of all the discipline under the prevailing evaluation system and exam regulations. For example, some basic concepts and theories in a certain discipline are too abstract to be revised by the modes of cooperative leaning. It will cost a lot of time if doing so and it may not live up to expectation.In conclusion, under the current situation of curriculum reform, there are still much more for the teachers to improve in finding the proper strategies to aid the teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】6
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