

Design and Implementation of IVR Sub-System of Call Center for China Net Communication

【作者】 席庆圣

【导师】 朱其亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和时代的进步,对于用户不断增加的业务需求和各种业务变化,电信运营商为了适应发展并且提高市场竞争力和客户忠诚度,必须充分利用各种新型服务手段构建基于CTI(ComputerTelephone Integration)技术的“以客户为中心”的客户服务系统,呼叫中心(Call Center)能够比较好地达到此效果和目的,并且能带动传统业务的发展。随着移动通信和计算机技术的发展,客服呼叫中心己由第一代电话阶段发展到第二阶段CTI阶段,目前正向第三代Internet阶段发展,实现这样发展趋势的技术手段层出不穷。本论文在结合中国网通五省一市10060及国际分公司呼叫中心系统升级改造项目的基础上,讨论了客服呼叫中心系统的技术研究和IVR子系统的设计方案。对客户呼叫中心系统实现的技术进行了分析和研究,重点研究了IVR交互式语音应答子系统的软件结构,并设计实现了IVR自动语音应答的子系统,主要包括IVR与CTI通信的原理、IVR与应用系统的接口设计、IVR与计费系统的通讯及接口设计、后台DB2数据库的设计及实现;在介绍整个IVR子系统结构及原理的基础上,从“以客户为中心”客服系统的业务需求中,细分出IVR子系统的业务需求,设计了IVR业务流程,包括Application应用组件、State Table业务流程脚本、Prompt语音提示、Voice Table语音表、Voice Segment语音片断以及各个接口部分的功能,并对系统测试的结果作了一些原因分析,以及对故障作了分析研究并提出了相应的解决方案,本论文还试图从IVR子系统的角度阐述整个呼叫中心的设计和实现,指出了呼叫中心的关键技术,并对以后的研究工作进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 As the times progress and society advances, in a bid for higher competitiveness and enhancement of customer loyalty, the telecom operators must take full advantages of all kinds of new service means to set up Call Center centers around customers based on the CTI (Computer Telephone Integration) technique to meet the needs of increasing business requirements and changing business, Call Center can quite satisfied with the purpose and aim, and can boost the traditional business.With the development of mobile communication and computer technology, Call Center has convert to the stage of CTI from the first stage of telephone, and now being coming into third stage of internet, all kinds of techniques followed fast to realize this trends.So in this thesis author discusses Call Center and related technologies, design and realize the IVR subsystem based on the renovation project of Call Center for China Net Communication. This paper focus on the research of architecture of IVR(Interactive Voice Response) subsystem, mainly including the communication between CTI and IVR, the interface between IVR and application system, the communication interface between IVR and billing system and background DB2 database. On the base of introducing architecture and principle of IVR, fractionize the IVR business requirements from the whole demands of Call Center, design the IVR business flow, including application, state table, prompt, voice table, voice segment and the function of each interface, and also give some reason to the test result and analysis the causes, and put forward corresponding solutions.These papers also attempts to expound the whole architecture of CC and point out the key technology, the further research problems are also discussed in the end of this thesis.

【关键词】 客服中心自动语音应答计算机电信集成数据库客户关系管理
【Key words】 Call CenterIVRCTIDB2CRM
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】230