

Research of Service-Oriented Modeling Method and Its Application in Finance Auditing System

【作者】 彭兰茜

【导师】 张雷;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了解决财务稽核系统建设过程中出现的系统耦合紧密、数据共享困难、功能模块重复严重、系统移植性和维护性较差等问题,本文引入面向服务的体系结构(SOA)对系统进行重新设计和改造。本文首先介绍财务稽核系统的情况,详细阐述了系统存在的、亟待解决的问题,这是研究的目的。然后介绍面向服务体系结构的概念、特点、构成技术等,并详细说明SOA中关键的概念“服务”,包括服务的组成、分类和设计原则,这是本文研究的理论依据。接着讨论了面向服务的分析和设计过程,借鉴面向对象的UML建模方法,提出一套基于SOA面向服务的建模方法,用于指导系统的建模。这是本文的重点论述内容和研究成果。在此方法的指导下,对财务稽核系统进行建模,分析和设计出财务稽核系统需要的服务及服务的操作,并从灵活性、扩展性等方面对目前的财务稽核系统与基于SOA的财务稽核系统进行比较,解决了之前出现的紧密耦合、数据共享方面的问题。最后使用Web Services技术实现了财务稽核系统中的关键服务,并用C#开发的应用程序模拟异构系统对服务进行调用,验证了服务的可重用性,以及开发新应用时的高效性、灵活性。本文提出的基于SOA面向服务的建模方法是中立的,独立于软硬件平台、操作系统等,可用在任何需要采用SOA来建设的系统中,对系统所需服务的分析和设计提供指导。

【Abstract】 In order to resolve problems such as tight-coupling, redundancy and so on, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and related technologies are brought in to address these problems and to improve Finance Auditing System.Firstly, we discuss the background and urgent problems existed in Finance Auditing System. Secondly, the concept, characters and related technologies are introduced, and the important concept "service" is explained in detail. Then, UML modeling method is borrowed to form the new service modeling method which can be used in analysis and design of software systems. After being reconstructed using the service modeling method, the Finance Auditing System will become more flexible and extensible. Lastly, the key services of Finance Auditing System are implemented using Web Services technologies, and be tested by application using C# programming language, which means problems of communications between heterogeneous systems are resolved.The new service modeling method is neutral which implied that the method is platform and OS (Operation System) independence and can be applied to any software systems.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】187