The Design and Implementation of Billing Subsystem in Softswitch System
【作者】 高燕;
【导师】 杨放春;
【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 下一代网络是业务驱动型网络,这意味着相比于现有的固网、智能网、移动网这几种网络驱动型网络来讲,人们对下一代网的业务提供能力提出了更高的要求,那就是提供更丰富,更加人性化的多媒体业务。与此相适应,电信网的运营支撑网络也要满足这种需求,尤其是针对丰富业务类型的计费,否则众多的新业务将难以满足运营要求。为了满足下一代网络的运营要求,电信计费系统需要全面支持现有网络的计费方式和接口,保证对现有网络的无缝接入。之后计费系统除了支持按照时长、流量等传统计费方式外,还要针对多媒体业务的特点提供更加丰富的计费方式,同时考虑Qos、业务种类、内容等计费因素。同时,针对业务驱动的特点,计费系统还要能够快速适应业务的变化,并适应业务个性化的趋势。下一代网络能够定制业务,所以计费系统也要能够定制,即围绕业务的变化改变计费模式,使之能够快速的适应新业务的计费。同时能够按照用户的要求进行账单的定制等更加人性化的功能要求。总而言之下一代网络的计费系统需要提供方便快捷的定制能力,定制过程要更加透明,功能要更加人性化。为了能高效地提供多媒体业务,UniNetSSC软交换系统提出了一套新的呼叫控制模型。在这一新的呼叫控制模型基础之上,同时参考了3GPP相关规范中IMS计费系统的架构,融合了Parlay API中的Charging、MMCC/MPCC/GCC CSF中关于计费的接口,借鉴了智能网和传统交换机中计费功能的实现,本文构建了一个满足下一代网络计费需求的计费系统。该系统的意义在于:1.真正支持对多方多媒体业务的灵活计费。新的呼叫控制模型中,呼叫方之间没有任何捆绑关系,彼此独立,所以本系统能够精确到对呼叫中的任一方及任一媒体进行计费,这尤其对多方多媒体呼叫类业务有意义。2.借鉴IMS计费系统架构,支持呼叫相关/无关类业务及实时/非实时计费,有较好的扩展性。随着下一代网络的宽带化,数据类业务及融合类业务成为热门。本计费系统依据IMS相关规范,提供了对非呼叫类业务的计费能力,方便本软交换系统日后提供非呼叫类业务,不必进行二次开发。在新的计费模型基础之上,本文完成了软交换系统中计费采集模块的设计与实现。
【Abstract】 NGN is a service driven newtork. Compared with PSTN, IN and PLMN which are driven by network, NGN is used to meet the further demand for multimedia service. Therefore, the operation support system of telecom network needs evolution too,especially the billing system. Otherwise enjoy all kinds of multimedia service can not be operated in real network.Billing system in NGN has to meet more requirements. First of all,it must be compatible forward with existing billing systems in real network.Secondly,it needs to charge multimedia service,which is charged not only by time,volume,but also by Qos,content,service type and so on. Last it needs to evoluate with the speed of the service. In NGN,service can be customized,so is billing system. That is to say,billing system must charge new services as quickly as it can. Besides, customers can customize their bill. In a word,the billing system in NGN needs to react more quickly,more transparently,more flexiblely.In this paper,a billing system in NGN is degined basing on a new call control model in our system,so as to support multimedia service efficiently. This billing system refers to IMS charging architecture,Charging/MMCC/MPCC/GCC CSF in Parlay API and billing function in IN&PSTN.As mentioned before, the points of this billing system lay as follows:1. Charge multiparty and multimedia service flexibly. In the new call control model,there are no binding relationships between call parties and they are independent. So billing system can bill for any party and media. It makes sense for multiparty and multimedia service.2. It can be extended easily to support data service. In NGN,data and integrated services are the key services. According to IMS charging architecture,this billing system has designed interfaces for data service charging,so there is no need for developing again when our system supports data service in the future.Basing on new call control model,this paper design and complete a new billing subsystem of Softswitch system.
【Key words】 NGN; Softswitch; Billing System; IMS; Parlay Charging API;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 北京邮电大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
- 【分类号】TP274.2;TP311.52
- 【下载频次】85