

【作者】 李卫伟

【导师】 刘畅;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 企业管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息系统的不断发展,应用需求日益增多,涉及的领域越来越广,信息系统的复杂性也变得越来越高。而构造一个可维护的、可伸缩的和可扩展的应用系统,在业务管理和技术实现上的复杂度就更高了,这使得设计技术与实现技术显得至关重要。应用系统的发展极为迅速,系统经常需要维护和扩展,否则就要面临过时和被淘汰的危险。如果没有仔细规划并设计系统,那么当面对新的需求时,系统将很难升级。如果把设计技术与实现技术很好的结合,则能建立一个具有稳定性、可重用性、可扩展性和可维护性的系统,并且减小设计人员与开发人员之间沟通的难度。本文在对信息系统开发方式进行深入研究后,通过对目前各种J2EE框架组件的比较,在Web层选择Struts,在持久层选择Hibernate,提出了集二者优势的通用企业应用框架GEAF,描述了GEAF的层次关系及实现机制。J2EE所提供的技术和业务的实际需求之间还存在巨大的语义差距。要缩小这个差距,就要对J2EE和具体应用领域系统的合理体系结构有一个清晰的理解。UML可以把J2EE的技术与实际业务需求连接起来。UML是软件的蓝图语言,它能以可视化、具体化和结构化的方式描述复杂系统的主要元素,使设计技术与代码达到一致。本文分析了目前大多数软件开发中存在的问题,如设计与编码分离,开发人员和设计人员不能很好的沟通,系统经过长时间的维护和扩展后代码和设计不一致等。针对这些问题,提出利用UML建模工具在J2EE系统框架下加入一致的设计模式,并生成系统程序代码框架。研究了面向对象的设计方法(OOD)和统一建模语言UML,分析了UML的设计建模与代码生成过程。最后,通过一个应用实例给出面向J2EE架构的UML的设计实现过程,说明UML和J2EE架构的结合是一种可行的、高效的设计开发方法。

【Abstract】 With the development of information system, more and more applications are required. The fields that it involved in are becoming broader,and the higher complexity of information system is incurred. But the complexity of the business management and the technical realization are higher to construct an application system which is reusable, flexible and expansible. This causes the technology of design and realization appears vital. The development of application system is extremely rapid, the system needs to maintain and expand frequently. Otherwise, it will be face with obsolete and danger which is eliminated . If we don’t plan and design the system carefully, when in front of new demand, the system will be difficult to promote.If we can unite the design technology with realization technology very well. It will establish one system which is stable, reusable, extensible and maintainable. And reduce the difficulty of communication which is between designers and programmers. With the high-speed developing of information and comparing each kind of components of present J2EE framework ,the paper choose Struts for the web layer and Hibernate for the lasting layer to design and realize the General Enterprise Application Framework which unify the advantages of them, and describe the relations of the layers and realization in GEAF.It has huge semantic disparity between technical and actual demand of business which provides in J2EE.If we want to surmount this disparity, we must has one basic and clear understanding to J2EE and the reasonable architecture of concrete application domain system. UML may help to connect technology of J2EE with demand of business. UML is blueprint language of software. it can describe the principal element of complex system by visual, concrete, structural, and enable the design technology to achieve consistently with the code.The paper analyse the present majority problems which are in software exploitation,for example,the separation of design and code, designers and programmers can not communicate very well each other,the code and the design is not consistent after maintaining and enpanding in the long time and so on. Aim at these,the paper uses modelling tool of UML to join consistent design pattern into J2EE framework and generate system procedure code framework. Researching OOD and UML,analyzing the progress that set up designing model of UML and generate code. Finally,using an example to show designing and realizing progress of which is facing to framework of J2EE,explain the unite of UML and J2EE framework is a feasibility and high- efficiently designing method.

【关键词】 通用企业应用框架J2EEUMLStrutsHibernate
【Key words】 General Enterprise Application FrameworkJ2EEUMLStrutsHibernate
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】216