

【作者】 王墨竹

【导师】 林清高;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 保险利益一词,译自英文“insurable interest”,自18世纪此概念的出现至今约有二百多年的历史,已形成了一套完备的理论。保险利益是保险法中的重要内容,我国保险法律制度正处于发展阶段,对保险利益的研究还不够深入,在立法和实务中势必存在许多问题。本文从四个方面详细论述保险利益。第一部分是保险利益问题的概述,主要论述了保险利益的产生、法理基础、构成要件、以及确立保险利益原则的意义,以期从总体上把握保险利益的基本问题。第二部分从四个方面对财产保险利益进行了论述,首先界定了财产保险利益的概念,其次,在我国《保险法》未对财产保险利益的内容明确规定的情形下,将该部分重点落脚于对财产保险利益的具体认定,以深入理解财产保险利益;再次,探讨了财产保险利益的归属原则,认为财产保险利益应当归属于被保险人,而不是投保人;最后阐述了财产保险利益的时间效力,从而更深入地把握财产保险利益。第三部分从四个方面对人身保险利益进行了论述,首先界定了人身保险利益的概念,这部分重点阐述了人身保险利益的认定以及具体的范围,认为我国《保险法》第53条对于人身保险利益的规定还有很大的不足,最后论述了人身保险利益的时间效力,以期更全面地理解人身保险利益。第四部分指出了我国保险法的不足并对其修改做出了如下建议:建议重新界定《保险法》第12条对保险利益的规定;建议明确保险利益的主体,财产保险利益的主体应当归属于被保险人,而人身保险利益的主体应当归属于受益人;建议修改人身保险利益的范围;建议区别人身保险利益和财产保险利益的时间效力,并对其分别作出不同的规定。

【Abstract】 The word insurable interest is from English, having a history of two hundred years since it appeared in the eighteenth century, which has formed a complete theory and is an important content in insurance law. The insurance legal system in our country is at developing stage, being far from having a thorough study on insurable interest, there exist a lot of problems on legislation and practice. Four parts of this paper are given to make a careful study on insurable interest.The first part is a general study on insurable interest, to define the essence and gist of insurable interest, this part mainly discusses the beginning , base,composition,significance of insurable interest.The second part analyze insurable interest in property insurance .Firstly I depicture the concept of insurable interest in property insurance ;secondly, because the insurance law of China does not define the concept of insurable interest in property insurance specificly,I stress the specific substance of insurance interest in property. Thirdly, I suggest that the interest in property insurance should belong to people in insured not the policy holder. At last, I descript the prescription of insurable interest in property insurance, in hope of making a sense of it more deeply.The third part analyze insurable interest in personal insurance .Firstly I depicture the concept of insurable interest in personal insurance; this part emphasis the concept and scope of insurable interest in personal insurance, I hold that there are many deficiencies in insurance law of China. At last, I descript the prescription of insurable interest in personal insurance, in hope of apprehending insurable interest in personal insurance comprehensively.The forth part points out the deficiencies in insurance law of China and brings forth the improvements as fellows: Redefining the concept of insurable interest in insurance law of China; suggesting that the interest in property insurance should belong to people in insured not the policy holder; altening the scope of insurable interest in personal insurance; differentiating the prescription of property insurance and personal insurance.

  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【下载频次】274