

【作者】 张会

【导师】 王玉霞;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 西方经济学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 中国加入WTO后,外资银行进入我国金融市场的速度不断加快,与中资银行的竞争与合作已全方位的展开。外资银行进入是开放型经济的产物,是不可逆转的历史大趋势。外资银行进入中国是一把“双刃剑”,它给中资银行和银行管理部门带来机遇的同时也带来了挑战。一方面有利于中资银行从外资银行那里学习到先进的管理经验和成功做法,进一步强化自身的管理以及风险控制能力,有利于促进我国金融市场的发展和完善,也有利于中国银行业走向世界。另一方面大量的外资进入后使中国银行业面临严峻的挑战和巨大的冲击,在中资银行存在大量不良资产和资本金严重不足的情况下,使中资银行面临巨大的竞争压力,同时使我国的银行体系稳健性受到严重挑战。本文在金融深化理论与金融结构与发展理论的框架下分析了外资银行最近几年在我国银行业的发展状况。采用理论联系实际的研究方法,注意紧密结合当前中国的现实情况,同时又结合国际银行业发展的最新动态。在思路上采用宏观与微观,一般与特殊相结合的方法,运用经济学、金融学的有关原理分析了外资银行进入对我国的银行业市场正、负效应,且本文尝试从金融监管这个全新的角度分析了负效应。其中采用风险——收益模型分析了替代效应。然后针对负效应提出了相关解决的对策:加强对外资银行的监管,加快出台《外资银行法》,在宏观政策上加快推进我国的利率市场化,最后达到提高我国商业银行核心竞争力的目的。这对确保我国银行业安全稳健运行,甚至对国家经济安全、政治稳定、社会安定都具有十分重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Foreign banks business has been developing swiftly in our financial market after China joined the WTO. The entry of foreign banks results from open economy and it is an irreversible historic tendency. That entry is a rapier. On the positive, firstly it would develop and improve Chinese financial market, secondly it would improve the management and administration, and thirdly it would improve the management and administration of Chinese banking. On the negative side, it would challenge and strike Chinese banking seriously. The huge bad assets and the poor capital funds in Chinese banks would not only weaken their competition abilities but also harm their system safeties.This article analyzes the development of foreign banks in China in the frame of the finance deepening theory and the finance developing theory. Through the integration of theory with practice, this article takes notice not only the reality in China but the new tendency of banks internationalizing, adopts the combination of general and special, experts some theories correlated to economics and finance .On the train of thought, this article analyzes the positive and passive effects of foreign bank entry and its reason, at the same time, points out the methods of promoting core competition of Chinese banks: we should enhance the supervision and control of foreign banks ,and expedite the implement of <the law of foreign banks>,quicken the advancement of the market interest rate by macroscopic policy which is meaningful not only to the stable running of banking system but also to the economy safety, politics and society stability.

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】233