

Comments on Works of Modern Drama from "Novel Monthly Report" (1921-1930)

【作者】 张晶婧

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《小说月报》作为第一个十年里长期占据重要地位与巨大影响力的文学杂志,其刊物自身的重要地位决定了其戏剧部分在相应的戏剧史上的重要地位。以往的文学史和戏剧史都忽略了《小说月报》中戏剧的重要价值,本文通过对《小说月报》的翻译剧作和原创剧作的详细解析,并通过《小说月报》中的原创剧作与《中国新文学大系·戏剧集》(赵家璧主编以后简称《大系》)、《独幕剧选》的比较,研究《小说月报》戏剧的重要价值。本文分四章,第一章对《小说月报》的翻译剧作从主题到艺术做详细的研究,分析翻译剧作对于原创剧作的影响。第二章对《小说月报》的原创剧作做主题到艺术的详细研究,分析其独有的价值。第三章以《中国新文学大系》和《独幕剧选》为比较的框架,分析《小说月报》的原创剧作的独特价值。第四章综评原创剧作,研究对于翻译剧作的借鉴和缺失,并分析二十年代剧坛的一些独特现象。《小说月报》的翻译剧作从主题上的社会压迫、家庭矛盾、人性批判、道德歌颂、女性自觉、婚姻自由等等方面,到艺术手法上的多样性,都给本土剧作打开了广阔的视野,其剖析的广度与深度为本土话剧从草创到今天都提供了很好的模式。但以往的戏剧史中忽略了对《小说月报》翻译剧作的详细研究。《小说月报》中的原创剧作在主题上从封建世俗的讽刺到战争的批判,从家庭腐朽的揭露,女性自强的歌颂,到男女婚姻观念的差异呈现,从人性道德的批判,到正义友善的正面教育,主题很大程度上补充了以往话剧史对于二十年代中国戏剧文学的介绍。艺术手法上,直接吸收译作中的各种手法,呈现多样化。如隐含叙述声音的运用,叙述时间的界限超越,怪诞手法的吸收,童话剧的开创等等。而这些以往的话剧史则有所忽略。《大系》整体而言承续五四“揭露”“反抗”的主旨,剧本围绕女性反抗,战争批判,道德讽刺,家庭矛盾等等展开,写作手法呈现一定的单一性,艺术上缺少灵活多变。《独幕剧选》从文学史的角度紧扣历史脉搏,作品切合时代的主题,与《大系》相比反映角度更加广阔,写作手法有一定的成就,但与《小说月报》相比,更侧重于从现实苦难入手取材。《小说月报》的原创剧作与《大系》和《独幕剧选》相比较而言,视野更加开阔,艺术手法更加灵活。如对于浪漫手法的运用,对于语言形式的变化(如歌谣),对于主题开掘的深度(如信仰、理念)等等。从原创剧作综合来看,原创剧作在多面探索中发展,在自我批判中前进。其揭示的时代主题,反映的剧作理念,呈现的艺术手法,塑造的写作模式,都成为百年中国话剧发展源泉。但综合原创剧作与《小说月报》的翻译剧作比较,从主题的深广度到艺术的多样化,本土剧作都有一定的差距,如翻译剧作提到了从生命哲学的高度将人文精神复现出来,而本土剧作忽略了这一点;翻译剧作从人性批判的角度剖析社会问题的深层内涵,而本土剧作将矛头指向社会。这跟时代思潮有关,跟剧作家自身的艺术能力有关。综合研究《小说月报》的戏剧,对于补充认识二十年代的戏剧文学有着重要的意义。

【Abstract】 "Novel Monthly report" is the dominant literature magazine in the first ten years,whose own important status decides its modern drama part’s huge influence in modern drama history. Its translation works make direct influence on original writing. "Novel Monthly report" threads up the most primitive materials.It presents the most candid existence and records the most real historical process.To review the "Novel Monthly report"drama works by the background of "the history",to find its unique value that the literature history has neglected,are my job.The translation dramatic works on "Novel Monthly report" gave the native dramatic work a broad vision from the subjects including social oppression、the domestic dispute、the human nature critique、the moral question、the female question、the freedom of marriage and so on, to the artistic technique in multiplicity、the breadth and depth of its analysis provided a good pattern for the original modern drama.But there are some mistakes because of the demand of native researchers.For example,the translation dramatic works mentioned the philosophy of life and the human spirit, the native place dramatic works has neglected this point."Novel Monthly report"’s original dramatic works has a more broad vision and more flexible art.For example,the romance and the subject digging,etc. "Greatly Is" and "One-act play Elects" both are results of value choice under the idea of restructuring and retreating. The subject of "Greatly Is" just revolves the female question、the war criticism、the moral satire、the domestic dispute and so on. There is little flexible in art. "One-act play Elects" thread up the historical pulse from the history of literature angle,esp the realistic misery. Its artistic technique has certain achievement. Comparing with these two papers,studying the differences between them ,we will find something new about the origin of modern drama, which has the vital significance regarding today’s modern drama research in the modern drama 100 years.Compared to translation dramatic works, from the depth and breadth of subjects to the diversification of art, the original dramatic works have certain disparity.This is related with the time and writers’ability. The original dramatic works develop in multi- surface exploration, going forward in the self-criticism. It promulgates the time subject.It reflects the dramatic work idea. It presents the artistic technique and molds the writing pattern.The first ten years’original modern drama provides the fountain-head for Chinese modern drama development in the passed one hundred years.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
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