

New Pathway for Preparation of Aripiprazole

【作者】 Morris F. Hiji

【导师】 袁其朋; Zheng Guojun;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 制药工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 阿立哌唑是一种新型高选择性非典型抗精神病药物,为突触后膜多巴胺受体拮抗剂和脑内DA能前膜自身受体激动剂。本论文以廉价的肉桂酸和2,3-二氯苯胺为原料对一种合成阿立哌唑的新方法进行了研究。论文重点研究了一种苯基哌嗪合成的新方法。2,3-二氯苯胺的硫酸盐与浓硫酸和NaNO2反应生成芳基重氮盐,经碘化钾取代得芳基碘化物,收率81%;该化合物在CuI的催化,脯氨酸做配体,二甲基亚砜为溶剂,K2CO3为缚酸剂的条件下,与哌嗪反应生成2,3-二氯苯基哌嗪,收率20%。该方法简单,原料易得,条件温和,产物容易分离。肉桂酸首先转化成肉桂酰氯,经胺解,Friedel-Crafts环合及氢化得到中间体7-羟基-3,4-二氢-2-(1H)-喹诺酮,收率37.36%。7-羟基-3,4-二氢-2-(1H)-喹诺酮(喹啉酮化合物)转化成7-(4-氯丁氧基)-3,4-二氢-2-(1H)-喹诺酮,收率79%,然后再与苯基哌嗪化合物偶合生成最终产物,收率72.5%。本文经7步反应合成了阿立哌唑,以肉桂酸计总收率为21.40%,产物经1HNMR确认。

【Abstract】 Aripiprazole is the latest atypical antipsychotic drug that possesses both,post-synaptic dopamine receptor antagonist and dopamine auto-receptoragonist. By having dual activity, it can treat schizophrenia with fewestside-effects.The new pathway for the synthesis of aripiprazole from cheap raw materials,cinnamic acid and 2,3-dichloroaniline is presented.Cinnamic acid was first converted to acid chloride, followed by aminolysis,Friedel-Crafts cyclization and hydrogenation to form the first key intermediate,carbostyril compound with overall yield of 37.36%.The hydrogen sulphate salt of 2,3-dichloroaniline was converted to thecorresponding Aryl Iodide in good yield of 81% by reacting with conc. H2SO4and NaNO2 to form intermediate diazonium salt, which was further displacedby KI. 2,3-dichlorophenylpiperazine(phenylpiperazine compound), the 2nd keyintermediate, was obtained by reacting Aryl Iodide and piperazine in thepresence of CuI as catalyst, proline as ligand, K2CO3 as base and dimethylsulfoxide as solvent with yield of 20%. The method is simple, utilizes cheapcatalyst and ligand, insensitive to moisture, and it is easy to separate theproduct. 7-hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-2-(1H)-quinolinone (carbostyril compound) wasconverted into 7-(4-chlorobutoxy)-3,4-dihydro-2-(1H)-quinolinone with theyield of 79% and then coupled with phenylpiperazine compound to form finalproduct with yield of 72.5%. The overall yield from cinnamic acid was21.40% and the analytical test and physical properties were correct. Most ofmaterial, reagents and condition applied are simple, easy and cheap; severalsteps can undergo large-scale production.

  • 【分类号】TQ463.53
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