

The Study of Taxology and Ecology of Sub-aerial Blue-green Algae on Lava of Aershan

【作者】 吕林海

【导师】 肖洪兴;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 植物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了内蒙古阿尔山火山熔岩基质上亚气生蓝藻的种类组成,并对亚气生蓝藻的种类组成特征与相关生态因子的关系进行了初步的探讨。对东北师范大学生命科学学院标本馆馆存的106号采自内蒙古阿尔山火山熔岩台地上的亚气生蓝藻进行鉴定和对相关采集记录分析后,共鉴定出蓝藻植物50种,隶属于6科15个属。目前国内学者对内蒙古亚气生蓝藻的分类及生态研究较少,因此这一课题有其特殊的理论价值和应用前景,为进一步探讨亚气生藻类在陆地生态系统中的详细功能提供了本底资料。本文在对这一课题的研究过程中,阐明了阿尔山以火山熔岩为基质的陆地生态系统中亚气生蓝藻的种类组成,并编制了阿尔山火山熔岩台地上亚气生蓝藻的分类检索表。同时,通过比较所鉴定各属的频度,本文分析了阿尔山亚气生蓝藻种类的组成特征与其陆地生态系统中相关生态因子的关系,在进一步比较几种蓝藻的频度后,推测在阿尔山以火山熔岩为基质的陆地生态系统中普通念珠藻和小真枝藻对恶劣环境的适应能力强于其它蓝藻,可以尝试利用它们在积累有机质、涵养水分等方面的生态作用,在火山熔岩的拓殖中,将其作为先锋植物。

【Abstract】 In this paper we studied the species composition of sub-aerial blue-green algae on lava of Aershan, and the relations between ecological factors and species compositionwere also discussed and analyzed.gathering and recording and analyzing the 106 pieces of sub-aerial blue-green algae on lava of Aershan,which belongs to Sample hall of the school of life , Northeast normal university. The result shows that there are 50 species on lava of Aershan, which belong to 6 families, 15 genera.The study of taxology and ecology of sub-aerial blue-green algae of Neimenggu was comparatively deficient in the past. As a result, my research will supply datatostudy the particular function of sub-aerial blue-green in terrestrial ecosystem.Inthispaper the species composition of sub-aerial blue-green algae on lava was researched,an index on sub-aerial blue-green algae was compiled. In addition, the relations between species composition and ecological factors were also discussed and analyzed. After a detailed compare of frequencies of several species, it is discovered that Nostoc commune and Stigonema minutum have more excellent characteristics than the others to grow on lava of Aershan. They enhance the water-holding power of soil and are good sources of organic matter, therefore we can reach the conclusion that Nostoc commune and Stigonema minutum can be considered as a pioneer in the improvement of lava.

  • 【分类号】Q949;Q948
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】87