

Study on Spatial Development Pattern of Urbanization in Changchun

【作者】 王国志

【导师】 李诚固;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,随着全国性城市化进程的加速,长春市的经济社会得到了快速的发展,到2004年城市人口已达到270余万人,其中中心城区达到250万人。使长春市真正成为了区域性的中心大城市。根据有关专家的分析,长春市已进入到从中心聚集转向扩散的城市化阶段,促使城市区域化进程不断加快。但同时,不可避免的交通拥挤、用地紧张、水资源短缺、生态环境质量下降等“大城市病”日益严重以及“三农”问题长期难以缓解。且随着社会经济的发展,城市建设和非农产业的发展势必要继续占用大量农业用地,如若集中在中心城市郊区,则不仅会加剧中心城市已有的问题,而且还会对郊区的生态造成更大的危害;若随意自由发展,则很可能出现乱占农田,用地低效,破环当地生态平衡,甚至会出现重复建设,建设与城市发展需要相冲突等诸多问题。根据国内外其他城市发展的实践证明,“大城市病”等问题的解决,必须拓展适应城市化进程的城市发展空间,依托周围区域,通过城市的产业与功能扩散,疏解中心城市的人口与经济、建筑密度,与城市化的空间过程相协调。本文以城市与区域整合角度以社会—经济—生态和谐发展为目标,利用区域经济学、产业经济学、城市地理学等相关学科的理论,从城乡相互作用、统筹发展的整体层面上,研究分析长春市的城市化空间发展趋势,寻找有效调控城市化空间发展方向和保障体系,在解决建成区现有问题的同时,防止建成区盲目外扩和非农产业自由发展将造成的问题。本文主要由以下四部分组成:第一部分:阐述城市化空间发展的基础理论,对城市化及城市化空间发展格局等相关概念进行界定,作为具体分析长春市的城市化空间发展的理论基础。第二部分:分析长春市的城市化空间发展的历史过程,对长春市城市化空间发展过程进行阶段划分,分析每个阶段城市化空间发展的背景、特征与变化方式等。第三部分:研究长春市城市化空间发展现状格局的特征和问题,为进一步提出调控的对策打下研究基础。第四部分:探讨长春市城市化空间发展演变趋势的调控实践。从长春市城市化空间发展演变的背景以及影响因素入手,提出长春市城市化空间发展趋势的调控方案及保障措施。

【Abstract】 From the opening and reformation in China, going with the urbanization deepen around the state, the society and economy developed fast in urban area of Changchun. Up to the end of 2004, the population in Changchun reached 2,700,000, and the number increased 2,500,000, which has made Changchun into a metropolitan in region. According to analyses from several experts, Changchun has accessed to the stage the urbanization turning into diffusion from concentration, which made regional urbanization develop fast. But, at the same time, such as“traffic jam”,”lack of water and land”,“decline of environment”and so on, the unsolved problems in metropolitan are still spreading, while the problems in rural area are more troublesome. With the society and economy developing, more farmland will have to be used for urban construction and other industries. If this happened in disorder around the urban area, there may be many consequences such as misuse of land, low efficiency of land use and ecology balance destroyed, etc. The worse is the contradiction between constructions and urban developing requires would be intensified.Based manifestation of other cities’practice at civil or abroad, to solve the problems in metropolitan, it has to spread urban developing space and depends on the area around the central metropolitan to evacuate the high density of population and economic activities in the CBD, especially through the diffusion of function and industries of urban, which coordinates the space variation of urbanization. This paper mainly aims at concordant development on“society-economy-ecology”in the direction of integrating urban with region. Based on the theories of urban geography, region economics and industrial economics, the paper analyzed the trend of urbanization in Changchun district in the field of reaction and integration between urban area and rural area, in order to find out an effective system to guarantee coordinating the space development in the urbanization, which may solve the problems exiting in the urban, also protect it far from problems resulted from urban spreading or developing in disorder.The paper is made up of 4 parts below:Part 1, expounds the basic theories on space development of urbanization, defines the urbanization, space patterns in urban area and so on, as the foundation for analyzing the space developing during the urbanization in Changchun district.Part 2, analyzes the historical process of space developing in Changchun’s urbanization, and divides the process into several stages, and analyzes the background, feature and variation of space development for each stage.Part 3, studies the feature and problems in the actuality of space development in the urbanization in order to put forward a countermeasure for coordination.Part 4, discusses the coordinating practice in the trend of space developing in Changchun’s urbanization. From the background and actors on the space development of urbanization in Changchun district, the author points out a program for coordinating and some measures for guarantee.

  • 【分类号】F299.27
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】318