

Optimization of Large City Morphology

【作者】 陈春林

【导师】 修春亮;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 长春作为吉林省首位型城市在经历了数十年的城市蔓延发展过程后,形成了典型的“摊大饼”式的城市格局。这使得商业、办公、行政、交通等城市职能过于集中于市中心,而外围县域基本上还是农业县,其经济发展规模之小与中心城市形成了鲜明的对比。长春市没有很好地发挥出带动外围地域城镇发展的作用,大量的资金、项目、人力仍涌向中心市,其中不乏存在政策上的导向等主观因素。随着城市范围内的不断扩张,产业、人口的不断集聚,必然导致城市环境的不断恶化,交通拥挤状况日益突出等大城市问题,而国外的城市形态模式也并不是一成不变,多样化的模式给了中国的大城市以一定的启迪。那么如何处理好核心与外围,集聚与分散的关系;优化大城市结构;加强大城市与外围地域互动以及如何带动长春市周边县域经济发展将是本文探讨的重点。基于此,本文综合运用城市地理学、经济地理学、区域经济地理学和社会学等相关学科的理论和方法,对长春市这一具体地域的空间形态发展演变过程及其存在的问题进行探讨。本论文主要由三部分组成:第一部分,明确城市形态的概念和内涵及研究的理论基础,对国内外城市形态理论与发展模式进行梳理,以便为长春市的空间形态提供借鉴。第二部分,介绍长春市城市空间形态演变过程,并以长春市为例总结我国大城市形态的特征和问题及其导致诸多问题的原因。第三部分,通过上述分析给出优化长春市城市形态的途径。

【Abstract】 As the primate city of Ji Lin Province, Changchun has experienced city spreading development process after some dozens of years, now has formed the typical city pattern“spreading out the big cake”. It makes the city function, such as commerce, handle official business, administration, traffic and so on, too much being assembled in the center of the city, but the periphery county area is the basically argricultural county, the economical development scale of which is too small, forming a sharp contrast to the key city. Changchun has not displayed the function of leading the periphery region, cities and towns well, and the massive funds, items as well as manpower are pouring into the key city. There are no lack of some subjective factors, such as the guidance of the policy and so on. Along with the city scope unceasing expanding and gathering of industry as well as the manpower, it will inevitably causes some large city problems, such as the worsening environment and prominent of the traffic block day by day, but the overseas city morphology pattern is certainly not invariable also, meanwhile the diverse pattern has given certain inspirations to the large cities in china. In that way, how to deal with the relationship between core and periphery, gathering and dispersing, and how to optimize the large city structure, strengthen the interaction between the large city and periphery region as well as how to lead the development of Changchun’s surrounding county area will be the key points of this thesis.Based on this, this thesis synthetically uses some theories and methods of relative subjects, such as urban geography, economic geography, reginal economic geography , social geography and so on, furthermore, this paper has also discussed the evolution process of Changchun’s concrete regional spatial morphology, and the problem of it.This thesis is mainly composed by three parts:The first part, make the concept and connotation of city morphology as well as the theory foundation of the research clear and put in order the domestic and external city morphology theory and development pattern.The second part, introduce the urban spatial morphology evolution process of Changchun, take Changchun for example to summarize the characteristic and problems of our country’s large city morphology as well as the reasons which lead to this.The third part, give the methods of optimizing the Changchun’s city morphology through anylysing.

【关键词】 城市形态核心与外围长春
【Key words】 City MorghologyCore and PeripheryChangchun
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】223