

The Research for Perfecting National Industrial Accident Insurance Management

【作者】 魏东

【导师】 刘彤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年4月27日国务院颁布了《工伤保险条例》,并于2004年1月1日起付诸施行。由于我国《工伤保险条例》的实施刚刚开始,迫切需要解决的主要问题之一是建立和完善相应的管理制度。本文是对工伤保险的基本原则、《工伤保险条例》主要内容和我国工伤保险发展历程陈述,剖析我国工伤保险存在的不足,进而对我国完善工伤保险制度展开了讨论。全文由三个部分组成。作为完善我国工伤保险管理研究的起点,论文第一章归纳和介绍了我国工伤的基本原则与主要内容。基本原则包括八个方面:与社会主义初级阶段生产力发展水平相适应的原则;倡导社会主义道德风尚的原则;切实维护和保障劳动者的基本权益的原则;中央确定基本政策与地方制定具体政策相互衔接的原则;权利与义务相对应的原则;无责任补偿的原则;以支定收,收支平衡的原则;新老制度和政策平稳过渡的原则。主要内容可归纳为四个方面:工伤保险制度的适用范围与认定工伤的范围;工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定与待遇保障;制度管理、监督管理与操作管理:行政人与行政相对人的责任。第二章研究了我国工伤保险发展的过程和现状,分析研究了目前我国工伤保险存在的问题:一是从覆盖面范围上看,中国的工伤保险覆盖面较窄;二是从费率机制上看,企业浮动费率机制不够完善,使得工伤保险对安全生产的促进作用还未充分发挥出来;三是从职业康复和工伤预防上看,中国现行的工伤保险制度只偏重于待遇的处理在工伤预防、职业康复上面投入很少在工伤保险基金收支及管理需完善制度;四是在工伤保险基金收支及管理需完善制度。第三章论述了为了尽快完善我国工伤保险制度,保护劳动者的合法权益,促进经济发展和社会进步,借鉴国外工伤保险成功经验,笔者提出了相应的解决办法。

【Abstract】 Insurance Rules of Industrial Accident was issued by State Department on Apr. 27, 2003, and it was put in force on Jan. 1, 2004. Since the rules has just been put in force, so one of problems should be urgently resolved is to establish and consummate the corresponding administration rules. This thesis states the basic principle of industrial accident insurance, the mostly contents and the developing course of Chinese industrial accident insurance; and it analyzes the deficiency of Chinese industrial accident insurance and debates how to consummate the insurance.The thesis contains three parts.As the jumping-off point of industrial accident insurance study, the first part of the thesis concludes and introduces the basic rules and the mostly contents of Chinese industrial accident insurance. The basic rules covers eight aspects: the rules corresponding to productivity level in primary periods of socialism ; the rules to sparkplug moral and fashion of socialism; the rules to safeguard and ensure the workers’interests; the rules to link up the national basic policy and local concrete policy, rules to correspond rights and obligation, rules to compensate without ascertaining responsibility; the rules to make both ends meet; the rules to implement new rules and old rules.The mostly contents contains four aspects: the applying bound of industrial accident insurance and the range of industrial accident insurance cognizance; of industrial accident insurance cognizance, appraisal of working ability, and treatment ensuring; rules management, supervision management, and operation management; the duty of administration executor and Workers.The second chapter studies the developing course and the actuality of industrial accident insurance ,analyzes the present problems of Chinese industrial accident insurance : the first one is that the scope of industrial accident insurance is limited; the second is that the mechanism of the floating fee of the enterprises isn’t perfect; the third is that the present industrial accident insurance only lays particular stress on dealing with the treatments; the forth is that the rules of management of the industrial accident insurance fund is not perfect.The third chapter puts forward corresponding measures to consummate Chinese industrial accident insurance.

【关键词】 工伤保险管理研究
【Key words】 industrial Accident Insurancemanagementresearch
  • 【分类号】F842.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】535