

The Research to Establish a Link between the Junior and Senior Levels in Mathematics Teaching

【作者】 陈燕

【导师】 李佐锋;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学生由初中升入高中将面临许多变化,受这些变化的影响,学生不能尽快适应高中学习,学习成绩将大幅度下降,甚至过去的优秀学生可能变为学习的中等或后进学生。高一学生数学学习的严重分化问题是我国推行素质教育进程中长期困扰高中数学教师的一个问题,消除这一分化的有效途径是做好高初中数学衔接教学。但在“重教轻学”的传统观念影响下、对高初中数学衔接教学的研究多停留在教师的教的层面上。虽然就教材、教法、思维能力等方面作了大量的研究,也取得了许多成功的经验,但一直未能从根本上解决这个问题。因此,解决初、高中数学教学的衔接,帮助学生从初三平稳地过渡到高中对高中数学教师,特别是高一数学教师有重要的实用意义。本文就这一问题从理论上和实践上进行了研究,从教材、教法、学法、学生的学习能力,学生的学习心理等几个方面,从教师、学生两个不同的维度深入地剖析高一学生学习产生严重分化的根源,特别对学生学习心理,学生思维的培养加以后剖析,为消除这种分化所实施的初、高中数学教学衔接的对策制定了更为全面、正确、科学的理论依据,在充分剖析初、高中数学教材、教师、学生的不同特点基础上,找到衔接点,提出相应的解决对策,并进行科学有效地实验验证。

【Abstract】 Junior students going to senior school will face a lot of changes. Being subjected to these changes, the students can’t adapt very rapidly to the senior school studies. Their results may significantly drop; even a student who used to have excellent records may become an average or under average student. The big problem of the division in learning mathematics for first year senior students is: in the long-term process, the education character pursued by my Country puzzles the senior school mathematics teachers. The way to eliminate the effects of that division is to realize a good coordination in the teaching of mathematics between the Junior and Senior levels.But, under the influence of the traditional viewpoint of a heavy authoritarian teaching versus a weak students participation, the research to establish a link between the Junior and Senior levels in mathematics teaching, lays mainly on the way of teaching of the superior level teachers. Although a lot of research for the teaching materials, teaching methods, the thinking ability, etc, has been made and also much successful experience has been obtained; still the problem has not yet been solved from its root. The solution to the way of linking up the teaching of junior math and senior math, and for math teachers to help the students for a softly transition from their last year in junior school to senior school, has an important practical meaning especially for math teachers of first year senior school.The research presented in this paper has been realized from the theories and practice, about the teaching material, teaching methods, the students learning methods, their study ability, their mental disposition while studying, and such few similar aspects. From both the teachers and the students’different dimension, the thorough analysis of the learning in a 1st year senior student, produces a severe source of division, especially to the learning mental state of the student and the further analysis of the student’s thinking development. For the cancellation of all the effects of this kind of division, a countermeasure link in the math teaching between the junior and senior levels has been established, based on the theory of an even more overall and right scientific knowledge: in a full analysis of the junior and senior high school mathematics teaching material, and of the teachers and students different characteristic foundation, find out a link up point, put forward a relevant solution to deal with the situation, and carry on an effective scientific experiment of verification.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】828