

The Study on Behavioral Mode of Local Government in Attracting Investment

【作者】 陈天政

【导师】 李炯;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文研究的目的是:通过理论与实践的分析,探索地方政府在招商引资中的行为模式,并提出新行为模式在绍兴招商引资实践中的应用设想,供决策参考。本文在对绍兴招商引资,尤其是对绍兴招商引资工作的现状、特点及模式演变进行阐述和分析的基础上,延伸、归纳、探索出一种科学合理的新型政府行为模式,包含了政府的引导行为、政府的服务行为和政府的协调行为。本文的重点在于引入公共管理和市场经济相关理论来对招商引资中的政府行为加以分析,找出现有的政府直接型招商引资行为模式和政府主导型招商引资行为模式的运行特点和取得的成效,对两种模式引发的政府在招商引资过程中的行为扭曲和市场在政府招商引资行为中的秩序混乱等两大问题的成因进行合理的分析,并具体探讨了政府引导行为的本质特征和实效应用,政府服务行为的职能转变和角色定位,政府协调行为的合理竞争与有效整合,提出了用这三个互相关联又彼此独立的模式维度来构建和确定地方政府引导型招商引资行为模式。论文还通过重点章节详细阐述了政府引导型行为模式在绍兴招商引资实践中的应用设想,主要论述了政府引导行为在政策引导、产业引导、主体引导、规模引导和信息引导上的具体化;政府服务行为在服务环境和转变职能上的优质化;政府协调行为在招商引资方向和招商引资区域间的全局化。本文的创新和独到之处主要体现在:第一次系统地提出了政府引导型招商引资行为模式;第一次从政府的引导行为、服务行为和协调行为三大维度来构建新型的政府引导型招商引资行为模式;第一次提出了必须通过招商引资的实践来检验新模式的合理性和有效性。

【Abstract】 The aim of this thesis is to explore the behavioral mode of local government in attracting investment by the analysis of both theory and practice, and to create a new behavioral mode that can be adopted by Shaoxing government in the course of attracting investment, which can be provided for reference.This thesis is trying to create a new scientific mode based on analysis of the practice in attracting investment by Shaoxing government that includes guidance, service and coordination behaviors. The key point is to analyze the behavioral mode of local government in attracting investment by citing public administration theory and the relative theories of market economy,to find out the problems of the existing models,and to create a new behavioral mode of local government in attracting investment by exploring the innate character and application of guidance behavior, the function conversion and role position of service behavior, and the competition and integration of coordination behavior.In emphasis chapters, a new behavioral mode is assuming to practice in attracting investment by Shaoxing government, and this specific considerations for practical guidance including policy guidance, industry guidance, main guidance, scale guidance, and information guidance, for better service including environmental service and function service, and for overall coordination including quality of investment and cooperation among local governments.The unique of this thesis is proposing a new behavioral mode of local government in attracting investment;creating the model on the basis of practical guidance,better service and overall coordination;testing validity by practicing the new model.

【关键词】 招商引资政府行为模式分析
【Key words】 attracting investmentgovernmentbehavioral modeanalysis
  • 【分类号】F123
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】764