

The Influence of Planning & Design on the Cost during Mass Transit Operation Stage

【作者】 温泉

【导师】 蔡建国; 周庆灏;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工业工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了改善城市的交通状况、迎接世博会的召开,上海着力构建以轨道交通为骨干的公共交通体系,力争在2010年之前建成四百公里的轨道交通网络,届时轨道交通客运量占全市公共交通客运量的比例将从目前的14%上升到40%。轨道交通虽能创造良好的社会效益,但其自身的经济效益却不理想,往往需要依靠政府的财政补贴。因此如何使轨道交通项目走上自负盈亏的道路是政府、企业和投资者最关注的问题。降低运营期费用是实现项目自主经营的主要途径之一。通过对上海轨道交通一号线运营费用的分析,结合实际运营生产情况,本文发现与运营管理因素和社会因素相比,制约运营阶段费用管理水平的主要因素是由规划设计引起的。规划设计费用虽占总费用的比重很小,但却对项目全寿命周期内的费用影响很大,所以运营中发生的各类费用其实早在规划设计阶段就已经决定了。针对轨道交通的规划设计中存在问题,全文最后提出了应在现阶段需要重点研究的几个问题;对今后需进一步研究的问题提出了建设性意见。

【Abstract】 For the sake of improving the metropolitan traffic conditions and greeting the World Expo, Shanghai has made great efforts to build the public traffic system boned on mass transit and strive for finishing four hundred kilometers mass transit network before 2010. At that time, the proportion of mass transit’s passengers in public traffic system will from fourteen percent to forty percent. Mass transit project may have the better social benefits, but actually it doesn’t have an ideal economic performance and still needs the financial from the government. So it is concerned that how to make the project profit by the government, enterprises and investers.To realize the project’s gain, there is one way to decrease the operation cost. According to analysis the operation cost of Shanghai Mass Transit Line 1, this thesis finds that in comparison of the operation management factor and social factor, the key to effect operation costs management ability is planning & design. Although the proportion of planning & design cost is very small, it affects the whole life cycle cost strongly. So in fact every operation cost is determined earlier at the planning & design stage.To counter the problems that exist in planning & design, the paper has studied some main questions and made a constructional suggestion in future.

  • 【分类号】F572
  • 【被引频次】1
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