

The Vehicle’s Overload Recorder of Road Passenger Transportation and Management System Software Research and Development

【作者】 布仁

【导师】 殷德顺;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的发展,公路客运所占市场份额和年客运量增幅连创新高。由于企业经营体制的变革和车主受利益的驱使,公路客运汽车途中搭客、超员、超载等违规现象较为普遍,事故频发对交通运输安全构成极大危害。如何有效预防公路客运汽车的超载和适时记录超载行为,对加强公路客运安全管理,约束和规范驾驶员运输行为,避免因超载而引发的重大交通事故发生,以及事后事故分析与处理等都具有十分重要的现实意义。本课题研究内容之一是探讨一种可行的公路客车超载的适时预警和监督管理的实现方案。主要是针对目前在用的国产汽车行驶记录仪无超载记录功能,通过设计与开发一套独立系统,能够实现超载的预警和记录功能。系统硬件的主芯片采用C805F020。本系统主要实现了密码核对、系统相关参数的设置、上下车人数的判断、时间与人数参数的记录、时间日期与车内人数的实时显示、与上位机的通讯等功能。待系统整合与改进后,以进一步扩展现有的汽车行驶记录仪的功能。本课题研究内容之二是开发一套后台管理软件,本软件采用VB6.0开发,数据库采用Microsoft Access2000。它的特点是图文并茂,界面友好,操作简便。该后台软件不但满足公路客运企业的车辆、人员以及营运等日常管理要求外,还可通过下位机把所收集到的车载人数及相应时间数据通过RS232传输到后台管理软件中,作为公路客运企业管理的一部分。后台软件系统已开发成功,基本的管理功能也均已实现,可以运用于公路客运企业管理。

【Abstract】 As our country’s economy developping, the road passenger transportation occupies more and more parts of market, and the year rate of passenger transportation increases higher year by year. Eenterprises operating system reformed, and the drivers are vehicled by benefit, so it is common that the passengers are picked up on the way, or more people are picked up than the vehicle can bear in safe , though it is contrary. It is a great danger to the traffic operation that the accidents happen frequently. How to prevent effectively and record timely the overload of the road passenger vehicle? It has a great practical significance to strengthen management to the road passenger transportation safety, and standard driver’s action. It is also useful to avoid serious accidents that are caused by overload, and analyze the reason if traffic accidents would happen.To explore a feasible way that warn timely and supervision about road passenger vehicle overloading is a part of this paper. The vehicle traveling data recorder can not record overload, so people want to achieve to warn timely and supervision about road passenger vehicle overloading by designing a independ system. The main chip of this system is C8051F020.This system can check password, set parameters about the system, judge the number of passengers up and down, record time and passengers’number, display the date and passenger’s number, and so on. After improve the system, it can develop more functions on this vehicle traveling data recorder.To design software of the road transportation business management is another part of this paper. This system is developped by the VB6.0, and it’s database is used by Microsoft Access2000. Its characteristic is artistic, friendly and easy to operate. Beside manage the daily cases in transportation business, it collects the passengers’number by lower position machine and transmits them to the transportation enterprise’s management software center by RS-232, which is used to be a part of the road transportation business management software. This software system has achieved successfully. Besides the function that data can be taked off,its basic function has been realized,so it can be used in common passenger transportation business.

  • 【分类号】U495
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】189