

Study on the Building of Credit System for One-Man Company

【作者】 宋伟玲

【导师】 杨诚;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年10月27日,第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议通过的《公司法》修正案,使自然人投资设立的一人公司真正浮出水面。从而,这种新的投资模式引起了众多学者的讨论。2006年1月1日,新《公司法》正式实施,意味着一个自然人投资设立的有限责任公司真正取得了法律地位。这种新的公司组织形式,取得法律地位不过一年的时间,但实践中,采用挂名股东的形式设立实质意义上的一人公司早已被大家所熟知。归其原因,有限责任承担的特点是大家趋之若鹜的根源之所在。因此,新《公司法》的实施是顺应时代潮流和经济发展的。但是即使在这样的背景之下,自然人投资设立的一人公司仍然受到了广泛的质疑。如何保证公司财产和股东个人财产相分离,从而保障债权人利益是公众最为关注的问题。因此,在一人公司实际经营过程中,其他交易方似乎更加谨慎地对待这一交易群体。新《公司法》在如何防止一人公司股东风险经营方面仍存在着诸多隐患。正是这些综合的原因导致了一人公司在设立之初并未取得预想中的成绩。与此同时,一人公司自身在经营过程中的诸多短期行为也成了制约一人公司发展的因素。很多一人公司的设立只是股东为了获取承担有限责任的权利以及在市场交易过程中法人地位所带来的利益,而并非是理性考虑的结果。设立之后,短期经营行为则成了经营的最佳选择。因此实践中,更有人将一人公司理解为“皮包公司”新的代名词。规范经济主体的行为是市场经济得以健康发展的根本保证。一人公司作为一个新的组织形式,在世界各国大多经历了一个从否认到逐渐承认的过程。其中的原因大多因为一人公司是对传统公司形式的一种颠覆。我国最终将一人公司纳入《公司法》的范畴也是适应市场经济的需求。一人公司是对股东利益的保障,也是目前缓解我国就业压力的一种形式。但是如何规范这一经济主体的行为是目前需要考虑的重要问题。在计划经济向市场经济过渡的过程中,传统的信用体制已经无法适应市场经济的需求,而在新的信用体制尚未建立之时,市场经济主体的短期经营行为成了整个市场的主流。一人公司在我国还刚刚起步,但是短期经营行为也是众多一人公司的弊病。如何建立一个相对完善的信用体系,从而规范这一经济主体的行为具有重要的作用。在本文中,笔者从一人公司经营现状出发,分析其经营过程中的问题之所在。提出信用缺失是一人公司经营效果不佳的根源。再从目前我国社会信用的问题人手,结合发达国家信用体系建设的成功经验,试图构建一人公司相对完善的信用体系,从而为一人公司的健康发展提供一个基本保障。

【Abstract】 On October 27th,2005,the amendment of enterprise’s law was passed in the eighteenth meeting of ten’s standing committee of the national people’s congress,then,the one-person company becoming legal.And this new investment became a hot topic of many scholars.On January first 2006,the new law of cooperation was put into effect,then;the one-person company obtains law status at last.It’s only one year for this new investment,but there were a lot of actual one-person company in practice.The character of Limited liability is the main reason of people’s enthusiasm.So the execution of the new law of corporation is conforming to both the trend of our times and the growth of economy.But even in this background,the one-person company which built by natural person are still being questioned by many people.How to distinguish the company’s property and the share holder’s property is the biggest concern of protecting the right of creditors.So in the process of operating,the other business partners are more cautious to this subject.There are still many hidden troubles in preventing share holder’s risk operation in the new law.The unsatisfying result of One-person Company is resulted in all these factors.Meanwhile,many short-term behaviors of One-person Company in the process of operating are also a factor of restricting itself.Many companies are built by the consideration of the limited liability and advantages in business.After the establishment, the short-term behavior becomes their good choice.So,many people even consider it as a "paper corporation".It’s the fundamental guarantee of the growth of economy to normalize the behavior of economic entity.As a new form,the One-person Company experienced a process of renouncement to gradual sanction in the world.It’s an overturn to traditional company is the main reason of this result.So,the One-person Company processed slowly in the past.It does conform to the need of market economy to bring it to the company law.The One-person Company is a powerful insurance to share holder’s rights,and it is also a good way to eliminate the pressure of employment.But how to normalize the behavior of this subject is an important question to consider.In the transition period of planned economy to market economy,the traditional credit systems can’t conform to the times.So,the short-term behaviors of market subject become the main trend in the absence of new credit system.And it is also very serious in the beginning of One-person Company.So,it will play an important role to normalize this subject by building an efficient credit system.This article drew up from the situation of One-person Company,analyzed the problems of operating process,and pointed out that the absence of credit is the main reason of unsatisfying results.Then,based on the main problems of our social credit system,I tried to build an efficient credit system according to the useful experience of developed countries in order to supply a basic insurance to the development of One-person Company.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
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