

Study on the Technology of Soilless Culture of Begonia Semperflorens Link et Otto

【作者】 周静波

【导师】 黄成林; 卜崇兴;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 四季秋海棠(egonia semperflorens Link et Otto)是一种优良的花坛和盆花植物,在世界花卉产业中具有重要的地位。由于目前花坛和盆花广泛应用的栽培基质是土壤,浇灌的是水,按普通的施肥方式施肥,直接影响了花卉的品质,尤其是夏季高温时四季秋海棠长势不好,不利于工厂化生产四季秋海棠盆花。随着无土栽培技术在蔬菜生产上的成熟应用,把无土栽培的技术应用于花卉生产也成为众多学者研究的热点。本文对四季秋海棠的无土栽培技术体系进行了研究,为四季秋海棠的工厂化生产提供了重要的理论基础。本试验由两部分组成:第一部分采用4种营养液配方,以铁十字秋海棠配方为对照,进行四季秋海棠水培试验,营养液循环使用,筛选最适宜四季秋海棠营养生长和生殖生长的营养液配方。4种营养液配方为:①铁十字秋海棠配方(T1);②银星秋海棠配方(T2);③Hoagland和Snyde(1938)通用配方(T4);④日本园试通用配方(T7);第二部分采用4种不同基质,以土壤为对照,在塑料花盆中栽培四季秋海棠,根据水培试验中筛选营养液配方的结果,用最适营养液进行浇灌,筛选最适宜四季秋海棠的栽培基质。4种基质为:①土壤(M1);②草炭:珍珠岩=2:1(M2);③陶粒(M3);④蛭石:缓释肥=25:1(M4)。经过系统研究,水培试验结果如下:①以T1为对照,比较研究了四季秋海棠的叶片数、分枝数、花序数、小花数、雄花数、雌花数、株高、冠幅、雄花径、雄花葶长和生长量,说明Hoagland和Snyde(1938)(T4)通用配方对四季秋海棠的叶片数、分枝数、株高、冠幅、生长量、花序数、小花数、雄花数和雌花数的增加效果显著,但对雄花径和雄花葶长的作用不显著;日本园试通用配方(T7)对四季秋海棠的花序数、小花数、雄花数、雌花数、雄花径、株高和冠幅的增加效果显著,而对叶片数、分枝数和雄花葶长度的作用不显著。银星秋海棠配方(T2)对四季秋海棠的生长作用与T1的差异不显著。②研究了四季秋海棠在不同营养液中的地上部和地下部的鲜重和干重,以及根系长度和最大叶面积,说明T4和T7营养液都有利于四季秋海棠的地上和地下部的生物量的增加和根系生长、叶面积增大,其中T4的作用优于T7。③从不同营养液对四季秋海棠P、K、Mg含量的影响看,T4有利于植物对K和Mg的吸收,而T7只是促进植物对K的吸收。根据不同配方营养液的pH变化趋势,发现在营养液的酸碱度的稳定性上,T7是一种比较好的营养液。基质培试验结果如下:①通过不同栽培基质对四季秋海棠盆花观赏特性和营养特性的影响,在四季秋海棠的营养生长期和生殖生长期进行观测,数据说明,与土壤(M1)相比较,3种无土基质都有利于小花数的增多,但草炭:珍珠岩=2:1(M2)的基质是最有利于四季秋海棠株高的增加、冠幅的增大和小花数的增多,蛭石:缓释肥=25:1(M4)次之。②研究了四季秋海棠在不同基质中的地上部和地下部的鲜重和干重,以及根系长度,说明M2基质最有利于四季秋海棠的地上和地下部的生物量的增加,M4次之。通过对四季秋海棠营养生长期称量盆花重量,M2、M3(陶粒)、M4基质都比对照M1轻,且差异显著,说明无土栽培可使基质向轻基质发展,其中M2最轻,是比较好的轻基质。③从不同基质对四季秋海棠C、H、N、S含量的影响看,除了元素H、N外,M2在C、S元素含量方面与对照组土壤(M1)的差异都十分明显。在不同基质的理化性质方面,M2基质在多项指标上都比较适宜于四季秋海棠的栽培。根据试验结果可以得出如下结论:在进行四季秋海棠无土栽培时,营养生长时期可选用T4营养液配方,生殖生长时期可选用T7营养液配方。通过对四季秋海棠的观赏特性和营养特性分析,在进行四季秋海棠无土基质培时,M2是一种比较优良的基质。

【Abstract】 Begonia semperflorens Link et Otto is an excellent plant for the garden and potted flower, which plays an important role in the flower industry. At present, the standard planting substrate of the parterre and potted flower is soil, and the normal tending is watering and fertilization, which can affect direcT1y the quality of the flower, especially the impaird growth in the high temperature during the summer. Therefore, the standard system may not be suitable for the production of Begonia semperflorens in large scale. In the meantime, the technology of soilless culture is getting mature and has been successfully applied to the industrialized production of vegetables. Great attention has been drawn for the application of this technique in the flower industry. However, the reports on the technique of soilless culture in Begonia semperflorens are few. The purpose of this study is to investigate the soilless culture technique in the Begonia semperflorens which can provide significant information on the implementation and basic pathway for the industrialized production of Begonia semperflorens.In order to select the optimum nutrient solution and planting substrate, four types of formulations (including Begonia massoniana formulation (T1), Formulation of Begonia×argenteo-guttata (T2), Formulations of Hoagland and Snyde (T4), and Japanese YuanShi formulation (T7)) and substrates (including Ml (soil), M2 (peat: pearlite = 2:1), M3 (ceramsite), and M4 (vermiculite:slow-release organic fertilizer = 25:1)) were used in this study. The growth indices (including plant height, crown diameter, biomass, the number of leaf and branch etc.) and flower trait indices (including flower diameter and number) were investigated for determination of the best nutrient solution formulation and substrate for Begonia semperflorens. The results from the study are as following.a) For T4, significant differences were found in leaf number, branch number, plant height, crown diameter, growth amount, inflorescence number, floret number, staminate flower number, female flower number between T4 and T1, excepting no significant differences in staminate flower diameter and staminate flower peduncle length. For T7, there were obvious differences in inflorescence number, floret number, staminate flower number, female flower number, staminate flower diameter, plant height, crown diameter between T7 and T1, with no clear difference in leaf number, branch number and staminate flower peduncle length. However, there were no obvious differences in growth between T2 and T1. It suggested that T4 are better for the nutritional growth and T7 are better for the reproductive growth of Begonia semperflorens than T1 and T2.b) We also compared the wet and dry weight of Begonia semperflorens for the portions above and under earth, length of root, and most leaf area in various nutrient solution, It was found that T4 and T7 increased the above- and below-ground of Begonia semperflorens, root length, and the leaf area, and T4 was more effective than T7.c) Moreover, T4 could promote Begonia semperflorens to absorp more K and Mg, while T7 could promote the absorption of K and keep pH stable .d) Judging from the appreciating characters, nutrient feature, and the observation of growth stage of vegetation and reproduction, three soilless substrates were all in favor of the increase of floret number. M2 was the best one for the increase of height, crown diameter, and floret number. It followed by M4.e) The measurement of wet and dry above- and below-ground weight of Begonia semperflorens and root length showed that M2 was the best to increase the above-and below-ground biomass, and the second was M4. The weights of the potted flower in vegetation period were significanT1y decreased with substrate M2, M3 and M4 than with M1. The substrate M2 was the lightest and a better medium.f) Begonia semperflorens growing in M2 showed higher contents of C and S than in M1, although the similar contents of H and N. Moreover, the substrate M2 was very suitable for planting of Begonia semperflorens in many aspects on the basis of the characteristics of physics and chemistry.In conclusion, the study show that the formulation of nutrient solution T4 (Hoagland and Snyde 1938) could be used to promote nutritional growth, while the Japanese YuanShi formulation T7 to promote reproductive growth for Begonia semperflorens in soilless culture. From the analysis of different culture substrate on appreciating characters and nutrient feature of Begonia semperflorens, the medium M2 is the best material for soilless culture .

  • 【分类号】S682.19
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