

Studies on Structure of Arthropod Communities in Rape-Field and the Function of Natural Enemies Controlling Effects

【作者】 江文娟

【导师】 李桂亭;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对肥东地区两块采用不同栽培方式的油菜田进行的全生育期的田间系统调查,研究了油菜田节肢动物群落结构及群落特征动态规律,还研究了害虫、天敌亚群落的结构以及各自优势种群的动态;在数据分析中比较了不同栽培方式对油菜田节肢动物群落结构的影响,并在讨论中提出自己的见解。通过田间系统调查并结合室内捕食性天敌对田间优势害虫的捕食功能反应实验,评价天敌的控害作用,从而为充分利用天敌的生物控制作用提供依据。主要研究结果如下:1油菜田节肢动物群落结构及其动态1.1油菜田节肢动物总群落的结构及其动态肥东地区油菜田节肢动物共计55种,分属2纲、10目、39科,其中害虫7目、19科、28种,天敌6目、15科、22种,中性昆虫的节肢动物3目、4科、4种。油菜移栽田有节肢动物53种,分属38个科,其中害虫27种,天敌22种,中性昆虫4种。油菜直播田有节肢动物53种,分属38个科,其中害虫28种,天敌21种,中性昆虫4种。在油菜的整个生育期中,群落的多样性与均匀度基本是随着物种丰富度的变化而变化,而优势集中性则显现出相反的趋势。总体来讲,移栽田的优势集中性大于直播田,而多样性与均匀度均小于直播田。1.2害虫亚群落结构研究直播田与移栽田的物种丰富度一样,多样性与均匀度分别比移栽田多7.3%和8.9%,也就是说相对而言,在整个调查期间直播田害虫亚群落没有突出的优势种出现。不同的栽培方式对害虫的垂直分布影响不明显,各物种在植株上分布比例相似。1.3天敌亚群落结构研究天敌亚群落共有天敌6目、15科、22种,其中捕食性昆虫4目、7科、10种,蜘蛛目9科、11种,寄生性昆虫1种。蜘蛛是两类油菜田生态系统的优势天敌类群,两块油菜田天敌数量结构差异不大,在种类组成上有许多共同种。从数量组成上分析,在油菜田天敌群落中,捕食性昆虫中以异色瓢虫为优势种,蜘蛛以草间小黑蛛和八点球腹蛛为主。不同的栽培方式对天敌的垂直分布影响不明显,各物种在植株上分布比例相似。天敌节肢动物亚群落物种随时间变化的趋势与整个群落基本一致,显示出节肢动物群落物种丰富度的“M”型变化规律,即物种增加—减少—增加—减少的趋势。天敌与害虫亚群落的发生在时间上存在有明显的相关性。两块调查田的天敌亚群落结构基本没有区别。结合前面的结论,移栽田相对容易产生少数害虫发生猖獗的现象,而直播田的害虫群落更为稳定。所以,通过总体分析认为,直播田的群落更为稳定,更加有利于天敌对害虫的生物控制。2天敌控害虫作用研究2.1田间调查的定性化研究移栽田害虫数量达到高峰的增幅比直播田要大,但害虫数量下降幅度却比直播田要慢,天敌的增减趋势与害虫一致,直播田的天敌数量达到高峰的时间比移栽田要迟。另外,油菜田天敌群落的数量波动与害虫的数量波动明显不同。害虫数量一般在秋冬季达到高峰,而天敌群落则在4月份达到最高数量。因此,在生态控制技术中,防治害虫措施,前期宜尽量采用生物防治措施,如用性引诱剂、Bt(苏云金杆菌)等,促进天敌群落的发展,发挥天敌控害潜能,减少环境污染,,达到对害虫的可持续控制。后期由于天敌等自然控制因子的作用结果,害虫危害水平很低,很少能造成经济损失,通常无须施药防治。蚜虫(包括桃蚜和萝卜蚜)是油菜田最重要的害虫,在油菜的全生育期内均有发生,而草间小黑蛛和八点球腹蛛是在油菜田出现频率最高的两种天敌。移栽田天敌与蚜虫的发生有一定时滞性,而直播田的天敌与蚜虫表现出非常明显的同步发生趋势。总之,八点球腹蛛和草间小黑蛛是控制苗期蚜虫的重要天敌,应注意加强保护,为控制后期的害虫发展创造条件。2.2室内实验的定量化研究异色瓢虫成虫对桃蚜的捕食功能符合HollingⅡ模型,其24h的功能模型为Na=1.0215N/(1+0.00406N),异色瓢虫成虫的最大理论捕食量为251.89头。龟纹瓢虫对桃蚜的捕食功能反应也符合HollingⅡ型,其24h的功能模型为Na=0.9744N/(1+0.0043N),龟纹瓢虫成虫的最大理论捕食量为232.08头。异色瓢虫的捕食量要大于龟纹瓢虫。

【Abstract】 This article by investigate two different methods of cultivation of rape fields of the whole growing field in Feidong region,not only studying rape fields of arthropod community structure and dynamics of community characteristics,but also studying the pest and natural enemies of the sub community of structure and their respective dynamics of dominant population;and comparing different methods of cultivation of rape fields of arthropod community structure by analyzed the data,and getting my own views.Through field systemic investigation and predacious function of experiments about natural enemies and the pest of dominant population indoors,evaluating the function of the Natural Enemies’ controlling the pests.For the purpose of the basis of making full use of natural enemies to control the biological function.The main conclusion is as follows:1.Rape Field arthropod community structure and dynamics1.1 The total of arthropod community structure and dynamics in rape fieldThere are 55 species of arthropod,belonging to 2 classes.10 orders.39 families, including pest 7 order.19 families.28 species,natural enemies 6 order.15 families. 22 species,neutral insects 3 order.4 families.4 species,in Feidong region rape fields. Rape of direct seeding fields arthropod 53 species belonging to 38 families,of which 28 species of insects,21 types of enemies,Neutral four species of insects.Rape of transplanting fields arthropod 53 species belonging to 38 families,of which 28 species of insects,21 types of enemies,Neutral four species of insects.In the entire growing period, the same of change between the species diversity,evenness and richness,but the dominant concentration are showing the opposite trend.Generally speaking,the Fields dominant concentration were greater than broadcast fields,and diversity and uniformity are less than them.1.2 The studying of the pests sub community structureThe species richness between direct seeding fields and transplanting fields is same, and the species diversity and evenness more 7.3%and 8.9%than transplanting fields.That is relatively,there are not proEecting dominant species in direct seeding fields of sub community during investigating rape fields.There is not significant effect on pests’ vertical distribution of different cultivation methods,and the plant species on the distribution is similar.1.3 The studying of the natural enemies sub community structure The kinds of sub communities of natural enemies are 6 orders.15 families.22 species,which predatory insects 4 orders.7 families.10 species,araneae 9 families. 11 specie,and a parasitic insect species.Spiders are proEecting dominant species in two types of rape field ecosystem advantages natural enemies,there are not greatly differ in two rape fields enemies quantitative structure,and they have much of similarities in species of composition.In quantitative composition analysis,heterochromatic ladybug is dominant species in predatory insects,and theridion octomagu and erigonidiurn gramim are dominant species in Spiders,in rapeseed fields enemies communities.There is not significant effect on natural enemies’ vertical distribution of different cultivation methods, and the plant species on the distribution is similar.The similar trends between the sub community of species of Natural enemies of arthropod and the entire community with the time changed,shows species richness of the "M"-type changes,the species change of trend is increase-descrease-increase-descrease. There is clear correlation between the natural enemies and pests in time.It is no basic difference between the natural enemies of the two fields.With previous conclusions,the individual pests of happening is relatively easy in transplanting fields than direct seeding fields,which is stable.Therefore,the communities are more stable and advantage of control pests by natural enemies,in direct seeding fields.2.Natural enemies of pests control Study2.1 Qualitative research of field investigationThe number of pests,in transplanting field,increase to peak over direct seeding fields’,but them decrease slower than direct seeding fields’,the number of natural enemies are uniform with pests on the trend of increase and decrease,and the time of reach the peak,in direct seeding fields,is later than in transplanting field.In addition,the fluctuations obviously different between the number of natural enemy communities andThe number of pests,in rape fields.In general the number of pests in autumn and winter are peak,but it is the highest volume that natural enemy communities in April.So, by technology of ecological control,pest control measures,the best of use of biological control measures in pre-control,sustainable development of natural enemy communities, and natural enemies controlling play potential,reduce environmental pollution,and to achieve sustainable pest control,such as sexual attractants.Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis),and so on.Since the late natural enemies control factor in the results,pest level is very low and rarely cause economic losses,normally not control application. Aphids(Myzus persicae and Lipaphis erysimi)are the most important pest,they are occurs in the whole growth period of rape.Two kinds of the natural enemies are highest frequency in the rape fields,theridion octomagu and erigonidium gramim,the occurs of time lag between the natural enemies and the pests in transplanting fields,but the same of trend,in direct seeding fields.In short,theridion octomagu and erigonidium gramim,are important natural enemies by used control aphids,and be propectted,for the control of pests in the late create conditions for development.2.2 Quantitative studies in laboratoryLeis axyrids of adults’ predators function coincidence HollingⅡmodel,its functional model for Na=1.0215N/(1+0.00406 N),in 24h,its the theoretical maximum amount of predation 251.89.Propylaea Eaponica of adults’ predators function coincidence HollingⅡmodel,its functional model for Na=0.9744N/(1+0.0043 N),in 24h,its predator theory of the largest amount of 232.08.Leis axyrids more Propylaea Eaponica.

【关键词】 油菜节肢动物群落结构天敌控制作用
【Key words】 RapeArthropodCommunity structureNatural enemyPredation
  • 【分类号】S435.654;S476;S185
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】155