

【作者】 霍素芳

【导师】 闫凤利;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 理论物理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 量子信息学是量子力学、信息科学及计算机科学相结合而形成的一门新兴交叉学科。量子信息将为信息科学的发展开辟新的道路,同时它也极大地推动量子力学理论的发展。量子纠缠是量子理论中一种奇特的现象,量子纠缠态是量子理论中最重要的一类量子态。量子纠缠也是量子信息与经典信息有根本区别的主要原因。量子隐形传态是量子通信中进展最显著的方向之一,近年来己经在理论上和实验上取得重大的突破。本文归纳了包括量子隐形传态在内的几种常见的量子技术:量子稠密编码、量子隐形传态、量子纠缠交换、量子密码、量子秘密共享、量子安全直接通讯、量子认证、量子零知识证明。而后我们根据量子隐形传态的基本原理,提出了一种利用三粒子纯态作为量子通道,传输未知单粒子态的概率隐形传输方案。选择的量子通道是特殊纠缠和非最大纠缠两种情形。并给出了实现传输过程的两种量子线路。零知识证明是密码学中的一个基本方法。其优点是在证明了自己身份的同时,还确保了有用信息不泄露,有效防止了他人冒充。根据经典零知识证明的基本思想,以及量子安全通信方法,我们又设计了一种在群组中实现的量子零知识证明方案。

【Abstract】 Quantum information is a new subject that is a combination of quantum mechanics, information science and computer science. Quantum information will inaugurate a new way for the developme- nt of information science. In addition, it is helpful for the research on basic problems of quantum mechanics itself.Among various kinds of quantum states, the quantum-entangled state is the most important one in quantum information science. Entanglement is also the main reason that yields the essential difference between quantum information and classic information.Being one of the directions of quantum communication, quantum teleportation makes great progress. In recent years, it has obtained important breakthrough in both theories and experiments. In this text we introduced a few familiar quantum techniques, such as quantum superdense coding, quantum teleportation, quantum swap- ping, quantum cryptology, quantum secret sharing, quantum secure direct communication, quantum identity authentication, quantum zero knowledge protocol and so on.Further, we present simplification scheme for probabilistic and controlled teleportation of the unknown one-particle quantum state using the pure three-particle entangled state as the quantum chan- nel. Both special entangled state and non-maximum entangled state are used as quantum channels in the scheme. In addition, we also construct two efficient quantum logic networks for implementing the new scheme by means of the primitive operations.Zero knowledge protocol is a basic method of cryptography. Its advantage is to keep others from pretending to be at the time of proving oneself, also to assure an useful information not to reveal. According to the basic thought of classical zero knowledge protoc- ol, we present a scheme for quantum zero knowledge protocol in group using a mode of quantum secure communication.

  • 【分类号】O413
  • 【下载频次】59