

【作者】 刘金先

【导师】 周进祥;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当代作家毕飞宇在创作中不仅形成了个性化的小说语言,他还以一个作家敏锐而深邃的眼光洞察到“语言”与人生之间种种复杂难解的关系,本文在细致深入地解读毕飞宇小说语言实例的基础上来对上述问题作出剖析。论文主体分为三部分:第一章,主要从三方面来谈毕飞宇小说语言的个性。首先,从修辞特色看,他擅长于运用一种以植物的某种动态来打比喻的语言方式,产生了诗意的可“视”效果,展现出人物处于特定情境时的瞬间心理状态;其次,毕飞宇小说的语言具有创新与重复并存的特点。作家通过对种种定型话语的变形活用来实现语言上的创新,但由于思维定势的影响与生活经验、知识积累的不足,他在不同时期的创作中重复使用了某些雷同的语言方式。再次,毕飞宇小说的语言呈现出一定的苏北水乡色彩,这表现在苏北方言的运用和以生活在水中的各种动物来打比喻两个方面。第二章,主要讨论毕飞宇小说中的反讽性语言,这是他“轻盈而凝重”的小说理想的有效实现方式。毕飞宇小说理想的基本特征可以概括为“以轻写重”,即以轻盈的话语方式来表达厚重的思想内蕴。反讽性语言在毕飞宇小说中具体表现为反语的运用、戏仿定型话语和克制陈述等形态。各种形式的反讽性语言均体现了“以轻写重”的表达效果,因此它成为实现作家小说理想的有效方式。毕飞宇的反思质疑精神是其反讽性语言产生的思想根源。从读者接受的角度来看,其反讽性语言可以形成一种较为理想的交流情境。第三章,主要分析毕飞宇小说对“语言”与人生之关系的探索。毕飞宇小说中“语言”与人生之间错综复杂的关系大致可分为三方面:首先,语言上的差异成为父母子女、夫妻等家庭成员之间情感沟通的共同障碍;其次,运用“语言”进行的自我叙述与被叙述展现了“语言”给人生带来的种种困境;再次,其作品表现了人在异乡面对陌生的他乡语言时,所做出的种种不同选择以及由此带来的或深或浅的心理波动。总之,语言借助于种种外力,最终实现了它对人生的统治。

【Abstract】 The Chinese contemporary novelist Bi Feiyu pays much attention to the language in his fictitious writing. His fictitious language has a distinctive personality. He also deeply thinks about the relationship between language and the human life. This thesis will discuss these problems by analyzing his fictitious language examples.This thesis contains three chapters.The first chapter talks about Bi Feiyu’s individual characteristic of his fictitious language from three different aspects. First of all, he is good at using some moving mood of plants to show the state of people’s psychology in a certain situation. Secondly, innovation and repetition coexists in Bi Feiyu’s fictitious language. The writer uses various fixed language style in an unusual way to carry out the innovation on language. But at the same time he still repeats some similar discourse in his different works, due to the writer’s thought confine and shortage of life experiences etc. Thirdly, his fictitious language has a flavor that coming from South China because he uses dialect of the north of Jiang Su province and uses some animals which live in rivers to form metaphor.The second chapter discusses Bi Feiyu’s ironic fictitious language. Some discourse in his works has a light style and profound meaning expressing his doubtful thoughts about history and reality. The writer uses ironic discourse to realize his fictitious ideal. Light but dignified is the ideal literary style that Bi Feiyu likes. Ironic language contains three different sorts of discourse style. One is paradox, another is imitating fixed discourse ironically, and the other is understatement. From the readers’view, ironic language can form a kind of perfect intercommunication.The third chapter analyzes the relationship between language and the human life in Bi Feiyu’s fictions. Different language can be a common block of family members’emotional communication, such as the communication between parents and children, husband and wife. From the language in self narration and being narrated we can see the survival plight of people. When strangers live in a new environment sometimes they have to change their language and learn a new one. Giving up their old language style may bring harm to them. All in all, language rules the human life through various outer power.

【关键词】 毕飞宇小说语言个性反讽人生
【Key words】 Bi Feiyufictionlanguagepersonalityironythe human life
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】591