

A Study of Teachers’ Questioning in College EFL Listening Classroom

【作者】 张彦雪

【导师】 潘炳信;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,英语在国内仍然被当作一门外语来对待,广大学生仍然主要是在课堂上从教师那里学习英语。因此,在英语教学中,教师的课堂引导方式便显得十分重要。而在各种各样的引导方式中,课堂提问是其中一个很值得注意的方面。提问行为是课堂教学的重要组成部分,是教师输入信息、传递信息,与学生共享信息、达到师生双边交流的重要渠道。作为一种普遍应用的教学策略,提问的频率、分类和技巧,提问对学习过程的潜在影响等已引起许多学者的关注。进而有许多语言学者着力去研究提问方式与外语学习成效的关系。综合众多学者的研究,笔者发现以往的提问研究多数停留在对问题的表层描述上,研究者多擅长于文献的研究,提出提问的各种分类、提问的策略以及提问的效果,却不甚习惯于行动研究;关于提问的论述中,宏观理论的阐释多,微观过程的分析少,对提高教师提问能力培训的途径提及较少,缺乏对教学实践的指导性;而且以往提问研究又多为通法,为数不多的实证研究也多是探讨普通课堂提问,专门以大学英语教学为对象的论作很少,尤其是对大学英语听力课堂教师提问行为的特殊性尚未论及。因此,本研究试图从英语听力教学的角度出发,实地考察听力课堂中教师的提问行为存在及其现状,论证提问行为在听力教学中的必要性;进而通过对比实验的数据分析,总结提问行为促进听力水平提高所应采取的特殊方式,以期找到大学英语听力教学课堂提问必须遵循的原则和优化课堂提问行为的有效途径。本文以大学英语听力课堂教师提问行为为研究对象,以河北省三所高校10位英语教师的听力教学为研究样本,采用课堂实录和后续访谈的方法,进行了总计40课时的追踪研究。在此基础上,对大学英语听力课堂教学中教师提问行为的开展及其存在问题进行分析,归纳英语教师在听力教学提问中普遍采取的策略和技巧;然后,在笔者执教的两个二年级本科班进行听力教学对比实验,通过分析一学期末的听力测验成绩,证实提问在听力教学中运用的必要和可行,提出教师应注重听力内容主题构建,围绕材料的不同题材,结合课本设问,设置循序渐进的系列化问题,引导学生理解所听材料,逐步培养听力策略。从切实可行的角度,通过优化课堂提问,为大学英语听力教学提供新思路。

【Abstract】 As China is now still the country in which English is treated as the foreign language, most students learn English from their teachers in classrooms. So classroom interaction is crucially important in EFL situation and teaching. Among the various kinds of interactions, teacher questioning and student answering is the most important aspect and the subject of this thesis.Questioning is an important part of classroom teaching, a way of communication for the teachers to input, to deliver and to share information. Many researches have already indicated that questioning is second only to lecturing in popularity as a teaching method and that classroom teachers spend almost thirty-five to fifty percent of their instructional time conducting questioning sessions.Thus, this paper focuses on teachers’questioning activities in college English listening classroom, aiming to find some basic disciplines and practical techniques useful for teaching of listening. Based on the analysis of the data obtained from observing and interviewing 10 English teachers in three Colleges in Hebei, the paper tries to apply these findings in two classes with the same English level. Then, through comparing the final term scores of listening, the paper manages to provide some new thoughts for the college English teaching of listening.The thesis consists of six parts. The first part is a brief introduction of the whole study. The author states the importance of teacher questioning, objective and significance of the study. Then the following part is the first chapter which is concerned with the theoretical background of teacher questioning, with Input theory and Constructive model as the framework. The next chapter gives a comprehensive review of the studies of questioning. Firstly, this chapter presents the definition of teacher questioning. Afterwards, the author makes further exploration into questioning, including the classification of classroom questions, forms and functions of teachers’ questions, questioning strategies, distribution of questions and wait-time research.Chapter Three makes full explanation of the methods adopted in the study. The empirical study is conducted among ten English teachers who take over listening courses of non-English college majors. In addition to class observation, the author also conducts an interview to probe into the teachers’and students’attitudes towards classroom questioning. In Chapter Four, the author presents research results: EFL teachers ask more display questions than referential questions to much extent in listening, and students are not given enough wait-time to think about answers when asked, and then, the distribution of questions is not well-balanced. According to the data, the author makes an analysis of results. The last part is the concluding part. The author reviews the results of the empirical study and the ideas and suggestions that have been proposed in the thesis, meanwhile, points out the importance of teacher questioning and the current problems inherent within EFL teachers’ questioning requiring us to manipulate the techniques in a more effective and efficient way. However, due to the author’s limited knowledge, lack of teaching experience and the limitation of the research itself, there is still some room waiting to be improved. So in Chapter Seven, the author also admits a certain degree of limitations in the study, which deserves attention in future research.

  • 【分类号】H319.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】300