

【作者】 李岩峰

【导师】 赵斌;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过调查了解青少年摔跤和柔道运动员的饮食结构、能量平衡状态以及体重和体成分现状。同时结合实际情况,参考运动员各自的理想体重和理想体脂百分比,制定干预食谱进而改善运动员的体成分。本文通过探讨饮食干预手段控、降体重和改善体成分的一般规律,为构建摔跤和柔道运动员合理膳食结构提供了理论依据。实验从廊坊体育运动学校抽取摔跤和柔道运动员共64名,分别在第一阶段中,通过三天食物称重法了解运动员的日常能量及各微量原素摄入量、三大营养素供能比;利用能量监测仪记录日常能量消耗量;利用BOD POD身体成份分析仪测定体重和体脂百分比。第二阶段中,结合各自实际情况,制定出干预食谱对部分运动员进行一个月的饮食干预,通过对比干预前后膳食结构、能量平衡状态及体重和体脂百分比等数据的变化,评价干预效果和干预原则。研究结果:1.所调查运动员平均每日能量摄入量为男性2638.2±231.8 kcal,女性2159.1±151.8kcal,都低于运动员能量摄入推荐值。男、女运动员的三大营养素供能比均不合理,其中脂肪供能比男性为27.2±7.6%,女性为28.5±6.4%相对较高,个别运动员甚至严重超过推荐标准。维生素只有E的摄入量达到推荐值,其他维生素摄取量均低于运动员每日推荐标准,尤其是水溶性的维生素B1、B2和C。对于矿物质,所调查的运动员只有铁和硒的摄入量达到了推荐的标准,而钙和锌等均有不同程度的摄入不足。2.数据显示大部分运动员都处于热量负平衡状态,少数体重和体脂均超标的运动员热量平衡状态是呈正平衡状态的。3.男性运动员的体重为70.09±21.55 kg,体脂百分比为17.6±8.1,女性运动员的体重为65.69±11.52 kg,体脂百分比平均值为27.4±7.2。4.男、女干预组的能量摄入均达到了我国运动员能量摄入的推荐量,同时干预组的蛋白质供能比较干预前有了较大的提高,脂肪供能比降低。5.男、女干预组干预后能量平衡状态均处于正平衡,与干预前的能量负平衡状态相比较,差异具有极显著性(P<0.01)。而男、女对照组在实验的一个月前后能量平衡状态一直处于负平衡,差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。6.男、女干预组干预后体重较干预前均有小幅度增长,但是增长幅度不显著(P>0.05);而男、女对照组在无干预条件下一个月后体重均有所下降,其中女对照组变化差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。男、女干预组干预后体脂百分比较干预前都有降低,并且差异都具有显著性(P<0.05);而男、女对照组在无干预条件下一个月后体脂百分比均有升高,其中男对照组体脂变化差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:1.摔跤和柔道运动员的饮食结构不合理,应结合每个人的实际情况科学调整食谱;2.摔跤和柔道运动员的体脂百分比普遍偏高,有降低的必要;3.一个月的饮食干预可以改善摔跤和柔道运动员的体重和体脂百分比;4.食谱的制定原则合理,可以作为重竞技类运动员控、降体重期间指导饮食的参考依据。

【Abstract】 Through inverstigation,this paper is to comprehend the present conditions of the meals structure,the conversation of energy state and weight and body composition of the youth’s judoka and wrestlers.Meanwhile,with the practical facts taken into consideration and with the reference to the ideal weight and BF% of the athletes,it’s to make an investigable recipe to ameliorate the athletes’body composition.Trough investigating the general laws of controlling weigh and improvides the body composition by meals investigation,this paper provides the theoretical basis for the constraction of the rational meals structure of judoka and wrestlers.Extract 64 wrestlers and judoka from The LangFang Sports School,and the first part of the thesis is to find out the amount of assimiliation of everyday energy and every micre-elements of the athletes as well as the proportion of the three main nutrients by the method of measuring weight every three days;to record the amount of energy consumption by using energy monitor;to measure weight and BF% by using BOD POD.Thesecond part of thsis is to make an investigable recipe for the dietary intervention of the athletes for one month by taking the practical facts into consideration,and to evaluate the intervention principles and effects by comparing the data changes of the meals structures before and after the dietary intervention,the conversation of energy state,and weight and BF% and so on.Result:(1) The average daily assimilation of energy for athletes is as following:Male2638.2±231.8kcal;Female2159.1±151.8kcal.It’s lower than the recommendation valuce.The ratio of the three main nutrition supplied is unreasonable for both male and female athletes.And the ratio of the fat supply is comparatively high:Male27.2±7.6%,Female28.5±6.4%.For individual athlete,the ratio is severely under the recommendation value.Only the supply of Vitmin E reaches the recommendation value.The other supplies of Vitmins are all below it.In particular the Vitimin B1、Vitimin B2 and Vitimin C.Regarding to the mineral substance,the result shows that all the athlete involved in the investigation reach the recommendation value in terms of the supplies of Fe and Se.While the supplies of Ca and Zn are respectively under the recommendation value.(2) According to the statistics ,the majority of the athletes are all at the quantity of negative state,the minority of the athletes who are overweight are in the quantity of positive state.(3 )For the male athletes:the weight is 70.09±21.55 kg,BF% is 17.6±8.1.For the female athletes:the weight is 65.69±11.52 kg,BF% is 27.4±7.2. (4 )The energy of men and women experimental group is higher than control group,approaching the recommended amount of energy absorbed by athletes in china.Meanwhile,the supply energy of protein of experimental froup is much higher than control group while the fat lower than control group.(5 )Men and women experimental groups are in direct balance ,which is significant different from the negative balance before investigation(P<0.01).However,men and women control groups are always in negative balance both before and after investigation,with no statistical significance(P>0.05).(6) The weight of men and women experimental groups after investigation is a bit heavier than that before investigation,with increase by a small margin;while the weight of men and women control groups without investigation comes down a little of which the change of women group is significant different(P<0.05).BF% of men and women experimental group after investigation comes down compared with that before investigation with significant difference(P<0.05),while BF% of men and women control group without investigation increase after one month,of which the change of men group is significant different(P<0.05).Conclusion:(1) The eating structure of judoka and wrestlers is unreasonable.We should adjust recipe to thire respective practical situation.(2) As the BF% of judoka and wrestlers is generally high,it’s necessary for them to decrease it.(3)One month of dietary investigation can ameliorate the weight and BF% of judoka and wrestlers.(4)Reasonable regulation of recipe can provide reference for athletics to control and lose weigh.

  • 【分类号】G886;G852.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】267