

Theory and Practice Study of Tour Geography Bilingual Teaching

【作者】 杨红

【导师】 温志广;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是信息时代,是旅游时代,是全球经济一体化时代。随着我国加入WTO,对人才培养的要求不断提高。为应对经济全球化和科技革命的挑战,提高人才的国际竞争力,使培养的人才适应现代社会发展的需要,“双语教学”的教学形式已经在国内如雨后春笋般地开展起来,“双语教学”开展状况已成为评价一所学校教学水平的重要指标。正确利用“双语教学”,是转变教育理念、提高人才素质的需要,同时对学校的教学、师资、学生都提出了更高的要求。笔者任教的承德旅游职业学院是河北省唯一一所专门培养旅游专业人才的职业院校,导游专业在全校规模最大。其中英语导游专业是特色专业。学院已培养出大量出色的导游人员。职业教育应确立以能力为本位的教学指导思想,要根据职业教育的特点,把增强学生的职业技术能力和就业能力放在突出位置,使职业教育的教学更好地适应经济发展和劳动就业需要。作为旅游职业院校的专业基础课程——旅游地理同样也必须服从职业教育的大前提。为此我对该课程进行了双语教学的改革。本文以“双语教学”作为主要研究对象,从探析“双语”和“双语教学”的定义入手,具体论述了“双语教学”的国内外研究状况、“双语教学”的教学模式、“双语教学”的理论、“双语教学”的策略。结合本人在改革中的亲身经历,提出了目前我国“双语教学”普遍存在的问题,通过对05届和06届两届毕业的英语导游的跟踪调查,进一步指出“双语教学”在国内开设的必要性和重大意义。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the era congested with information, tour and global economic integration. As a member of WTO, we ask for more talented persons to meet the challenges of economic globalization and science and technology revolution. To suit the needs of the modern society and win the international competition, bilingual teaching has already mushroomed nationwide and the condition of this teaching form has become an important index when evaluating a school. By well using bilingual approach, we could divert education notion, yet this also puts forward a higher requirement to the teaching, teachers and students in the meantime.The Chengde Tourism Vocational College is an important professional school in HeBei which puts up cultivating tour guides, especially English ones, as its feature. The tour guide major stands very high in the school scale, lots of outstanding cicerones well up annually. Ability training is a must in vocational schooling, in order to make our teaching betterly follow the market necessity, the student’s technique and employment abilities should be listed at the top position according to the characteristics of professional education. As the sub-course of tourist college, tour geography also goes after the trend of cultivating the student’s practical skills for their future careers. So I have been carrying out the reform of the bilingual teaching to that course.The paper takes bilingual teaching as the main research object, starts from the concept of bilingualism and bilingual teaching, develops thoroughly its mode and method world-widely in this field. With my personal experience, I have brought forward the current problems existed in our country’s bilingual teaching. Through the survey of the English tour guides graduated in 2005 and 2006, I have further pointed out the indispensable call to set up this bilingual way of teaching.

  • 【分类号】F590-4
  • 【被引频次】1
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