

【作者】 韩芳

【导师】 徐华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题以河北省艺术体操队和各地市艺术体操队为研究对象,以文献资料法、专家访谈、问卷调查法、录像解析法、数理统计分析等为主要研究手段,收集专家对河北省艺术体操竞技训练、比赛等相关方面问题的观点,了解河北省艺术体操竞技训练的基本概况,了解河北省艺术体操省队和各地市训练的实际情况。根据河北省艺术体操竞技训练现状,结合训练实践,对河北省艺术体操竞技训练的有关理论问题进行界定;收集和借鉴国内外优秀教练员先进、科学的训练方法和手段,着重从运动员身体、技术、舞蹈、综合竞技能力、心理等方面来研究,对艺术体操竞技训练的主要内容进行构建;指出了河北省艺术体操发展方向,提出了河北省艺术体操的发展建议,为河北省艺术体操项目的快速发展奠定基础。对影响河北省艺术体操项目发展的因素进行比较全面的分析;提出河北省艺术体操集体和个人项目创新发展思路。本论文研究得出如下结论:1、河北省现有艺术体操专业队1个,市级业余艺术体操训练队6个,从事艺术体操训练的队员仅120名左右,整体基数小,省队选材面窄,运动成绩发展受制约。2、河北省教练员、裁判员队伍在数量、质量和能力等方面都有待提高;缺乏严格规范、科学客观的选拔及竞争机制,在一定程度上影响了河北省艺体运动的整体水平的提高。3、训练场地成为了制约河北艺术体操发展的重要因素之一。4、迄今为止,河北省尚缺少统一、全面、系统的艺术体操基础训练大纲和训练模式,致使各地市艺术体操基础训练缺乏科学性、系统性和规范性。5、在政府投入资金的基础上,合理利用市场筹集资金,使艺术体操项目蓬勃发展。

【Abstract】 By using ways of documents, statistics, expert interviews, questionnaire investigate method study this thesis. To analyze experts’views about rhythmics training and competitions basic training were gained.According to training present condition of rhythmics in HeBei province some training theories were defined. Collections with draw lessons from the domestic and international excellent coaches’training method and ways the study emphasize on the athlete body, technique, dance, synthesize the ability of contesting, mental state and so on. Pointed out the Hebei rhythmics development direction, put forward the development suggestion of the rhythmics of Hebei, lay the foundation for the development of Hebei rhythmics. Analyze all kinds of effect factors about the development of Hebei rhythmics; Provide suggestions about the development of Hebei rhythmics.Conclusion:The conclusions were draw as followings:Firstly,there are 6 local rhythmics teams and one province class of team While there are about 120 rhythmics sportswomen in Hebei province. So little the quantity of rhythmics sportswomen were provided for coaches to choose that no more excellent rhythmics sportswomen were found. Basic formation in every locality City rhythmics sportswomen steps brigade developments of Hebei. There are several the potential members of teams in each age stage.Secondly, the member, the quality and the abilities of the coaches and the judges of Hebei province must to be improved. At same time, because lacking objective selection in strict norm, science and competition mechanisms, can’t stimulate the coaches and the judges strongly, affected the development of Hebei rhythmics team.Thirdly, the training building becomes one of an important problem that make the development of rhythmics slowly in resent years.Fourthly, Hebei is in need of to unify still, completely, the rhythmics foundation training outline and the train mode. Thus every locality City rhythmics basic training lack of science, system and norm.In order to develop quickly the manager of Hebei rhythmics teams should rains the funds by two ways: government and market.

【关键词】 艺术体操河北省运动员
【Key words】 RhythmicsHeBei provincesporswoman
  • 【分类号】G834
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】440