

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 任广浩;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 马克思在《资本论》中说:“土地是财富之母,劳动是财富之父。”土地是农民的命脉,是农民赖以生存的生产资料和最基本的生活保障,土地问题关系到广大农村的稳定和国民经济的发展。农村土地制度的建立和完善是建设社会主义新农村的重要内容,是农村法制建设的重中之重。当前,我国的农村土地制度存在着突出问题,这些问题的存在严重地影响着农村经济的发展和农村社会的稳定。因此,进一步完善农村土地制度,特别是土地所有权制度,对于我国农村经济的发展具有重要的战略意义。本文共分为五部分,主要阐述了目前农村土地制度问题的研究现状,农村土地制度的演变过程,我国台湾地区以及典型国家在土地制度方面的经验和措施,深入分析了当前我国农村土地所有权制度存在的问题,提出了完善我国农村土地所有权制度的建议和方法。第一部分,主要分析了农村土地制度问题的研究现状并对几种方案进行评价。目前,我国农村土地制度存在一些问题,对此理论界存在着多种构想和说法:国有化方案、私有化方案、土地集体所有方案等等。本文对上述几种方案进行了分析和评价,最后也阐明了自己的观点:进一步完善农村集体土地所有制度。第二部分,对我国的农村土地制度进行了回顾和分析。第一个问题介绍了我国古代的土地制度:奴隶社会时期的土地制度主要是土地国有制,就是王有制;封建社会时期的土地制度,最鲜明的特点就是土地私有制的出现并最终取得了法律地位;民国时期的土地制度在继承了私有的前提条件下,又进行了一些新的立法和尝试。第二个问题介绍了我国建国后不同时期农村的土地制度:50年代初的农地改革,农地私有;农地私有,集体经营;农地集体所有,统一经营;农地集体所有,家庭联产承包经营。第三部分,我国台湾地区及典型国家土地制度的分析与启示。我国台湾地区通过实施“三七五减租”、“公地放领”、“私有耕地征收与放领”等农地改革措施,促进了农业经济的发展。日本土地制度改革的突出特点是鼓励土地使用权流转,发展协作农业。韩国土地制度的改革和调整推动了韩国经济的现代化。美国政府从所有权、经营、收益、管理等方面,不断加强对土地的调控和管理。最后,通过对我国台湾、日本、韩国、美国在土地制度方面的改革和经验的分析,提出了对我国农村土地制度建设方面有益的启示。第四部分,主要论述了我国农村土地所有权的立法现状及其存在的问题。当前农村土地方面存在的问题。第一,所有权性质模糊。主要分析了在所有权性质方面的有关观点:集体土地属于集体经济组织单独所有;农村土地的集体所有是一种“新型的总有”:农村土地集体所有为集体组织法人所有。第二,所有权主体虚位。主要分析了在所有权主体上存在的两种观点:集体土地所有权的主体是农民集体;集体土地所有权的主体是集体经济组织。此外,还探讨了国家与集体土地所有权界限不清的问题。第三,所有权权能残缺。主要分析了所有权中的使用权能、处分权能、收益权能等方面的残缺和不足。第五部分,主要论述了完善我国农村土地所有权法律制度的建议。第一,农村土地制度改革应该坚持正确的方向,针对“农民集体”存在的三种类型,笔者认为将农村土地所有权主体确立为“村农民集体”最为合适,并将通过权力组织、执行组织、监督组织来行使和保障自己的权力。第二,完善集体土地所有权的各项权能,主要是使用权能、收益权能、处分权能,其中重点论述了土地使用权流转、土地价值补偿、土地征用程序等方面的规范和完善。第三,为农村土地制度的完善创造良好的环境。大力扶植和保护农业,提高农民种粮的积极性;建立农村社会保障体系,加速农村土地的市场化流转:加强税费改革和户籍改革,为农村土地制度的运行创造良好条件;发展农村教育事业,为我国农村土地制度的健全和完善提供精神动力和智力支持。

【Abstract】 Marx in《the capital theory》said : "The land is the mother of wealth; the labor is the father of wealth." Land is the lifeblood of farmers. Land is the farmer’s survival and the most basic means of production and living. Land relates to rural stability and the development of the national economy. The establishment and improvement of the rural land system is an important part of building a new socialist countryside, is the top priority in building of the legal system in rural areas. At present, China’s rural land system has some problems; the existence of these problems has serious implications for the development of rural economy and social stability in rural areas. Therefore, further perfecting the system of land in rural areas, especially the system of land ownership, is important to the development of China’s rural economic and strategic significance.This text is divided into five parts; it mainly elaborates the current situation of China’s rural land system. It has the rural land system of turn into process, the evolution of the rural land system in China’s Taiwan region and the experience and measure of the land system in the typical country. Depth analyses the problems of the current system of rural land ownership, improves the system of rural land ownership.First, it analyses the present situation and the several program evaluations of rural land system. At present, China’s rural land system, there are some problems, which exist in a variety of theoretical concepts: nationalization program privatization program, collectively-owned land and so forth. In this text, has several of the above analysis and evaluation of the program, in the end, to clarify their views: further improve the system of collective land ownership.The second part, it has the review and analysis of the rural land system. The first question is China’s ancient system of land: the land system of the slave period is the state-owned land. Or Wang -owned land; The land system of feudal times, the most distinctive feature is the emergence of private ownership of land and eventually obtained a legal status; inherited a system in the Republic of private land under the precondition, a number of new laws and tried. The second issue of rural land system : after the founding of New China in the early 1950s, agricultural land reform, privatization of agricultural land; Private agricultural land. Collective; agricultural land is collectively owned, unified management; agricultural land is collectively owned, family contract.Third, it is a typical analysis and enlightenment of the rural land system of China’s Taiwan region and the state land. China’s Taiwan region has the implementation of the "375 rent reduction," and "commons-up." "Private land charge-up" agricultural land reforms measures, and promote the development of agricultural economy. Japan is a prominent feature of the land reform system to encourage the transfer of land use right to develop cooperation in agriculture. The reform and readjustment of South Korea promotes Korea’s economic modernization. U.S. government from the ownership, operation, revenue management, in order to strengthen the control and management of land, U.S. government has some measures from the ownership, operation, and revenue management. Finally, China’s Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States and experience in the reform of the land system analysis and the construction of China’s rural land system useful inspiration.The fourth part discusses the current situation of China’s rural land ownership legislation and problems. The problems that exist in the current rural land are: First, the vague nature of ownership. Analysis of the main point: the nature of the collective ownership of the land belongs to all of collective economic organizations alone; collective ownership of land in rural areas is a "new Director"; collective ownership of rural land to the collective organization of all legal. Second, it is the main figure of the ownership. Analysis of a major title in the main there are two views: the collective land ownership is the mainstay of peasants; collective land ownership is the mainstay of the collective economic organization. In addition, it is the state and collective ownership of land ill-defined problems. Third, it is the empowerment ownership incomplete. Introduced the use of empowerment ownership, can dispose of proceeds of such empowerment incomplete and inadequate.Fifth, it is the major exposition of the improvement of China’s legal system of land ownership in rural areas. First, the reform of the rural land system should adhere to the correct direction, First, the reform of the rural land system should adhere to the correct direction, in response to the "peasants"of the three types, I believe rural land ownership as a "village peasants" most appropriate, and through the power of organization, implementation, supervision and support organizations to exercise their powers. Second, improve the competence of collective land ownership, the use of empowerment is the main revenue empowerment, can dispose of, in which he focused on the transfer of land, use right, compensation for the value of land, the land acquisition procedures to standardize and improve. Third, it is in order to improve the rural land system and create a good environment. Vigorous support and protect agriculture and increase grain production enthusiasm; Establishment of the rural social security system, accelerate the transfer of rural land market; strengthening tax -for-fee reform, and reform of the household registration, To create favorable conditions for the operation of the rural land system; The development of rural education, To improve and perfect the system of rural land to provide spiritual impetus and intellectual support.

  • 【分类号】D922.3
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