

【作者】 岳敏

【导师】 刘遵仁;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息的膨胀和网络的普及,那种只能对单一数据库进行访问的方式已不能满足需要,人们增加了处理分布式数据库的需求。在设计分布式数据库访问工具时,最重要的问题是如何使用户的访问方便而高效,也就是用户意识不到自己是在访问位于不同主机上的数据,操作分布式数据库就像操作本地数据库一样简单。根据这一目标,本文就基于.NET的分布式数据库访问技术进行了研究。本文首先介绍了分布式数据库理论及.NET技术,分析了几种基本的数据库访问技术,包括:开放数据库连接(ODBC)、数据访问对象(DAO)、远程数据对象(RDO)、Java数据库连接(JDBC)及一致数据访问技术(OLE DB/ADO)。然后着重对.NET Framework的最新数据库访问技术—ADO.NET的体系结构、对象模型、各个对象的重点特性等进行了深入的分析。在以上理论分析的基础上,提出了基于ADO.NET的分布式数据库查询方法,对ADO及ADO.NET在数据访问效率方面进行了比较测试,并探讨了如何利用存储过程优化ADO.NET应用程序。但是ADO.NET在数据库访问方面也还存在一定问题,最主要的就是没有引入对象/关系映射技术。因此,本文以解决ADO.NET的在数据库访问方面存在的问题为目标,在ADO.NET的基础上引入了对象/关系映射技术并构建了一个可复用的数据库访问中间件ORM(O/R Mapping),并将其成功地应用于项目在线测评系统的开发中。

【Abstract】 Along with information expanding and network popularization, the way thataccessing single database doesn’t satisfy the demand. The requirement to accessdistributed database is increased. The very important problem when design a distributeddatabase accessing tool is how to make users access data conveniently and efficiently.Accessing data locating at different servers is not been aware, and distributed database ismanipulated as if local database is manipulated. According to this goal, some research ondistributed database accessing technology based on. NET Framework was done in thispaper.Distributed database theory and. NET technology were introduced at first, then somebasic database accessing technologies were analyzed, including Open DatabaseConnectivity(ODBC), Data Accessing Object(DAO), Remote Data Object(RDO), JAVADatabase Connectivity(JDBC) and Universal Data Access Technology(OLE DB/ADO).ADO. NET technology is the up to date database accessing technology in. NETFramework. The system framework and characteristics of objects in ADO. NET wereanalyzed thoroughly. On the foundation of above theoretical analysis, a query method ofdistributed database based on ADO. NET was brought forward. The data accessingefficiency between ADO and ADO. NET was tested, and the way that optimize applicationperformance with stored procedure was discussed.However, some problems in the database accessing of ADO. NET existed. The mostimportant problem was that there was no object/relation mapping technology inADO. NET. So, it was aimed to solve the existing problem of which ADO. NET accessdatabase involved. Object/Relation mapping technology based on ADO. NET wasintroduced, and one database accessing frame ORM was structured. The ORM hasalready successfully been applied to the on-line testing system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】680