

Effect of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on Accumulation of Potassium in Different Organs of Rapeseed

【作者】 孙家刚

【导师】 冷锁虎;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过不同氮钾肥处理,研究了不同时期油菜各器官中的钾素含量、钾素积累量及钾素在各器官中的分布,其主要结果如下:1、油菜叶片、茎枝及全株的钾素含量随生育进程呈逐渐下降的趋势。果壳中的钾素含量在开花后的20-21天以内随角果的生长呈下降的趋势,以后又随角果的生长逐渐提高,角果成熟前(约开花后50天左右)果壳的钾素含量又有所下降。子粒中钾素含量一般随子粒的生长发育呈逐渐下降的趋势,其中以前期下降的幅度较大,以后下降的幅度逐渐减小。2、油菜体内的钾素积累量一般生育进程的推进呈增加的趋势,全株的钾素有1/2左右是在抽薹前积累的,从抽薹至初花阶段也是钾素积累量较快的时期。茎枝中的钾素在终花前呈增加的趋势,终花后钾素积累量也逐渐减少。叶片中的钾素含量自抽薹后就逐渐下降,初花后下降更为迅速,至终花时叶片中的钾素总量已很少。3、果壳和子粒中的钾素积累呈“S”型曲线,用Richards方程拟合表明,果壳和子粒中钾素积累的持续时间差异较小,分别为40-42天和42-43天;其前期经历的时间也比较接近,分别为22-23天和23-24天,但在这一时期积累的钾素差异较大,果壳和子粒分别占总积累量的45%-50%和34%-37%,以果壳中积累的量较多;中期经历的时间相差也不大,分别为11-12天和10-11天,这一时期的钾素积累量分别占总积累量的42%-45%和50%-52%,以子粒中积累的量较多;后期经历的天数分别为6-7天和9-10天,以子粒略长,积累量分别占总积累量的8%-9%和12%-14%,也以子粒的积累量较多。4、油菜成熟期时钾素主要分布在茎枝中,约占全株钾素总量的60%-70%,约有20%-25%分布于果壳中,而分布于子粒中的钾素很少,只占全株的10%左右。5、各时期的钾素含量随施钾量的增加而提高,随施氮量的增加则呈先增后减的趋势。各器官的钾素积累量随施氮量的增加而增加的幅度较大,但随钾肥用量的增加而增加的幅度较小。子粒中的钾素含量受氮肥和钾肥的影响较小。

【Abstract】 The content of potassium (K) of different organ at different stage in rapeseed was measured under different nitrogen and potassium fertilizers treatments. The K accumulation of leaves, stem and branches, pod walls and seeds and K distribution in different organs were studied. The main results were as followed:1. The K content of leaves, stem and branches and whole plant of rapeseed descended gradually with development process. The K content of pod walls descended within 20d to 21d after flowering, then increased gradually, and descended a little before maturing of pod (about 50d after flowering). The content of K in seeds descended with the development of seed.2. The amount of K in rapeseed increased gradually with the development process. Half of potassium in plant accumulated before bolting stage, and the potassium accumulated faster from bolting to beginning of flowering. The potassium in stem and branches increased before the end of flower, and then decreased gradually. The potassium in leaves decreased gradually after bolting, then decreased quickly after beginning of flowering. There was a little K in leaves at the end of flowering.3. The potassium accumulated curve of pod walls and seeds like an“S”type, with the Richard equation analysis, the results showed that, the duration of K accumulating had little difference between the pod walls and the seeds, the duration varied from 40d ~ 42d and 42d ~ 43d respectively. The duration in prophase were 22d to 23d and 23d to24d respectively, but the amount of K accumulation had bigger difference in this phase, the K accumulation in pod walls and seeds accounted for the whole K of the plant was 45% to 50% and 34% to 37% respectively. The duration of middle stage varied from 11d to 12d and 10d to 11d, the K accumulation accounted for the whole K was 42% to 45% and 50% to 52% respectively. The duration of anaphase varied from 6d to 7d and 9d to 10d, and the K accumulation accounted for the whole K was 8% to 9% and 12% to 14% respectively.4. Potassium was mainly distributed in stem, the amount of potassium in stem and branches accounted for 60% to 70% of the whole plant; and there was about 20% to 25% of potassium in pod walls, there was about 10 percent of K distributed in seeds.5. The K content increased with the increasing of K fertilizer and increased first then descended with the increasing of N fertilizer in each stage. The amount of K increased observably with the increasing of N fertilizer application, but increased indistinctively with the increasing of K fertilizer in each organ. The K content of seeds had a little effect with the N and K fertilizer application.

【关键词】 油菜钾素含量钾素积累量Richards方程
【Key words】 RapeseedK contentK accumulationRichards equation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】S565.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】101