

Experimental Research on Property for Crack Resistance of the Cement-based Polymer Concrete

【作者】 涂云霞

【导师】 刘平;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 混凝土结构裂缝问题,是长期困扰工程技术人员的一大技术难题。近年来,随着新技术、新材料的应用而日益增多,它已影响到人们的生活和生产,是迫切需要解决的技术难题。虽然结构设计是建立在强度的极限承载力基础上的,但大多数工程的使用标准却是由裂缝控制的。近代建筑材料的研究认为,建筑物的裂缝是不可避免的,有裂缝是绝对的,无裂缝是相对的。影响裂缝的因素很多也很复杂,针对裂缝形成的不同原因,其补救和预防的措施,工程界关于这方面的研究已经取得不少的成果。但是真正能从改善材料组分角度出发来提高混凝土的抗裂性能的研究还不是很多。在混凝土中掺入适量的聚合物能有效提高其变形能力,有关这方面的研究很早就受到学者们的关注。目前,聚合物混凝土在工程中的应用范围却仅局限于防渗、修补等领域。这主要有两方面原因:一、聚合物的掺入会削弱混凝土的强度和刚度;二、聚合物一般成本较高,它的加入势必会造成建筑成本的增加。本文通过改变聚合物的掺量,试图缓解其变形与强度之间的矛盾,制备一种变形能力较大且强度损失较小的水泥基聚合物混凝土材料。围绕这一目的,本文主要做以下几方面工作:1、研究不同聚合物掺量的水泥砂浆和混凝土的力学性能,探讨掺量对其动弹性模量、抗压强度、抗折强度和阻尼性能的影响,尤其是对抗裂性能的影响。2、探讨聚合物对于改善混凝土力学性能的作用机理。3、以混凝土现浇板为例,通过试验的方式来验证水泥基聚合物混凝土的抗裂性能。4、利用有限元分析软件ANSYS模拟普通混凝土板带结构与水泥基聚合物混凝土板带结构的静力响应。试验结果表明:适量羧基丁苯胶乳的加入可以显著改善混凝土的变形能力而不过分削弱混凝土的强度和刚度;结构中使用聚合物混凝土是会提高建筑的造价,但是从长远角度考虑,它的维护和修补费用比普通混凝土要少得多;因此,在现浇板中采用水泥基聚合物混凝土材料还是着实有效的。

【Abstract】 Cracks in construction are an engineering technical problem, which has confused us for a long time. In recent years, with the more use of new technology and materials, the problem of crack is booming. It has affected people’s life and the production, so it should be solved as soon as possible. Although the structural design is established on ultimate strength criteria, usage standard of most projects is controlled by crack. The achievement of modern building material research showed the cracks in construction are inevitable. Factors influence crack in constructions are very many and complicated. In view of different reasons cracks form, there are lots of measures about its remediation and preventive measure in engineering. But researches from improving material component to enhance the property for crack resistance of concrete are very few.Mixed with appropriate amount of polymer, distortion ability of concrete enhances efficiently. The research about this aspect has already attracted the scholars’attention. Though it has been put forward for many years, the polymer concrete was only used in the areas of leakage prevention and reparation etc. Mainly there are two reasons about this: Firstly, the adding of polymer weakens intensity and the rigidity of the concrete; Secondly, the polymer is expensive as usual, its adding certainly will result in increasing in cost of the construction. This paper attempts to alleviate the construction between the distortion and the intensity of polymer concrete by changing the quantity of polymer to prepare cement-based polymer concrete with great deformation and strength reduced little. Surrounding this goal, the primary contention of this research outspreads from several aspects as follows:1、Study mechanics performance of the cement mortar and concrete with different amount of the polymer, discuss its dynamic elastic modulus, compressive strength and damping ratio, expect for the property for crack resistance.2、Probe into the function mechanism when adding the polymer into the concrete. 3、Take the cast-in-site concrete slab as the example , study crack resistance of the based-cement polymer concrete by testing.4、The static responses of the normal concrete structure and the based-cement polymer concrete were simulated by using ANSYS.The test result indicated that the proper quantity polymer can improve remarkably distortion ability, but weaken the degree of the intensity and the rigidity of concrete a little. Using based-cement polymer concrete in structure can enhance the cost of construction, but embarking from the long term angle, its maintenance and the patching expense is less than the plain concrete wants; Therefore, using the based-cement polymer concrete material in cast-in-site concrete slab is effective.

【关键词】 抗裂阻尼聚合物混凝土
【Key words】 the crack resistancedampingpolymerconcrete
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU528
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】373