

Research on Transformer Condition Assessment Based on Indefinite Theory

【作者】 朱铮

【导师】 朱永利;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 电力系统及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 电力企业为了提高经济效益和社会效益,要求电气设备的检修体制逐渐由定期维修向状态维修转变,为了实施变压器的状态维修,需要对变压器的状态进行准确的评估。本文对变压器的健康状态评分采用100分制,给出了变压器状态5等级划分,确定了影响变压器综合状态的各项参数及其评分方法,并由此总结出了变压器综合状态评估的决策结构图。本文分别利用了贝叶斯网络法和支持向量机法进行了建模,分别给出了变压器状态评估的方法和步骤,并结合实际数据样本进行了运算,比较两种方法彼此的优缺点。本文将变压器状态评估划分为变压器本体、变压器套管、变压器铁心三部分的评估,每一部分的都结合了历史状态、当前状态和未来状态来进行评估。

【Abstract】 Electric power companies in reply social benefits for the improvement of economic, demand an electric examine and repair system keeping a change in condition repair from regular repair. The condition assessment is the foundation of the condition repair. In this paper, health condition is divided into five ranks, the centesimal system is used. We ascertain the parameters affecting synthetical state of transformer various and their grade method, and has summed up out the decision-making structural drawing that synthetical state of transformer appraises from this. This article has separately produced transformer condition assessment model based on Bayesian network and support vector manchine, has presented the method and the step, and has compared with two methods through the example data. In this paper, transformer condition assessment has been divided into three part: main body, bushing and cores, we could obtain running conditions of the three parts by using of the different periods condition including previous, present and prospective.

  • 【分类号】TM402
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】338