

【作者】 李森

【导师】 李龙;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民事诉讼法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,因为受到社会伦理、传统思想文化的束缚,家庭暴力一直被人们忽视。直到上个世纪九十年代,随着世界妇女大会的召开,家庭暴力才进入人们的视野,成为人们关注的社会热点问题和学者门的研究课题。目前,已出版和公开的论文、著述多限于社会学和实体法(民法、刑法)领域。在民事诉讼领域,对家庭暴力进行司法救济的研究则几乎没有。而民事诉讼,作为解决民事纠纷的最主要并且最权威的纠纷解决机制,在审判家庭暴力案件、救济受害者、制裁施暴者方面,发挥着重要的作用。因此,本文在探讨民事诉讼制度对家庭暴力案件司法救济的现状基础上,提出了从民事诉讼法的角度来完善家庭暴力的司法救济保制度,达到保护受害人和制裁施暴者,使法官对家庭暴力纠纷能作出公正和有效的解决。除了引言,本文分成三个部分:第一部分是家庭暴力和家庭暴力案件简介。本部分首先介绍了家庭暴力的定义和分类。目前我国的立法没有对家庭暴力作出解释,而只有司法解释和学理解释。家庭暴力从表现形式上分为身体暴力、性暴力和精神暴力;从受害者的角度,分为婚姻暴力、少年儿童虐待和老年虐待。其次,介绍了家庭暴力案件的特征、表现形式和当事人特征。家庭暴力案件与一般财产案件相比,体现为当事人身份的紧密性;与身份关系案件相比,体现为行为的暴力性。在当事人特征方面,家庭暴力案件体现为当事人身份的不平等、诉讼能力的不对等和受害人诉讼心理的不稳定。第二部分论述的是我国家庭暴力案件的司法救济现状。本部分首先从国家法律和地方法规规定的角度对家庭暴力的司法依据进行了梳理,然后对这两个层面的立法进行了反思。其次,从民事诉讼法的角度对家庭暴力的司法救济理念进行了探讨。民事诉讼的改革方向是从重“实质公平”向重“程序公平”偏移,从公正逐渐向效率过渡,这与家庭暴力案件的司法救济理念背道而驰;在审判家庭暴力案件时,举证责任是按照一般规则予以分配的,这对处于弱势地位的受害者来说是很不公平的;家庭暴力案件因为身份的紧密性和暴力性,需要法官做细致、耐心的调解,而审判理论和实践都在弱化调解,也造成了司法实践中对家庭暴力的司法救济的不利。再次,探讨了对家庭暴力案件审理的现状。对家庭暴力案件的司法救济,在审判案件时表现为以下三个方面:立案难、认证难、执行难。立案难表现为“家庭暴力”并不是一个独立的起诉理由、司法工作者的态度不积极及当事人重复起诉而使司法工作者很难确定是否继续立案。法院的认证难体现为当事人无法提供有效的证据证明受害人的伤害是施暴者实施的暴力行为所致,并且法官主动调取证据也不容易操作。执行难表现为在判决作出后,当事人可能还要继续生活在一起,但没有有力的措施保障施暴者以后不再会对受害人实施暴力。第三部分是家庭暴力的司法救济的完善。本部分首先论述了完善家庭暴力的司法救济的意义。完善司法救济的意义在实现以人为本的价值理念和追求公正、体现公平两个方面。其次,是介绍国外的司法救济检索,重点介绍美国的司法救济措施和日本的家事审判程序,希望能对我国的司法救济起到借鉴作用。美国的司法救济措施主要体现在其设置了民事保护令制度、保护受害人人身安全以及施暴者对受害人的经济赔偿等方面。日本的家事审判制度主要体现在完善的家事调解制度和民事诉讼程序规定。最后,提出了完善我国的家庭暴力的司法救济措施。完善我国的家庭暴力的司法救济包括三个方面:第一是完善对家庭暴力的立法:出台《反家庭暴力法》和针对家庭暴力案件设定专门的民事诉讼证据规则。二是完善司法救济程序,包括完善调解措施、完善审判操作事项和在判决结果中应照顾受害人利益。三是构建我国的家事审判法庭,以利于法官能更专业化和集中化审判家庭暴力案件。

【Abstract】 Domestic Violence, a sensitively social problem, being restrained by ethicalmorality and cultural tradition, was always neglected by the society. In China, itdid not attract the public attention until the 1995 World Women Conference washeld in Beijing.At present, more and more people pay attention to it, and start to research onit. The passages and articles that the scholars get and publish are mostly in social,civil and criminal field, however, in civil procedural field, the researches that dealwith the judicial remedies is almost none. While, civil procedural system, as themost important and authorized disputes resolving system, pays little attention tothe trial of Domestic Violence cases, giving remedial measures to the victims,punishing the tort-feasors.Based on the research of occurrence of domestic violence and the practiceof judicial remedy, this passage renders some perfecting measures of judicialremedies towards domestic violence, from the respect of civil procedural system,to achieve the purpose of protecting the victim, resolving the case impartially andeffectively, and the establishment of the perfect legal environment and system.Apart from preface, the passage includes three parts:First part talks about the concept of Domestic Violence and thecharacteristics of Domestic Violence cases. At present, no act or regulation,except for Supreme People’s Court, defines the concept of Domestic Violence.As for the characteristics of Domestic Violence cases, compared with propertydisputes, Domestic Violence is special for the tight relationship between litigants;compared with physical disputes, Domestic Violence case is different for theviolent behavior that was done by tort-feasors towards victims.Second part deals with the practice of judicial remedies towards DomesticViolence. Judicial remedies include lack of the legal regulations. The principle isnot adaptable for judges to adjudicate Domestic Violence case. The practice ofjudicial remedies demonstrates lacking specified legal regulations, as the basisfor tendering remedy to victims. The practice of judges when deal with Domestic Violence case shows that the lawsuit is hard for the litigants to institute, thetestimony, which is difficult for the victims to reserve and tender to the court, ishard for judges to affirm, when the proceeding goes into the coercive period, thephysical rights of the victim is hard to protect, as he or she may have to livetogether with the tort-feasors, the verdict or the judgment can not be carried outwithout any difficulty.The third part talks about the meaning of perfecting judicial remediestowards Domestic Violence, the reference of judicial remedies of other countries,for example the civil protecting order of America and the mediation system ofJapan, the perfecting measures of judicial remedies that can be constructed. Themeaning of perfecting judicial measures includes that the pursuit of treating thepeople as the fundamental basis, justice and equity. The perfecting measuresinclude perfecting the regulations, enacting Family Law, establishing the familycourt and making some improving measures when judges adjudicate theDomestic Violence case.

  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【被引频次】4
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