

【作者】 宋世春

【导师】 郭忠;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是对拉兹的法律体系结构理论进行梳理和分析。探讨法律体系结构理论在法学理论中所扮演的角色,以期能够对法律体系结构理论以及法律体系理论做一个概括的了解。目前我国法理学界对这一方面的系统研究,尤其是对拉兹进行专门的研究非常欠缺。拉兹提出对法律的研究必须站在体系的高度才能够更好地对法律进行理解。法律体系结构实际上可以区分为:形式上的法律体系结构和实质上的法律体系结构。从另一个角度也可以区分为:动态法律体系结构和静态法律体系结构。实质的法律体系结构关注的是法律体系内法律之间的实质性联系,所关注的是法律之间功能上的相互联系。动态法律体系结构是从法律之间的运动生成角度分析法律体系结构的,静态法律体系结构关注法律的概念分析、法律的内容、功能联系和制度等。本文除前言和结语之外,共分为五个部分,这五个部分是按照法律体系结构理论发展的历史脉络顺序进行阐述的。第一部分:法律体系与法律体系结构的概念和联系。本部分主要介绍了有关法律体系结构的相关概念以及该问题的由来。一般情况下,现代法律总是属于某一法律体系之内的,一条法律总是与其它法律之间存在内部和外部的联系,这种法律之间的相互联系就构成了一个法律体系,法律体系是对整个法律进行尽可能不矛盾地梳理。这里的法律体系是一种系统性思维方式,它区别与我们通常的教科书中所使用的法律体系的概念。而之所以要研究法律体系问题,其核心问题还是研究“法律是什么”的问题,这个问题背后则最终是“正义是什么”这个问题。无论法学家如何论辩,他们都无法脱离对这一问题的追问和论证。第二部分:奥斯丁的法律体系结构问题。本部分主要阐述了奥斯丁在法律体系结构上的观点,实际上这些观点都是从奥斯丁别的观点里推论出来的。总体上来说,奥斯丁的法律之间有两类联系,既惩罚关系和生成关系,但是这两个关系在奥斯丁的法律体系结构里不是必然存在的,也就是说他的法律体系结构不是稳定的,无论是其形式结构还是其实质结构。第三部分:凯尔森和边沁的法律体系结构问题。本部分介绍了凯尔森和边沁对结构等相关问题的观点。凯尔森主要关注一种动态理论,认为规范的效力最终追溯到基本规范,而与法律的内容毫无关系,而且,由于基本规范被界定在一个人类认识的先验范畴之内,所以它根本无法区别两个不同的法律体系,以凯尔森的理论来看,任何法律体系都是一样的。而且他还认为法律规范应该能够完全的自足和独立,因而,其法律体系只具有形式上的结构,而没有实质上的结构,也就是说凯尔森否认了法律之间的内部联系。拉兹主要对凯尔森的动态法律体系结构提出了批评。边沁对义务和制裁的概念作了区别,承认了义务性法律和制裁性法律的存在,这个区分恰恰修正了凯尔森的观点。第四部分:哈特的法律体系结构问题。哈特更注重法律之间的内部关系,他对法律体系的动态结构不是很感兴趣。他提出法律体系由主要规则和次要规则两部分组成,并提出承认规则的概念。哈特认为承认规则既是法律效力的来源,也是鉴别法律内容的标准。他试图将凯尔森的规范主义和其本土的经验主义调和在一起。第五部分:拉兹的法律体系结构理论。拉兹总结了以上几位分析实证主义法学家有关法律体系结构的理论,在此基础上提出了自己的法律体系结构理论。拉兹首先明确了个别化的标准和原则,并细化了法律的分类,认为按照这些原则和分类基本上能够构造出一个完善的法律体系结构。拉兹主要关注静态法律体系结构理论,把法律体系看作由授权类法律、义务性法律以及非规范性法律组成。同时他也吸取了凯尔森的动态体系理论,认为法律能够自我调节。

【Abstract】 The principal part of this paper is the analysis of the legal system structure theories of Raz. Inquiry into the role of the system structure theories in the legal theory, which would give an understanding generally for the legal system structure theories and the legal system theories.Raz put forward that the research of the law would consider the system, then that can carry on comprehension to the law. The legal system structure can classified into actually: Formal legal system structure and substantial legal system structure; And can also classified into from another angle: The dynamic state legal system structure and the static state legal system structure. What the legal system structure of the substance pay attention to is the materiality of the laws inside the system contact, is mutually contact of the laws function. The dynamic state legal system structure exercises from of the law the born angle analysis legal system structure, but the static state legal system structure then pay attention to analysis the concept, the contents and the system of the law.Except for the preface and conclusion, the paper is divided into five chapters. The five chapters, according to the history development of the legal system theories, carry on elaborating.ChapterⅠ: The concept and contact of the legal system and the legal system structure. In this chapter, the writer mainly introduce something about the concept of the legal system and the legal system structure. Under general circumstance, a law always belongs to one legal system. A law always exist contact with inside and outside of other laws. And this kind of legal contacts is called legal system generally. The legal system carries on the whole law possibly.The legal system here is a kind of systematic mode of thinking, which distinguish with the concept of the law system in our usual text books. But the core of the research law is the problem of the research "what is law ", behind the problem is the problem of "what is justice". How regardless of the jurist does Argue, they all are unable to be separated from to this question closely examining with the proof.ChapterⅡ: Austin’s viewpoint concerning the legal system structure. In this chapter, the writer mainly introduce something about the standpoint of the legal system structure of Austin. Austin’s law system structure is unsteady.ChapterⅢ: Kelsen and Bentham’s viewpoints concerning the legal system structure. I think the norm validity end to trace back to the basic norm, but have no a relation with the contents of the law, Kelsen denied the internal contact of the law. Bentham made differentiation to the concept of the obligation and the sanctions, admitting the duty laws with the existence of the sanctions law.ChapterⅣ: Hart’s viewpoints concerning the legal system structure. He put forward the legal system two parts to constitute from the primary rules the secondary rules, and put forward the concept of the rule of recognization also.ChapterⅤ: Raz’s viewpoints concerning the legal system structure. Raz tallied up above a few legal positivism jurists relevant legal system structure of theories, put forward own theories. Raz was explicit first the standard of the individuation of Laws, thinking to can construct a perfect legal system structure basically according to these principles.

  • 【分类号】D90
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