

【作者】 康莉

【导师】 郑晓钧;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机和网络技术的蓬勃发展,网络时代来临了。网络的影响不断扩大,已成为我们不可或缺的工具。中国的网民也日益增多,其中青少年占很大的比例,是我国网民的主力军。网络对青少年影响巨大,有正面的也有负面的,其中负面的影响日益引人注目。网络已经成为新时期青少年犯罪的一个重要诱因,表现在:与网络有关的青少年犯罪层出不穷,不仅严重危害社会治安和社会秩序,也给青少年自身和家庭带来极大的不幸和灾难,已成为一个迫切需要解决的重大问题。所以,本文旨在分析网络与青少年犯罪的关系以及与网络有关的青少年犯罪的表现类型,并在此基础上积极探索、努力研究有效的侦防对策,做到特殊预防与一般预防双管齐下,防止青少年因受网络的负面影响而走上违法犯罪的道路。首先是本文的引言部分,该部分主要介绍了写作本文的目的,即总览世界,网络兴起,在整个世界尤其是中国发展迅速且影响深远。观中国现实,中国的网民不断增多,尤其是青少年网民更是与日俱增。网络对青少年的影响不断扩大,其中负面影响日益凸显,表现在许多方面,其中与网络有关的青少年犯罪层出不穷。网络成为诱使青少年违法犯罪的新的侵害源。为了解决这一问题,为了减少网络对青少年的负面影响,本文特从此方面进行研究。文章的正文分成以下三个部分进行阐述,介绍网络与青少年犯罪的关系、与网络有关的青少年犯罪的表现类型及其侦查与预防对策。本文的第一部分是介绍网络与青少年犯罪的关系。文章首先提出问题:网络是否对青少年犯罪有影响?再运用分析说理、举例、引用等方法加以说明。在得出肯定结论后,又分为三个较小的部分对“网络是如何影响青少年犯罪”的进行具体阐述:一是网络与青少年犯罪心理的形成。文章认为网络通过信息对青少年犯罪心理的形成造成影响,并从暗示、模仿、教唆、激发等方面介绍了这种影响。二是网络特征与青少年犯罪的关系。文章分别阐述了网络的巨大信息性、开放性、交互性等特征与当代青少年的某些犯罪的联系。三是网络与青少年犯罪的原因。文章从六个更小的方面介绍了网络是如何通过影响这些青少年犯罪的原因而达到影响青少年犯罪的目的的。这六个方面是:(1)家庭、学校教育缺失;(2)网吧的吸引而社会、国家监管不力;(3)网络的诱惑与青少年自身的生理、心理原因;(4)消极的网络文化造成青少年各种观念的偏离;(5)符号化的网络交往和任意的网络行为削弱了青少年的社会责任感;(6)沉溺网络造成青少年的性格缺陷。本文的第二部分是介绍与网络有关的青少年犯罪的表现类型。文章认为与网络有关的青少年犯罪既包括与网络有关的传统犯罪也包括新兴的网络犯罪,可以分为贪财型犯罪、模仿型犯罪、猎奇型犯罪、报复型犯罪。并运用各种说明方法像举例、列数字等具体介绍了它们的特征和表现形式。本文的第三部分是介绍与网络有关的青少年犯罪的侦查和预防对策。这是全文的重点部分,也是全文的主旨之所在,又分为两个较小的部分:一是与网络有关的青少年犯罪的侦查对策。文章先阐述了侦查此类犯罪的指导方针和主要原则,然后接着阐述了侦查此类犯罪的具体的侦查策略与措施。文章认为侦查此类犯罪的指导方针是要对青少年进行教育、感化、挽救。主要原则包括以教育为主、惩罚为辅,保护社会秩序与保护青少年有机结合的原则;侦教结合、寓教于侦原则;全面调查原则;迅速及时原则等。这是从总的大政方针方面来阐述的,并将指导方针和每一条主要原则分别进行了解释与细化。至于侦查策略与措施,文章一边分析与网络有关的青少年犯罪的特点一边阐述了相应的侦查对策。文章认为与网络有关的青少年犯罪的特点有:(1)犯罪动机简单但多样;(2)犯罪手段简单,遗留线索较多;(3)犯罪诱发快,且与网络有一定关联;(4)犯罪大部分为共同犯罪;(5)犯罪具有模仿性,犯罪人具有可塑性、反复性;(6)犯罪中网络犯罪占有一定的比例,侦查难度大。而特别强调的侦查对策包括分析判断案情、现场勘查、调查访问、讯问、教育与引导等等。在此要特意加以说明的是:文章的意思并不是说只有出现了这些特点才能采用这些侦查对策。文章中提到的侦查对策是针对所有这一类犯罪的,适当的时候都可以也都应该使用,有的甚至是自始至终都应该使用的。而且由于篇幅问题,文章也不可能将侦查此类犯罪要用的侦查对策都列举出来加以说明,只是拣了其中本人认为应该更加注意的加以说明。二是与网络有关的青少年犯罪的预防对策。人们常说:治理犯罪重在预防。的确,这才是我们的最终目的。所以文章也是用了重墨。文章分两个层次总结了预防对策即综合运用多种手段治理网络环境和社会各界分工合作、齐抓共管,对青少年进行教育和引导。其中综合运用多种手段治理网络环境部分又分为:(1)加强网络资源建设,以健康的资讯占领网络阵地;(2)以德治网,开展网络道德教育;(3)以法治网,加强网络法制建设;(4)以技治网,加强网络监控技术的开发应用。社会各界分工合作、齐抓共管,对青少年进行教育和引导部分又分为:(1)家庭的职责;(2)学校的职责;(3)社会的职责;(4)国家的职责。每一个对策都是与前文二、三部分介绍的情况相关联的。正因为有了网络与青少年犯罪的关系和与网络有关的青少年犯罪的各种表现类型,才能对症下药,也才有了这些对策。文章对每一对策都进行了详细深入的阐述,既摆明道理又注重操作性。

【Abstract】 With the vigorous development of the computer and the network technology, the network time has approached. The influence of network unceasingly expands. Network has become our indispensable tool. The number of the Chinese people who are often on network also increases day by day, of which young people account for the very great proportion and have become the main army on network. Network affects greatly to young people positively and negatively. Negative influence of it is noticeable day by day and it has already become an important cause of teenagers’ crime in the new time. It displays in: teenagers’ crime concemed with network emerges one after another incessantly, which not only seriously harms the social order, but also gives the young people themselves and their families’ enormous misfortune and disasters. It has become a major issue which urgently needs to solve. That is why I wrote this article.First is the introduction, which mainly introduces the goal of writing this article. In our reality, the negative influence of network to people especially young people is huge. It displays in many aspects such as teenagers’ crime concemed with network emerging one after another incessantly. And network has become a new violation source which lures the young people to crime. In order to solve this problem and reduce the negative influence of network to young people, this article has done research from this aspectThe text is divided into three parts which I will introduce to you in the follow words. In a word, this article first introduces the relationship of network and teenagers’ crime, and then introduces the investigation policy and precaution policy to teenagers’ crime concerned with network.The first part introduces the relationship of network and teenagers’ crime. First it elaborates whether network is influential to teenagers’ crime. Through analyzing, explaining and arguing, we affirmed. After drawing the affirmation conclusion, the article concretely elaborates how it works, with three smaller parts: One is network and the formation of criminal psychology of young people. Two is the relationship of the network’s characteristics and teenagers’ crime. Three is network and the reasons of teenagers’ crime. The second part introduces the performance types of teenagers’ crime concerned with network. I think it includes not only the traditional crime concerned with network but also the network crime newly emerged. Teenagers’ crime concerned with network includes the crime for being greedy for money, the crime for imitation, the crime for seeking novelty, the crime for retaliation. The article specifically introduces their characteristics and manifestation of the four types.The third part introduces the investigation policy and precaution policy to teenagers’ crime concerned with network This is the key part of the full text and also divides into two smaller parts:One is the investigation policy to teenagers’ crime concerned with network The article first elaborates the guiding ideology and the main principles of investigating and reconnoitering this kind of crime, and then it elaborates the concrete investigative strategies and measures to itTwo is the precaution policy to teenagers’ crime concerned with network. Prevention is very important for disposing crime. The article also divides into two levels: one is governing the network environment by the synthesis utilization of many kinds of measures; two is the all society should cooperate to carry on the education and the guidance to the young people.

  • 【分类号】D917;D918
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1436