

A Study on Social Management Theory in Guanzi

【作者】 杨晴

【导师】 张仁玺;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《管子》是成书于先秦到秦汉时期的古代典籍。一般认为,书中包含了中国春秋时期齐国的政治家管仲的事迹与思想,而具体完成时间,尚无定论。在《〈管子〉的社会管理思想研究》中,着重探讨《管子》一书的社会管理思想内容及其对后世产生的影响,对成书的具体年代,由于笔者水平有限,无法做过多讨论。本文试图从多个视角分析《管子》的社会管理思想,分为以下几个部分:《管子》的社会经济管理思想。《管子》一向被视作研究中国古代经济的重要文献,因此,这部分是论文中的重要组成部分。主要包括《管子》中对农业、工商业和分配的具体主张。农业管理思想包括以农为本、农官、农地、农时、农税、农粮和农民管理思想。工商业管理思想包括市场、货币和流通的管理思想。分配管理思想则主要包括“均地分力”、“取民有度”和“贫富有度”三个部分。《管子》的社会文化管理思想,这是本论文的另一个重点。具体包括《管子》的道德教化管理思想和科技管理思想两个部分。在道德教化管理思想方面,包括道德教化的重要性和道德教化的内容两个方面。科技管理思想包括农业科技、水利科技和科学技术的推广应用三个方面。《管子》的社会行政管理思想。行政管理思想具体包括:尊君与民本原则,“礼法”并用的行政准则,行政组织及管理和人事行政四个方面。介绍了《管子》对君主、人民关系的主张,对国家和地方行政系统的划分及相应职权范围,对行政人员的选拔与任用,以及在整个行政过程中的总体原则。《管子》的社会保障管理思想,这是目前学术界研究较薄弱的一个环节。本文从以下三个部分介绍《管子》的社会保障思想:富民与济贫、赈灾救济和对社会弱势群体的救助。《管子》的军事管理思想。军队是国家政权的重要组成部分。军事管理的成功与失败直接关系着社会的稳定和国家的安全。《管子》中包含着丰富的军事管理思想。这些管理思想主要有:军队的行政管理,装备管理和训练管理。对《管子》社会管理思想的评价是论文的最后一部分。主要包括《管子》社会管理思想在后世政治家、改革家和国家政策中的体现,以及《管子》社会管理思想的当代价值两个部分。通过对《管子》社会管理思想的探讨,可以更全面地了解先秦诸子和秦汉时期的政治家们的思想和主张,了解当时的社会状况。不可否认,受当时的历史条件所限,这些思想中的很大一部分还是停留在理论阶段未能付诸实践,但其中的很多主张在当代仍具有较高的理论价值。

【Abstract】 Guanzi, an ancient book written in the period between Pre-Qin and Qin-Han Dynasty, is generally believed to be embodied by stories and thoughts of Guan Zhong, a politician in the Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period, ancient China. However, with regard to when this book was exactly finished, there is no uniform opinion recognized by the public. In this article, I will emphasize the genesis, contents and effects to the followers of the social management theory in Guanzi. Since the limited knowledge, I will not discuss more about when it was written.In this article, the social management theory in Guanzi will be analyzed from different views by the combination of the contemporary social situations for its modern applications. This article is divided into the following parts:Theory in Social Economy Management. Guanzi is one of the most important materials on the study of ancient Chinese economics, thus, this part is a key element of the article, discussing the specific opinion in agriculture, industry and commerce and the distribution thereof. The theory in agricultural management: agriculture-oriented, and the management in officers, land, farming seasons, tax, foodstuff and farmers in rural area. The industrial and commercial management system includes the management theory in market, currency and circulation. The distribution management system includes the following three parts, i.e. equal distribution of land to farmers, limited levies for revenue standardization and systemization, and limited differentiation in rich and poor.Theory in Social Culture Management. This is another key element of the article mainly including the following parts, i.e. theory in moral educational management and science technical management. The former is comprised by several parts, like moral education, talent training education and professional education; while the latter of three parts, there are the emphasis, development and applications of science and technology.Theory in social administration. This is divided into two parts– theory in social administration, including the principles, organizations, rules of administration, administration leadership and HR administration; and theory in legal system management, mainly talking about the thinking of equal stress on ritual and statute.Theory in social security, one of the weakest parts under study. The discussion spreads from the basis of this theory– try hard to make the citizen rich and help the poor, to relieve the people in disaster, and to save the disadvantaged group in the society.Theory in military management. Military is an important element in social exterior environment, whether it succeeds or not directly results in whether the fulfillment of the said aspects of social management. There are rich military theories in Guanzi. This article will discuss the military theory from there aspects– view of war, army building and principles of military strategy and tactics.After a deep discussion and study of the social management theory in Guanzi, we are able to learn more about the thoughts and opinions of the scholars in Pre-Qin Period and of the politicians in Qin-Han Dynasty, and also learn more about the social situations at that time. Unfortunately, the majority of these thoughts is still under theoretical study and not put into practice because of the historic conditions at that time. However, many still owns high theoretical values in the contemporary era, and also great values in applications.

【关键词】 管子社会管理社会保障
【Key words】 GuanziSocial ManagementSocial Security
  • 【分类号】K225
  • 【被引频次】3
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