

Digital Technique: Esthetics Pondering from Film-making to Film-accepting

【作者】 裴旖旎

【导师】 章柏青;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 电影学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪60年代末数字技术开始在电影中运用以来,其对电影艺术的创作、传播和接受产生了重大影响。数字技术不仅意味着电影制作方式上的革命,更引发了对传统电影美学、理论和观念的再思索。当前,数字技术在电影中的运用仍属于初级阶段,但其本身急剧的发展和日新月异的变化,以及其牵涉、融汇多门类学科的特性,使数字技术的概念和范畴仍纷繁复杂,还有待进一步梳理和规范。因而本文攫取一点,着重论述的数字技术是以计算机图形学为基础,在与电影制作结合过程中发展起来的信息数字化处理技术,侧重于其在电影创作和接受方面引起的影像变革和美学意义。首先,本文试图从电影创作的角度,探究数字技术的介入对电影文本发生的影响,具体表现为电影类型的丰富和电影叙事的多重变化;其次,本文试图从电影接受的角度,探究在数字技术条件下观众观影接受的改变。具体分析了电影接受的奇观性需求、真实性需求,以及数字技术介入后引起电影接受能动性的两极变化。最后,中国电影界对数字技术的尝试和得失是本文论述的重中之重,亦力图从创作和接受两个角度进行具体论述分析。面对来势汹汹的数字技术,创作符合国情民风的电影艺术正是当务之急,因此,本文试图以数字技术对中国电影创作影响的具体表现为出发点,探究契合中国本土观影习惯而应具备的当代电影思维。

【Abstract】 At the end of the 1960s, digital technique had been used in some of the movies, it since then had a strong impact on the making, propagation and accepting of the cinematics. The usage of digital technique not only meant the revolution of the film-making, but initiated scholars’ futher thinking over the traditional film’s esthetics, theory and notion.Although it has shown swift and violent development, digital technique is still in the primary stage currently. Accompanied with its quick improvement and never-ending changes, digital technique needs to further clear on some complicated concepts and standardize numerous categories due to its interdisciplinary characteristic.Digital technique in the thesis emphasizes the digital information processing technology which is based on the computer graphics and has developed with the combination of the computer graphics and the film-making process. The thesis places extra emphasis on the image transform and esthetics significance in respect of film-making and film-accepting.Firstly, the thesis attempts to explore the movie script’s changes with the involvement of digital technique in terms of film-making. These changes are concretely embodied as movie types have been more and more plentiful and the stories have has multiple variations.Secondly, the thesis researches into the transform of spectators’ accepting when they see a digitally technological movie from the view point of film-accepting. The need of seeking novelty and the requirement of authenticity of the film-accepting are been specifically analyzed in the thesis. The film-accepting polarization which has been produced after digital technique had been involved in the film-making is also ranged over.Finally, the attempting and the success and failure that forerunners of the filmdom have experienced are also analyzed in the thesis. Those analyses are still unfolded from the views of film-making and film-accepting.

  • 【分类号】J901
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】678