

Research and Application of AOP Development

【作者】 幸俊

【导师】 洪志全;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,软件开发方法学中最为流行的无疑是面向对象方法。它能够有效地对系统的业务关注进行模块化开发。但是,在应对系统中众多的横切关注时,面向对象方法并没有很好地对其进行支持,而是直接将其代码与核心关注地代码混杂在一起,导致了系统功能代码之间的纠结,加大了系统开发与维护的难度。面向方面作为面向对象的补充,进一步将系统中的核心关注与横切关注进一步分离。通过将其应用到实际系统中,可以提高代码的重用性,所开发的系统更加具有可扩展性。本文首先分析介绍了面向对象方法,分析了它的优点及不足,引出了面向方面编程。而后介绍了面向方面为软件开发方法带来的影响,对AOP的思想与实现机制做了详细介绍,并阐述了使用其进行软件开发的一般步骤,并对UML进行了部分扩展,以支持系统开发前期面向方面的分析设计。最后使用扩展的UML,将面向方面引入一个实际的系统开发过程,展示了面向方面开发的各项优点。

【Abstract】 Currently, the most popular method of software development is Object-Oriented method, which can effectively works in modeling business concerns. But, OO does not support the cross-cut concerns in system very well, it puts the codes of cross-cut concerns and the codes of core concerns together, which results in the tangle of different functions in system, and enlarges the difficulty of system development and maintenance.As a reinforce of OO, AO (Aspect-Oriented) separate the cross-cut concerns from the core concerns in systems. The systems developed by AO have better extensibility and maintainability.This paper first analyses the advantage and disadvantage of OO, elicits the concept of AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming). Then introduces the influence AOP brings, the realization mechanism of AOP, and the common development steps of AOP. Next, partly extends UML to suit the analysis and design of AO. Finally, with the extended UML, shows an entire development procedure of a real system, and concludes the advantage of all aspects by using AO.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
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