

Policy Analysis and Bid Evaluation Method Research for Bid Invitation of Engineering and Construction

【作者】 李拥军

【导师】 郭波;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 《招标投标法》实施以来,工程建设项目相关的招标法规陆续出台,招标投标机制逐步完善并成为建筑业实现市场规范管理的重要手段,通过招标法规的政策分析,可以使招标投标机制更具规范性和适应性。评标是工程建设项目招标投标工作中最重要的一个环节,其效果直接影响工程项目的建设实施。本文针对工程建设项目招标投标的业务操作中,招标人不重视招标投标相关法规要求或者对法规不熟悉导致项目操作出现的违规行为,通过招标投标政策分析,提出在目前政策环境下如何规范招标投标业务操作,为简化招标项目实施后的过程管理工作和最大限度地满足招标项目的实际需要提供服务。作为招标投标机制关键环节的评标办法的研究,其研究的基础和依据也是招标法规的相关条款,在本文政策法规分析的基础上,结合相关法规和项目实际情况提出可行的评标办法,并将本文研究的评标办法运用于实际案例,通过对项目实践的数据进行案例分析,对评标办法进行更深入的研究。本文以工程建设项目招标投标政策分析为基础,结合系统理论知识,对符合目前政策法规要求的评标办法进行创新性研究,并对创新的评标办法在项目实际操作中运用后的结论进行整理和分析,以使评标办法更趋科学、合理,体现公平、公正的评标原则。

【Abstract】 Follow the implement of <the law on bid invitation and bidding >, the law and regulation on bid invitation and bidding relevant to engineering and construction project come on in succession. The bid invitation and bidding system is consummated step by step and becomes the important means for realizing normative management. The policy analysis for law and regulation on bid invitation and bidding can make the system possess more standardization and applicability. The bid evaluation is a important sector for bid invitation and bidding and will effect directly the practice of engineering and construction project.The article aims at the irregularity of tendered during the operation on bid invitation and bidding of engineering and construction project. The irregularity is result in the ignoring and unfamiliarity of relevant law and regulation. Through the policy analysis, penman suggest how to operate regularly under the existing policy environment and supply service for process management after simplify the bid invitation and fulfill the actual demand of bid invitation furthest. For the research of bid evaluation method, the basis and foundation is relevant terms of law and regulation. On the basis of policy and law analysis in the article, according to relevant regulations and actual condition of project, penman suggest some feasible bid evaluation method, and exercise the method to practical case, make case analysis for the data of project practice and make deeply research for the bid evaluation method.The article is based on the policy analysis for bid invitation and bidding of engineering and construction project, according to systemic theory knowledge, make innovative research for the bid evaluation method which meet with the requirement of existing policy and regulations. penman settle and analyses the result for the exercise of the innovative bid evaluation method so as to make the bid evaluation method more reasonable and embody the bid evaluation principle: fairness and justness.

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】557