

The Study on Zernike’s Phase Contrast Wave-front Sensing Technology

【作者】 毛宏军

【导师】 于起峰;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 光学工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从空间滤波的原理出发,推导出Zernike相衬波前传感技术的理论公式,突破了经典相衬法的弱相位近似条件,得出在一般相位条件下差分型相衬传感器的输出光强与入射光波的波前相位之间点与点一一对应成正弦函数关系的结论,表明其作为一种高分辨率波前传感技术在自适应光学系统中有广阔的应用前景。为了检验相衬波前传感技术的测量误差,本文通过数值模拟的方法,根据理想相移条件下的差分型相衬传感器的输出光强进行了波前复原及误差分析,结果表明该技术的测量误差在可以接受的范围之内,当入射波前畸变较小时误差较小,当波前畸变较大时测量误差与相位复原过程中的相位解包裹技术的精确度密切相关。针对传统相衬法对波前倾斜像差的高度敏感性,本文介绍了一种基于光寻址铁电液晶空间光调制器的差分型相衬波前传感系统。最后,本文将相衬法与几种传统的波前传感技术进行了性能比较。

【Abstract】 Starting from the principle of spatial filtering, the theoretical formulas of Zernike’s phase contrast wave-front sensing technology are deduced, and the small phase distortion limitation in the traditional phase contrast method is relaxed. In the general phase condition, the output intensity of the differential phase contrast wave-front sensor presents a point to point sine function’s relationship with the input phase in its pupil, which means that there is a huge potentiality to use it as a high resolution wave-front sensor in the adaptive optics (AO) system. In order to the check the measuring error of the sensor, the phase is reconstructed according to the output intensity of the differential sensor in the ideal phase shifting condition and the comparison between it with the input phase is also made by means of numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that the measuring error is acceptable when the amplitude of the input phase distortion is small, and it also relates with the accuracy of the phase unwrapping when the amplitude of the phase distortion is large. A differential phase contrast wave-front sensing system based on an optical addressed ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulator (OA-FLCSLM) is introduced, different from the traditional phase contrast method which is highly sensitive to the wave-front tilt. At last, a comparison of some important performance characteristics between the phase contrast method with several other kinds of traditional wave-front sensing technology is made.

  • 【分类号】O438
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