

Research on GEO/LEO-based Double Layer Satellite Networks Routing Algorithm

【作者】 汤绍勋

【导师】 易先清;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会对信息化的需求日益增强,人类己经不再满足于在地面构建信息高速公路,转而更加关注空间信息化建设。空间在政治、军事、经济等领域的战略地位日益提高,夺取空间优势成为世界各国发展航天力量的首要任务,卫星及卫星网络成为极其重要的空间战略资源。卫星网络路由技术是卫星组网中的基本问题,也是当前该领域的研究重点和热点问题。由于卫星网络具有拓扑结构持续动态变化、星际链路传输时延长、卫星节点星上存储和计算能力受限,以及承载的数据流量分布不均衡等特点,地面固定网络和无线移动自组织网络的成熟路由技术均不适合天基卫星网络应用。要提高天基卫星网络数据传输的时效性、可靠性和健壮性,必须研究和设计一种路由控制开销少、突发事件处理能力强的路由策略和算法。本文在充分研究和分析了单层星座和立体星座网络路由技术的研究现状和各自的优缺点以后,提出了基于GEO/LEO双层星座组网的新思路。并针对GEO/LEO双层星座的结构特点,提出了一种基于通信覆盖域分群和基于轨道成簇的星座网络组织管理策略,以及一种分层结构的路由策略,并在这两种基本策略的基础上提出了“以三种路由表为核心的路由计算和更新过程、两类链路状态更新处理机制,一种基于动态规划思想的优化方法”的GEO/LEO双层星座网络抗毁路由算法的处理流程。本文所提出的抗毁路由算法既充分利用和体现了星座运行的周期性和规律性,同时又提高了持续动态变化的星座网络的健壮性和抗毁性。最后,综合STK和OPNET两种仿真软件各自的优势,基于STK仿真软件构造了GEO/LEO双层星座网络体系架构,并在此基础上利用OPNET仿真软件对本文提出的GEO/LEO双层星座网络路由策略和优化方法进行了更加深入的仿真研究、分析和比较。理论和试验表明,本文中提出的方法是有效的。本文的研究工作是对卫星网络路由策略和算法的一种更为深入的探索,并基于STK和OPNET网络仿真软件进行仿真分析和验证,其研究成果可以应用到卫星网络协议的研究中,为网络协议的实现和性能评价提供支持。

【Abstract】 With the increasing requirements on informationalization of society, we are no longer content with the construction of information highways on earth, but more attention has being paid to the space information infrastructure development. With the extended space information requirements and heavy space information dependence, space strength and information have been convinced to be the strategy resources. Routing is the basic problem in the design of space-based networks, and is one of the research focuses nowadays. Routing technology has special meaning for increasing the delay performance and reliability performance of data traffic transmission. Despite that the routing problem has been resolved effectively in terrestrial networks, many new challenges exit for routing in space-based network due to highly dynamic topology, very limited on-board processing capabilities, large propagation delay of inter-satellite links and unbalanced traffic load carried in the network. Based on the analysis of the technology challenges for routing in space-based network and the limitation of related work, this dissertation focuses on resolving the problem of routing algorithms designing for space-based networks in double layer networking architectures.Considering periodicity and foresee of satellite network, the routing algorithm can be optimized applying the thinking of dynamic programming. Routing handoff and delay jitter dramatically decrease in the course of data transmission after applying optimized thinking. Considering the characteristic of double layered satellite networks based GEO and LEO, this dissertation bring forward an invulnerable hierarchical routing strategy based satellite group and cluster, furthermore, it apply increment message technology to reduce routing control overheads. And design the mechanism of gusty incident when satellite networks dynamic change. At last, on the topic of constellation simulation, with the purpose of acquiring appropriate parameter value, we select STK as software solution. On the topic of routing algorithm simulation, we select OPNET as software solution, through simulation experiment and result analysis, it is testified that the routing algorithm has a good performance. In addition, a performance comparison is made out by simulation, with the result of the double-layered constellation and the routing algorithm being better.This research is an exploration of network simulation for satellite network routing strategy. And this paper bring forward a routing algorithm based on“three managing strategy of satellite networks, two processing mechanism, and a optimized resolvent”.The result can be applied in the satellite network research, providing simulation support for protocol implementation and performance analysis.

  • 【分类号】V443.1;V57
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】459