

The Research on the Problem of Teachers’ Flowing in Colleges and Universities of Jiangxi Province

【作者】 尹士峰

【导师】 杜侦;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,人才竞争日益激烈,人才流动日趋频繁。江西省地处中部欠发达地区,经济社会发展较为落后,在人才争夺战中江西高校无疑处于弱势地位。本研究试图在对江西省部分高校教师流动现状进行分析的基础上,通过考察、借鉴国外高校教师流动制度和国内一流大学教师人事制度改革情况,提出促进我省高校教师合理流动的对策,以实现在流动中优化教师结构,在动态平衡中建设教师队伍的目的。本论文主要采用文献法、访谈法、比较研究法、问卷法等研究方法。全文共分五章:第一章为引论,简要介绍本研究产生的背景,总结前人研究成果,界定概念,解说研究思路和方法。第二章为高校教师流动的理论依据和现实依据,主要从理论和现实两方面分析高校教师流动的必要性、必然性和可行性。第三章从简要介绍江西省高校教师队伍建设情况入手,通过对5所样本高校的调查和访谈,来探讨和分析我省部分高校教师流动现状。第四章是对国内外高校教师人事制度改革和教师流动制度的考察,这为研究我省高校教师流动问题提供了相应的参考和借鉴。第五章是本文的主体,主要探讨了实现江西省高校教师合理流动的对策,着重从管理原则、机制建设和制度保障三个方面进行详细阐述。

【Abstract】 In the era of intellectual economy, the competition for talents is becoming increasingly intense; the mobility of trained person is frequent day after day. How to regulate the mobility of teachers reasonably and how to construct a vigorous and high-level teacher troop are the common tasks of all universities. Jiangxi Province is situated in the middle area of China, where the economy and society develop comparatively backward. No doubt the colleges of Jiangxi Province are at the weak position in the fights for talents .In order to realize optimization of the teachers’structure in the flowing and construction of the teacher troops in the dynamical equilibrium, the author first analyzes the situation of teachers’flowing in some colleges and universities in JiangXi province. And then author tries to propose some countermeasures that can promote more reasonable flowing of teachers through studying the systems of overseas university flowing of teachers and reforms of personnel systems of domestic well-known universities.The research methods that the author mainly used include documentation method, Delphi technique, questionnaire, comparison, etc.This study is divided into five chapters:Chapter I is the cited theory which gives a brief introduction of the background and purpose of the present study,and summarizes research fruit of predecessors, defined concepts and interpretation ideas and methods.Chapter II is the realistic and theoretic basis of the mobility of teachers in universities. The author analyzes the necessity, the inevitability and the feasibility of teachers’flowing in college and university from two aspects --- theory and the reality.In ChapterⅢ, the author briefly introduces the situation of construction of university teacher troops in Jiangxi province, then analyzes the situation of teachers’flowing in some colleges and universities through investigating and interviewing five sample universities.In ChapterⅣ, the author studies systems of teachers’flowing in overseas university and systems of personnel reforms, which is used for reference when researching on the problems of teachers’flowing in colleges and universities in our province.Chapter V is the principal part of this paper, the author probes into several countermeasures for realizing the teachers’rational and sound flowing in colleges and universities in JiangXi province. The author expatiates from three aspects, including management principles, mechanism building and institution guarantee.

【关键词】 高等教育教师合理流动管理对策
【Key words】 Higher educationteacherrational flowingcountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】353