

Application Research on Impregnation Technology Used in Ancient Ivory Protection

【作者】 万明

【导师】 汪灵;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 材料学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了对金沙遗址出土古象牙实施有效保护,开展了浸渍技术及其在古象牙文物保护中的应用研究,研制了双腔真空压力浸渍装置,分别用改性水玻璃材料和PDMS(聚二甲基硅氧烷)/SiO2无机-有机杂化材料(简称:PDMS杂化材料)对古象牙进行真空浸渍保护,用改性蜡质材料对古象牙进行常压浸渍保护,并对比了保护效果,探讨了浸渍机理,取得以下研究成果和进展:(1)研制成功了一种用于古象牙文物保护的双腔真空压力浸渍装置。实验表明双腔真空压力浸渍装置具有以下优点和效果:可通过对文物较长时间的抽气以去除其孔隙中的水分及空气,增加浸渍剂对文物的浸渍率;避免了浸渍剂溶液进入材料合成腔室时产生的剧烈沸腾及其对文物的破坏作用;避免剧烈升压对文物的损害。(2)经改性水玻璃浸渍加固后的古象牙,粘接效果较好,强度有所增强,象牙外貌基本没有改变,比较符合文物保护“修旧如旧”的原则。但古象牙内部在浸渍后的干燥过程中出现了一些开裂现象,说明目前的改性材料对古象牙渗透性还有待进一步提高。经PDMS杂化浸渍材料保护后的古象牙,填充效果较好,象牙整体较为饱满,也基本维持保护前的原貌。但由于目前所用配方的PDMS杂化浸渍材料的收缩性较大,浸渍材料在后期常温干燥过程中出现一些开裂现象,使保护效果未能达到理想状态。(3)采用改性蜡质材料对古象牙进行常压浸渍保护效果明显,不仅对象牙的裂缝进行了填充,而且对象牙的显微结构也得到了有效填充,力学性能明显增强。保护前后尺寸稳定,保护后外观基本没有变化,最大程度地保留了古象牙的完整信息。但经采用改性蜡质材料进行保护的古象牙表面存在比较明显的炫光,需要在今后进一步加以改进。改性蜡质材料常压浸渍技术具有较好的可修复性,对于已经断裂、剥皮、错位、破碎、分离的文物,只要可以拼接复位的,就可以通过此方法进行有效保护。此工艺方法具有较好的可逆性,蜡质保护材料可以被有效置换。改性蜡质材料与古象牙为物理结合。

【Abstract】 In order to protect the ancient ivory unearthed from Jinsha effectively, impregnation technology used in ancient ivory protecting was studied, "double-container" vacuum pressure impregnation equipment was manufactured, modified sodium silicate and PDMS/ SiO2 hybrid was used in vacuum pressure impregnation protecting for ancient ivory, modified paraffin material was used in normal pressure impregnation protecting for ancient ivory. Effectives were compared, theory of impregnation was studied. The results of research as follows:(1) Developed a "double-container" vacuum pressure impregnation equipment for ancient ivory protecting. The equipment could enhance the efficiency of impregnation through eliminating the water and air in ancient ivory; it could avoid the damage to ancient ivory caused by the boiling of impregnating materials; it could also control the pressure to minimize the damage to ancient ivory. (2) The ancient protected by modified sodium silicate through vacuum impregnation was well felted, the strength of the ancient ivory was raised, the shape look of ancient ivory did not change basically. But the inside of ancient ivory cracked during drying process. The ancient protected by PDMS/ SiO2 hybrid through vacuum impregnation was well filled by impregnation material, the shape look of ancient ivory did not change basically. But some piece of the ancient ivory cracked during drying process because the impregnation material contracted dramatically. The material was supposed to be improved. (3)The ancient ivory impregnated by modified paraffin material through normal pressure impregnation was well protected. The material not only filled the crack of ancient ivory, but also filled the microstructure. The strength of ancient ivory was improved dramatically. The size of ancient ivory was not changed basically. But ancient ivory lustered after protected.

  • 【分类号】K854
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