

The Study of the Effect of the General Land Use Plan on Rural Residential Environment in Fushun County

【作者】 冷旭勇

【导师】 杨尽; 刘熙光;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自从我国社会经济转型以来,由于人们思想观念和国家政策的改变,一切以经济发展为中心,同时受二元经济体系的影响,很长一段时间内忽视了农村人居环境的改善问题。现代农村社会,一方面人们的生活水平逐步得到提高,而另一方面大量的生活垃圾、污水长期得不到有效处理,基本的生活便利设施得不到及时配置,农村人居环境不断恶化,境况堪忧,人们终于认识到,改善农村人居环境刻不容缓!目前,新一轮土地利用总体规划和社会主义新农村建设正在全国范围内如火如荼地展开,这无疑会成为农村人居环境得到有效改善的一个良机。本文通过理论研究和实例分析,探讨可能对农村人居环境改善起到积极作用的规划理念和措施,并且进一步研究其实施及制度保障体系。土地利用总体规划和农村人居环境改善有着密切的联系,把二者隔离开来,单独为战容易造成资源的浪费,不同程度地影响农村人居环境建设的进程和效果。本文对土地利用总体规划和农村人居环境改善的关系进行了积极的探索,认为土地利用总体规划应该充分考虑到人居环境的因素,要突出生态理念,以持续协调发展为目标。本文由基本理论到实例研究,逐层深入展开论述。首先,了解这一问题的研究背景,介绍研究的意义、内容和方法等,为本文的分析奠定基础。接着,从分析目前新一轮土地利用总体规划和农村人居环境改善的宏观背景入手,研究当前土地利用总体规划和农村人居环境改善的基础理论和现实意义。然后,重点探索土地利用总体规划和农村人居环境改善的关系,阐述土地利用总体规划对农村人居环境改善的影响因素及原因。进而以富顺县为例进行实例分析,在对富顺县现状情况调查分析的基础上,以农村人居环境的改善为目标,重点从富顺县新一轮土地利用总体规划的角度,分析哪些理念、措施和步骤可能对农村人居环境的改善起到积极作用,并对富顺县农村人居环境改善的前景进行展望。最后,在总结前面理论研究和实例分析的基础上提出相关的建议。

【Abstract】 Since the change of our social and economic pattern, the improvement of ruralresidential environment has been neglected for a long time because of the change ofpeople’s thoughts and national policies, which are centered by economic developmentand influenced by dual economic system. Now in rural areas, on the one side, thestandard of living is improving, on the other side, lots of garbage and sewage can notbe disposed effectively and basic establishments can not be built in time, which makerural residential environment worsening. Eventually people realize it is time toimprove rural residential environment.At present, a new round of general land use plan and socialistic rural constructionis going on in the whole country, which is undoubtedly a good chance for theimprovement of rural residential environment. Through theory research and caseanalysis, this paper studies the planning thoughts and measures that may be active tothe improvement of rural residential environment, and studies further their implementand system guarantee.There are close connections between general land use plan and the improvementof rural residential environment, so if they are separated, it will waste resources andinfluence the course and effect of the construction of rural residential environment.This paper believes that general land use plan should consider sufficiently residentialenvironment, emphasize ecological thoughts and make continuous and harmoniousdevelopment as our goal after studying the relationship between general land use planand the improvement of rural residential environment.This paper can be divided into the following parts. First, this paper introduces theresearch background, meaning, contents and methods, which become the basis of thefollowing analysis. Second, this paper studies the current theories and the realisticmeanings of general land use plan and the improvement of rural residentialenvironment on the basis of analyzing their macro-background. Third, this paperstudies mainly the relationship between general land use plan and the improvement ofrural residential environment, and explains the influencing factors and reasons ofgeneral land use plan to the improvement of rural residential environment.Fourth, taking Fushun County as an example, on the basis of analyzing its presentsituation, this paper analyzes the thoughts, measures and steps that may be active to the improvement of its residential environment, and prospects the future of itsimprovement, which are from the point of the new round of general land use planview and taking the improvement of rural residential environment as the goal. At last,this paper brings forward relative suggestion on the basis of the above theoretical andcase analysis.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】232