

Study on Shupu

【作者】 张存良

【导师】 伏俊琏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《书谱》是唐人孙过庭的一篇序言之作,文章三千七百馀言,比较全面、系统地论述了书法的诸多理论问题,是帖学理论的奠基之作,是书法理论史上的划时代之作,同时也是古代文艺理论的名作之一。《书谱》用草书写成,墨迹流传有绪,现藏台北故宫博物院。在草书艺术的发展史上,它同样也是名篇钜制,继承和发扬了王羲之草书的菁华,对后世的草书创作具有深远的影响。本文在前人已有研究成果的基础上,从文献研究入手,运用理论分析的方法,对《书谱》进行了比较深入的综合研究。全文共分上、下两编,约合十六万字。在下编《书谱校注》部分,运用传统文献学的校注疏证方法,比堪各家释文,择善而从;征引相关论述,以彰学术源流。对于存有疑义而难于遽然断绝者,则付多闻阙疑之旨,以待来日。在上编《书谱研究》部分,运用历史考辨的方法,对孙过庭的生平作了全面考述,对《书谱》和孙氏的其他作品的版本流传情况也作了系统梳理。同时,运用普遍联系的观点,对《书谱》产生的历史文化背景做了分析,对其书学思想的渊源也做了学理上的追溯。作为全文的重点和难点,本文对《书谱》的书学思想进行了尽可能的理论分析,从书法史观、书法美学、书法教育、书法创作、书家修养、书法品鉴等几个方面展开论述,以期全面而深入地反映它的书学思想,从而凸现这一书学名著的文艺理论价值。通过综合考察,对比分析,本文认为《书谱》是中国书法帖学理论的奠基之作,这是前人所不曾指出的。这将是本文仅有的一点心得体会,也就权当是所谓独创性吧。

【Abstract】 Shupu is a preface of Sun Guo-ting of Tang dynasty.The article have more than 3,700 characters.It is more overall and systematically discuss calligraphy of many theories.It is also the placard study theory lays a foundation work and historyepoch-making work in calligraphy theory history and the theory of literature and art celebrated works in ancient times.Shupu wrote with the grass script.The ink marks of Shupu spread have main theads.At present,it was hided in the Taibei Palace Museum.It is a geart work in the grass script art history.Shupu inherited Wang Xi-zhi grass script essence and has carded forward it.It has influenced the later generation’s grass script creation profoundly.This article research based on the predecessor’s research results,the literature of historical value and the theoretical analysis method.The article was divided into two sections.It have 160,000 characters approximately.The author used the method that the literature of historical value of tradition study and notes commentaries in Shupu notes and commentary.The author choosed some good works of study too. There was some doubts and difficult questions will be solve in future.The author studied Sun Guo-ting with the infer of history method in Study on Shupu.Sun’s other works partly was also studied.Shupu’s history cultural context was studied with the method of the universal relation viewpoint.The article’s difficult questions and important is calligraphy study’s theory.In order to show Shupu’s theory of literature and art value,the article’s study was divided into the calligraphy history viewpoint,the calligraphy esthetics,the calligraphy education,the calligraphy creation,the book cultivates self discipline,the calligraphy appraisal and so on.The author maintained that Shupu is a foundation of the Chinese book of calligraphy copybook’s study theory work through the comprehensive survey and the contrast analysis.The viewpoint have never mentioned in past.This is only thought of the article’s author.It was called the so-called originality.

【关键词】 书谱笺注书法
【Key words】 Shupunotes and commentarycalligraphy
  • 【分类号】J292.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1153