

The Investigation and Analysis on Current Situation and Researches on Their Strategies of P.E New Curriculum Standard in Middle Schools in Gansu Province

【作者】 张正琴

【导师】 张学忠;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 新世纪的体育课程改革正以前所未有的力度向前发展,小学和初中、高中的《体育与健康课程标准》分别于2001年9月、2003年正式出台。本次体育课程改革是在过去七次课程改革、特别是在最近一次课程改革的基础上进行的,与过去的体育课程改革相比,其不同之处突出表现在三个方面:一是重新建构了按体育的功能来划分学习领域的课程结构体系,二是教学理念和策略的变化;三是建立发展性课程评价体系。由此,中学学校体育也经历了建国以来最为深刻的一次历史性变革。就这样,体育新《课标》在全国各地陆续推出实施。由于我国地域宽广、幅员辽阔,全国各省市存在地域间的差异,各地区之间经济、社会发展不平衡,都有自己优势和劣势,加之学校的经济条件和办学水平也不相同,体育新《课程标准》在操作过程中存在一定的困难,实施现状参差不齐。甘肃省位于我国西部,西部地区是我国少数民族聚居区,这里既有地域辽阔、资源丰富的自然优势,但又由于受地理以及人文等多方面因素的影响,教育、科技、文化等各方面却相对落后,其教育水平要远远落后于东部地区。甘肃省有普通中学两千多所,各级学校实施新《课标》的现状存在一定的差异。所以本文采用文献资料法、调查法、专家访谈法及数理统计法对抽取的甘肃省10个地区的20所城镇中学和20所农村中学及180名体育教师和420名学生进行调查,通过对新《课标》的认识、体育课程资源、教学情况的调查,进行现状分析,了解甘肃省中学体育新《课标》的全面实施情况。由此,本文针对甘肃省中学实施新《课标》的调查结果,结合甘肃省的实际,提出了相应的对策:加强体育教师的培训工作;改变传统教学观念,开发新的课程资源;学校领导应重视体育,支持学校体育的发展;加大体育新《课标》实施的经费投入;遵循课程管理原则,强化体育课程管理。

【Abstract】 The new century sports curriculum reforms is developing forward by the unprecedented dynamics, the elementary school and the junior middle school, the high school "Sports And Healthy Curriculum Standard" was made in September, 2001 and in 2003 officially appeared separately. This sports curriculum reform was reformed in the past seven curricula,, is specially carried on in the foundation which the recent curriculum reformed, reformed with the past sports curriculum compares, its similarity displayed prominently in three aspects: One was constructed has divided the study domain according to the sports function the curriculum structure system, the other was the teaching idea and the strategy change; and the last one was, establishes the expansibility curriculum to appraise the system. Since from this, the middle school sports has also experienced the founding of the nation a most profound historical transformation. Then, the sports "New course Standard" promotes the implementation in each place one after another. Because national various provinces and cities have the difference between the region, the school current economic condition and the school level are not same, causes "New Course Standard " the implementation present situation are irregular, therefore this article uses the literature material law, the survey procedure, the expert interview law and the mathematical method of average carries on the investigation to the draw an item at random Gansu Province 10 areas 20 cities middle schools and 20 countryside middle schools and 180 RE teachers and 420 students, through to the new course standard understanding, the sports curriculum resources, the teaching situation investigation, carries on the present situation analysis, understands the Gansu Province middle school "Sports New course standard" comprehensive implementation situation.From this, this article implements the investigation result of "New Course Standard" in view of the Gansu Province middle school, links to Gansu Province’s reality, proposed the corresponding Strategies: To enhance RE teachers’ training work; To change the traditional teaching idea, the teacher develops the new curriculum resources; The school leader should think much of the sports and support developing the school sports; Enlarge sports new class sign implementation funds investment; Follow the principle curriculum manages, strengthen sports curriculum management.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】11
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