

Towards an Efficient Presentation of Phrasal Verbs in ECLDs

【作者】 木小燕

【导师】 盛培林;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 短语动词是英语语言现象中的一个重要特色。然而理解和使用短语动词是英语学习者甚至高级学习者的一个难点。英语学习型词典作为英语教学的必要工具应该有效处理短语动词,而作者研究发现,现有一些颇具影响力的英汉学习型词典却不管是在提供信息还是呈现方式上都存在较大的缺陷与不足。鉴于此,本研究通过对短语动词的相关研究,并采用对比研究的方法,从使用者视角出发,从词典结构入手,从形式和内容两方面对比五本权威的英英学习型词典和五本颇具影响力的英汉学习型词典对短语动词的处理,致力于提出英汉学习型词典中短语动词的优化处理原则。在借鉴五大英英学习型词典的基础上,结合双语学习型词典本身的特色,以及借助词典学相关理论,本论文尝试提出英汉学习型词典中优化处理短语动词的一系列原则;并根据这一系列原则提出一个优化处理模式及其词条样本。

【Abstract】 Phrasal verbs (PHR Vs) are considered to be an important feature of English.But understanding and learning to use them are difficult for learners even foradvanced learners of English. As an indispensable helper in English learning andteaching, English learner’s dictionaries (ELDs) should present PHR Vssufficiently and effectively. In view of the importance of PHR Vs andinadequacies of the treatment of PHR Vs in existing popular English-ChineseLearner’s Dictionaries (ECLDs), the present study aims to establish systematicprinciples for the treatment of PHR Vs in ECLDs. The study will focus on:1) relevant studies of PHR Vs 2) examination and comparison of the presentation ofPHR Vs in existing popular EFL dictionaries. The present study mainly adopts amethodology of comparative study, which will be conducted between ELDs-BigFive and the newly-published ECLDs in terms of their treatments of PHR Vs. Theaim of this comparative study is to examine and discuss advantages anddisadvantages of their presentation of PHR Vs among these learner’s dictionaries(LDs) so as to seek an optimized model of presentation of PHR Vs in ECLDs.In the light of the results of the comparative study and research findings inliterature, the thesis will, from dictionary structural perspective and user-friendlyperspective, propose the following principles for an efficient presentation of PHRVs in ECLDs: 1) Outside matter: Guide to finding PHR Vs in the front matter aswell as description of PHR Vs and particles in the middle matter in the form ofstudy pages should be made available. These efforts are made to ensure findabilityand acquisition of English PHR Vs. 2) At the macrostructural level, each PHR Vshould be given separate entry status under their main verb and then inalphabetical order of the particles. 3) Sufficient information on PHR Vs should beincorporated into the microstructure of an entry for PHR Vs in a self-evident and user-friendly style, e.g. stress marks for sound pronunciation, glosses to Chinesedefinitions, adequate examples, highlighted grammar patterns, indication ofcommon subjects and objects, usage notes, register and style, etc. Thearrangement of all these information categories should guarantee maximumcomprehensibility. findability and usability. 4) At the medio-structural level,cross-references system should be well established to refer user to synonyms,opposites, related nouns or adjectives derived from PHR Vs. etc. 5) User-friendlylexicographical symbols or codes representing all these categories of informationshould be employed to ensure explicitness and easy access. Following thesuggested principles, a tentative model with samples entries for PHR Vs will bepresented.

  • 【分类号】H314
  • 【下载频次】136