

Legal Research on Dishonor of Letter of Credit

【作者】 田卫民

【导师】 蔡镇顺;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前信用证结算已成为我国国际贸易中外结算中使用最广泛的结算方式。随着我国对外贸易的迅猛增长和银行信用证业务比重的不断上升,信用证因居高不下的不符率而被拒付已经导致了国际贸易速度的下降和费用的上升,并直接导致纠纷和法院诉讼纠纷的增加,已经影响了信用证使用的信心。本文以《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP600)和《最高人民法院关于审理信用证纠纷案件若干问题的规定》为依据,结合各国的信用证关于拒付实践,运用比较分析和逻辑推理的方法,从法学理论和商业实践两个层面上进行探讨,对信用证的拒付进行系统论述,以期提出具体的拒付规则,为我国将来的信用证拒付方面立法提供建议。全文共分为三部分:第一部分通过论述银行拒付是权利而不是义务,进一步研究拒付的深层原因,并依据《UCP600》分析和归纳了一项正当、合格的拒付的构成要素,同时也论述了不当付款和拒付不当的含义及责任条件。目的在于说明应鼓励信用证使用和减少拒付,同时也肯定了《UCP600》规定的拒付的是适宜的。第二部分当表面上单单一致,单据相符而实质上是利用信用证方式欺诈时,是坚持信用证独立性原则,还是以欺诈例外原则,拒绝付款。本文认为应坚持欺诈例外原则,可以由银行行使拒付权,也可以由当事人向法院申请禁付令,以阻止欺诈行为。第三部分指出我国目前信用证拒付的立法现状,存在的不足,并对我国信用证制度中存在的问题提出相关的建议,尤其是在信用证拒付问题上作出明确和具体的规定,明确信用证是支付的工具而不是拒付的工具,赋予银行对信用证欺诈的拒付权,建议借鉴美国司法制度中禁付令,建立我国司法程序中禁付令。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, letter of credit (L/C) has become the most widely used settlement in China’s international trade. As China’s foreign trade develops rapidly, trade of L/C in bank service mushrooms at the same time, but the dishonor of L/C led by high rate of discrepancies has slowed down the speed of foreign trade and increased the costs, as a result, more and more disputes arising from it have to be settled by courts, people lose confident in L/C. Therefore, on the base of Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits (UCP600) and "Some Provisions Concerning letter of credit" promulgated by Supreme People’s Court’s, this thesis studies the practices of dishonor of L/C of various countries, discusses the issue of dishonor of L/C from the aspects of practice and commercial law theory by comparative analysis and logical reasoning methods, in order to figure out the specific rules on the issue of dishonor of L/C and make some recommendations to the future relevant legislation of China.This thesis falls into three parts:The first part studies the underlying reasons for dishonor of L/C by the aspect of analysis of rights and obligations, meanwhile discusses the due and qualified essentials of dishonor of L/C in accordance with the UCP600, and also discusses the meanings and liabilities of improper payment and improper dishonor. In the author’s opinion, L/C should be encouraged to put into use in the field of settlement and dishonor of L/C should be reduced, and the rules of dishonor of L/C of UCP 600 are appropriate.The second part discusses the question that when the documents consist with each other apparently but actually include a fraud inside, which principle should be adhered to, the principle of independence of L/C or the principle of fraud exception, In the author’s opinion, the principle of fraud exception should be adhered to, therefore, in order to prevent fraud, the banks have the right of dishonor of L/C, otherwise the applicant has the right to apply for an injunction of dishonor.The third part That the letter of credit to pay the current legislative status , existing deficiencies, China’s credit system as well as the existing problems related proposals, especially on the issue of dishonor of L/C. It must be understood that L/C is a tool of payment rather than dishonor, the bank should only be entitled to dishonor in case of fraud. Finally, the author proposes to learn from the judicial procedure of the injunction of dishonor of L/C in US, and set up China’s own relevant injunction judicial procedure.

  • 【分类号】D996.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】352