

A Study on Sunlight Energy Saving of Green House Design and High Qulity Productivity Mordel in BaZhou Region

【作者】 裴先文

【导师】 林成; 秦勇; 杨保国;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 种植业, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文对巴州地区日光温室发展概况、日光温室结构类型及栽培模式、日光温室生产中存在的问题进行了分析和研究,并提出了巴州地区今后发展日光温室的建议。经过对巴州地区八县一市日光温室生产情况的全面调查和研究,总结出巴州地区日光温室合理的结构参数为:日光温室前屋面角22°~24°;跨度7m~7.5m:矢高2.8m~3.2m;后墙高度1.8m~2 1m;后屋面仰角33°~45°;墙体厚度O.8m~1.3m:长度70~80m,墙体采用“干打垒”等结构,覆盖物为棉被或双层草帘。巴州地区日光温室高产高效的栽培模式为:(1)围圈式日光温室春提早辣椒套种四季豆(苦瓜、结球甘蓝、油白菜)高产栽培模式,每667m~2产值1.2-1.4万元。(2)围圈式日光温室春提早单茬辣椒高产栽培模式,每667m~2产值1-1.2万元。(3)日光温室春提早辣椒和芹菜、四季豆(苦瓜)间套作高产栽培模式,每667m~2产值2万多元。(4)日光温室冬季生产双孢菇高产栽培模式,每667m~2单茬的纯利润达到3.6万元。各地可根据本地日光温室结构、覆盖材料、技术力量等具体情况,选择合适的栽培模式,以取得较高的经济效益。

【Abstract】 The essay focuses on the developing outline of sunlight greenhous e in Bazhou region, its structure type and its planting pattern, some existing problems in production, which are analyzed and studied. Mea nwhile some suggestions are raised out for the future of Bazhou regio n. Through the entire research and study for greenhouse production in Bazhou’ s eight counties and one cities. It concluded the proper str ucture parameter as follows: the front square angle of sunlight green house is 22°C to 24℃, its span is from 7m to 7.5m, its swear height is from 1.8m to 2.1m, the forward angle of back house is from 33℃t o 45℃, its width of the wall is from 0.8m to 1.3m, its length is fr om 70m to 80m, the wall structure body was adopted "dried base" and its coving is cotton quilt or double fodder.The efficient planting pattern for sunlight greenhouse in Bazhou region is as follows: (1) the pen formula sunlight greenhouse spring capsicum, with the season beans, such as balsam pear, coniferous cabb age, oil cabbage, the production value each 667 m~3 is 12000to 14000 yu an, (2) its single batch pattern : the production value each 667 m’ i s 10000 to 12000 yuan, (3) its combined pattern : the production valu e each 667 m~2 is more than 2000 yuan . (4) its double spore pattern, net profit is more than 36000yuan .It depends on sunlight greenhouse’ s structure, coving material t echnological power and so on, so we should choose proper pattern in o rder to get higher economic benefit.

  • 【分类号】S625
  • 【被引频次】3
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