

Behavioral Characteristics of Empoasca Vitis, Toxoptera Aurantii and Their Natural Enemy, Erigonidium Graminicolum

【作者】 林海清

【导师】 尤民生;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以茶园主要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis和茶蚜Toxoptera aurantii及其主要天敌草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum为研究对象,研究光强、上下方位、颜色及气味对假眼小绿叶蝉、茶蚜以及草间小黑蛛行为的影响,阐明假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜对茶树的定向行为机制,以及草间小黑蛛的猎物搜寻机制。主要研究结果如下。光敏感性试验表明:假眼小绿叶蝉对强光具有强的正趋性,而茶蚜无论是有翅型或无翅型对光的反应都不敏感。方位的选择试验结果表明,假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜对上下方位都有很强的选择性,位于上方室的虫数显著高于位于下方室的虫数。在颜色选择性试验中,茶蚜嗜好红色和黄色,而黄色是最接近茶梢的颜色,说明茶蚜能利用视觉对茶梢进行定向。将茶梢涂黑之后,假眼小绿叶蝉基本上不对其定向,即使当对照是圆叶决明时,假眼小绿叶蝉还是定向于非寄主的绿色植物而不是涂黑的寄主植物,说明假眼小绿叶蝉对颜色的反应敏感。茶蚜虽然对涂黑茶梢定向的虫数与不涂黑茶梢的定向的虫数相比差异显著,但是仍然有相当一部分茶蚜能凭借气味准确定向,而且当对照为圆叶决明时,它们不会因为圆叶决明是绿色的而朝其定向,而是定向于涂黑的茶梢,说明颜色对茶蚜的寄主定向行为很重要,但是并不是最主要的因素。在Y型嗅觉仪中,假眼小绿叶蝉对茶梢气味的反应与对照空气之间没有显著差异,说明假眼小绿叶蝉在对寄主植物的定向反应中寄主植物的气味所起的作用很小或者不起作用;有翅茶蚜与无翅茶蚜对茶梢气味的行为反应则显著高于对照空气,说明茶蚜能利用嗅觉对寄主植物进行定向。几种具刺激性气味的植物粗提液对假眼小绿叶蝉的寄主植物定向行为没有产生显著影响,说明外源气味对假眼小绿叶蝉的寄主植物定向行为没有影响;几种具刺激性气味的植物粗提液对茶蚜干扰作用的生物测定结果表明具刺激性气味的植物对茶蚜的行为都具有较强的干扰作用,都能达到50%以上,花椒和朝天椒的干扰作用可达到80%以上,说明外源气味对茶蚜的寄主定向行为能产生较大的影响。叶蝉与茶蚜对同源害虫危害的茶梢的选择与正常茶梢并没有显著差异,对异源害虫(叶蝉-茶蚜;茶蚜-叶蝉)危害的茶梢的选择与正常茶梢也没有显著差异,说明叶蝉与茶蚜对茶梢的危害不会给同种或异种昆虫造成显著影响。草间小黑蛛雌蛛和雄蛛对强光都有强烈的正趋性,说明草间小黑蛛能利用光亮区的猎物较多这一线索,趋向于光亮区。草间小黑蛛雌蛛和雄蛛对于上方位的选择显著高于下方位,说明草间小黑蛛能利用害虫出现频率较高的线索趋向上方位。草间小黑蛛对颜色不敏感,说明它们没有利用猎物的寄主植物的颜色进行猎物的搜索。草间小黑蛛雌蛛和雄蛛对寄主植物的气味、害虫假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜的气味以及二者的复合气味的趋性与对照空气间均没有显著差异,说明草间小黑蛛并没有利用嗅觉对其猎物或猎物的栖境进行定向。假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜对草间小黑蛛的气味和排泄物的行为反应试验表明:这两种茶树害虫不能利用嗅觉感知天敌的存在而躲避天敌的捕食。在实验室条件下,研究了草间小黑蛛对茶蚜的捕食作用。草间小黑蛛对茶蚜的捕食功能反应属于HollingⅡ型。草间小黑蛛有较强的种内干扰反应,随着捕食者密度的增大,草间小黑蛛的捕食率相应降低。猎物密度和天敌密度相互干扰会降低草间小黑蛛的搜寻效应,但对捕食量没有影响。

【Abstract】 This paper deals mainly with the effect of light, location, color and odor on behaviors of Empoasca vitis Gothe, Toxoptera aurantii Boyer and Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall as well as the functional responses of E. graminicolum to T. aurantii.The phototaxis experiments on E. vitis and T. aurantii indicated that E. vitis had a strong preference to light, while T. aurantii didn’t show any perference to it. In the test of their location selection, both E. vitis and T. aurantii preferred the upper part to the lower one. Six colors- red, yellow, green, blue, white and purple were employed to test their preference for color, and the result showed that T. aurantii were sensitive to red and yellow. Since tea shoots are often yellowish, its sensitivity to the color of yellow may imply that the insect would be dependent on the recognization of color when searching for young shoots. And when tea shoots were painted black, E. vitis preferred Cassia rotundifolia which is not its host plant, and although tea shoots painted black attracted less T. aurantii, it attracted much more tea aphids than C. rotundifolia.In the Y-tube olfactometer, E. vitis showed no significant preference to volatiles of tea shoots, while significantly more T. aurantii chose volatiles of tea shoots when tested against clean air. And the number of E. vitis attracted didn’t reduce but the number of T. aurantii decreased evidently when tea shoots were sprayed with extractions from other plants which were not host plants of these two kinds of pests. The result demonstrated that olfaction played a minor role for E. vitis in orientation to host plant, while it was very important for T. auranti to search for its host.E. vitis and T. aurantii showed no preference between normal tea shoots and tea shoots damaged by E. vitis and T. aurantii.Both male and female E. graminicolum showed preference for light. The result suggested that lighted areas where prey densities are elevated provide cues used by the spiders to rank optimal foraging sites. The number of E. graminicolum stayed in higher patch was much bigger than those staying in lower patch. They exhibited no significant differences among the six colors provided in the experiment. It indicated E. graminicolum were not sensitive to color and they didn’t use the cue of color of the host plant of their preys to choose habitat. In the Y-tube olfactometer, E. graminicolum showed no significant preference between odor of host plant of preys and air, odors of preys and air, mixed odors of preys and tea shoots and air. It indicated that E. graminicolum didn’t make use of odor of preys and their host plant to search food.In the Y-tube olfactometer, E. vitis and T. aurantii showed no significant preference between odor of tea shoots and mixture of tea shoots and E. graminicolum. It indicated that E. vitis and T. aurantii didn’t have the ability to decrease the predation risk through the strategy of decreasing the time of staying in the patch with high predation risk.The predatory functional responses of E. graminicolum to T. aurantii were also studied in the laboratory and the results showed that the functional responses of E. graminicolum to T. aurantii belonged to Holling’ s II type. Intraspecific interference was found in the experiment. The predation rate of E. graminicolum decreased along with the increase of predator density. Mutual interference of prey and predator densities could reduce the searching efficiency of E. graminicolum, but had no impact on its preying process.

  • 【分类号】S435.711
  • 【被引频次】2
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